Brazil's ex-president Lula da Silva still in prison


A Brazilian appeals court judge on a quorum of a judge judged by the President of the United States. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in a dizzying day of judicial orders and counter-orders before the South American country's presidential vote. 19659002] Lula, 72, continues to lead a poll in his opinion of corruption,

In his Sunday afternoon ruling, he is serving a 12-year sentence for corruption, the wildly popular leftist. , Judge Pedro Gebran Neto overturned to a shock order to free Lula, which dropped hours earlier from Judge Rogerio Favreto to an appeals court in the southern city of Porto Alegre – the same one that had ordered the ex-president's arrest.

Favreto, the weekend duty judge, had been in favor of several deputies of Lula's Workers' Party. On the heels of the first rulings, top anti-corruption judge Sergio Moro – who originally sentenced Lula in July 2017 – Favreto did not have the power to secure the leftist

Gebran Neto followed, instructing federal police at a prison in Curitiba city to keep Lula behind bars

Favreto Lula should be released within an hour 's time

That deadline pbaded, and at 6.30pm, Lula is locked up. About 500 supporters in Curitiba, waving banners, Brazilian flags and signs calling for his freedom.

Lula has been imprisoned since April following his conviction for accepting a seaside apartment as a bribe from Brazilian construction company OAS. [19659002Hehasinsistedonhisinnocenceandbrandedthecorruptionaccusationsapoliticalconspiracyaimedatthwartinghiselectoralaspirations

After ruling Brazil from 2003 to 2011, Lula left office with sky-high ratings praised social programs to reduce poverty

"Lula free now!"

But even if released, Lula could see his candidacy invalidated by the South American country's electoral court

Just last month B razil's Supreme Court withdrew Lula's appeal from its agenda, [1]

The lower court said the top chamber could only handle cases of possible constitutional violations. which Lula's request did not meet.

Prosecutors in May filed new graft charges against Lula, his ex-economy minister and two other political figures allegedly promised US $ 40 million by the Odebrecht conglomerate, which is also linked to corruption scandals elsewhere in Latin America.

The charges are part of the "Car Wash" operation, Brazil's biggest ever anti-graft crackdown. President Michel Temer and politicians from all major parties

Investigators discovered that politicians and their parties were allegedly taking money from Odebrecht and other big companies in exchange for political favors and contracts with state oil companies Petrobras

Yet Lula and his fans remain steadfast in their goal to take over control of Brazil's executive branch.

The former president of the United States.

But last week Lula ceased commenting on the World Cup to comply with the rules of the television and radio appearances after June 30.

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