Boris Johnson leaves his doors as the UK faces a Brexit crisis


LONDON – British Prime Minister Theresa May distanced herself on Monday after the resignation of two government ministers over negotiations over Brexit, which threatened to overthrow her fragile minority government

accusing May of stealing "flags white "capitulation in negotiations with the European Union. He said that "the Brexit dream is dying, choked by unnecessary doubt"

Johnson followed Brexit's secretary, David Davis, while a hard-won consensus on future trade links with the Block was disintegrating less than three days after Davis resigned last Sunday, stating that May's plan to maintain tight commercial and regulatory ties with the EU was "too far, too easily".

If Davis resigned In May, Johnson shook the foundations of his government. The blonde with ruffled head Johnson is one of Britain's best-known politicians and one of the most prominent Brexit advocates. Some euroskeptic lawmakers dream of replacing May with a convinced Brexite like Johnson, a populist and polarizing character who has never hidden his ambition of being prime minister

"It's like we're sending our vanguard in combat with the white flags floating above them, "writes Johnson in a letter that highlights his credentials as a Brexit champion at full speed." The government now has a song to sing ", he said. "The problem is that I practiced the words over the weekend and find that they stick to the throat."

May appointed one of his most loyal ministers, Jeremy Hunt, to replace Johnson in the post of British diplomat. Hunt had been health secretary, and is a major supporter of the government of a "soft Brexit" compromise.

May met with conservative legislators in a packed house in Parliament, with the aim of calming the feverish atmosphere of the deeply divided party. 19659002] According to Conservative Party rules, a vote of confidence in a leader can be triggered if 48 Conservative lawmakers write a letter asking for one. But the leading pro-Brexit legislator, Jacob Rees-Mogg, said that he did not think she would face a leadership challenge.

"My concern is about politics rather than the individual," he said. On March 29, 2019, EU leaders warned Britain that time is running out to reach an agreement defining the terms of the divorce and a post-split relationship

Two years after Great Britain had voted at 52 from May to 48% to leave the European Union, May tries to find a middle ground between two diametrically opposed views – in his party and in his country – of the UK's relationship with the country. 39; Europe. The pro-Europeans want to maintain close economic ties with the bloc and its market of 500 million people, while some, but not all, Brexit supporters want a clean break to conclude new trade agreements around the world

. The resignations came a few days after May announced Friday that she had finally united her quarrelsome government behind a plan for a divorce deal with the EU.

The government unit began to fray in a few hours. Legislators supporting Brexit have been irritated by the proposals, saying they would keep Britain tied to the bloc and unable to change its rules to enter into new trade deals in the world. They also argued that the proposals violated several government-defined "red lines", including a commitment to leave the EU customs union without customs duties.

In his resignation letter, Davis said: The control of large parts of our economy in the EU and certainly does not make control of our laws in a real sense. "

Johnson said in his letter that the plan for May to maintain close economic ties with the EU means that Britain is heading for a" half Brexit "that would leave Britain with the EU "colony status"

May defended her Brexit plan before lawmakers in the House of Commons on Monday, with Johnson missing from her usual place on the conservative front She said she and her the two missing ministers "do not agree on the best way to achieve our common commitment to honor the result of the referendum" in which British voters have chosen to leave the EU.

to maintain the UK and the EU in a free trade zone for goods, and urges Britain to maintain the same rules as the bloc for goods and agricultural products.

May said that the plan would deliver frictionless exchanges with Europe .How to avoid a difficult border between British Northern Ireland and Ireland member of the EU. Determining how to keep the currently invisible border free of tariffs and customs controls was a major obstacle to negotiations.

Rebuffer claims that his proposals make too many concessions to the EU, May said that his "regular and orderly Brexit" let Britain free to make its own laws and trade agreements.

Great Britain and the EU hope to reach a broad agreement by October so that the national parliaments of the other countries can ratify an agreement before the departure of Great Britain. The schedule is becoming more optimistic and the EU's frustration with the British division and chaos is increasing.

European Council President Donald Tusk said on Monday that "the disorder caused by Brexit is the EU's major problem."

Leader of the opposition Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, stated that the government was unable to issue Brexit

"How can one believe that the Prime Minister gets a good deal with 27 governments of the European Union?" She can not even negotiate an agreement within from his own firm? ", he asked.

May has retained her power longer than expected after she lost her majority in the June 2017 early elections in hopes of strengthening her hand. The Brexit Talks

But May's allies fear that other resignations may ensue.Steve Baker, a Brexit junior minister, resigned with Davis.May appointed Dominic Raab, the legislator resolutely pro-Brexit, to the position of new Many Brexit lawmakers were furious at what they considered to be a sale of the Brexit that they wanted. The conservative Eurosceptic MP Peter Bone said the party's activists felt "betrayed" by the government plan.

An opposition MP asked Monday whether she would oppose a vote of confidence if she came rather than resign. "She said with a touch of bravado." But I keep delivering what the British want. "

Associate press writers Lorne Cook and Raf Casert in Brussels contributed to this report. [19659027] [ad_2]
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