Bomb alert at the BC courthouse – Peace Arch News


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Police evacuated the courthouse in downtown Victoria on Tuesday afternoon for launching a bombshell. (Keri Coles / News staff)

UPDATE: Bomb Alert in BC Court

Courthouse evacuated while police cleaned building with K9 unit

The Victoria courthouse was evacuated following a bomb threat shortly before 4 pm Tuesday.

BC Sheriffs Service called the Victoria Police Department after receiving a call at 3:45 pm saying that a bomb would explode in the courthouse in 20 minutes.

The sheriffs quickly evacuated and locked the courthouse. Eight prisoners held in the courthouse had to be evacuated and transported to Victoria Police cells.

VicPD closed the surrounding streets and used two K9 units to sweep the building.

Lawyers, judges and jury members, wrapped in blankets for warmth, gathered on the lawn of the nearby Christ Church Cathedral.

A @ VicPDK9 has just climbed into a police vehicle in front of the evacuated courthouse. @VictoriaNews #yyj #recent news

– Keri Coles (@KeriColesPhotog) November 7, 2018

After a thorough sweep of the courthouse, nothing suspicious was found.

"It was a male voice on the call but I have no other details at this point, this part is still under investigation. We have some leads, "said the acting Sgt. Mike Darling.

Police said members had cleared the building around 5:30 pm

VicPD confirmed that the Victoria courthouse had been evacuated due to a bomb threat. @ VicPDK9 sweep the building now. #yyjtraffic in the area is disturbed. More soon. #yyj #recent news

– Keri Coles (@KeriColesPhotog) November 7, 2018
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