Blood Moon 2018: Lunar eclipse, Mars appearing closer and meteor shower to knock out tonight | Science | New


July has been an awesome month for space enthusiasts with extraordinary views and planetary encounters.

Everything ends tonight with Mars being in opposition and the moon of blood with it being the closest to the Earth since 2003.

If that were not enough, it will also be the peak of the meteor shower of south of the Delta Aquariid.

The American Meteor Society said: "These meteors produce good rates for a week centered on the maximum night."

Rain occurs as the Earth crosses the orbital trajectory of comet 96P Machholz

Bill Cooke of the NASA Weather Office says that Aquariids "will reach" perhaps 20 meteors per hour at its peak

. The most active rains of the year, like the Perseids or the Geminids, but the extra celestial bonuses are worth getting out of it.

EarthSky notes that as the shower coincides with the full moon, some of the lunar light could wash off some of the weather.

The rain lasts until August 23, but the most active period begins in early August

It will still produce meteors when the Perseids meteor shower top will arrive on August 12 .

This storm could produce more than 100 meteors per hour

The reason for the low meteorite rate with Delta's aquariums is that they are best seen from the southern hemisphere.

In the Northern Hemisphere, where they come from the sky is

As with any meteor shower, astronomers want to get out of the city and head for black skies

More the sky is dark, the sight is beautiful.

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