By Tim Ross Bloomberg
Alex Morales
Thu, 5 July 2018
U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May fights for cabinet support for her Brexit plan while a compromise proposal to unite belligerent ministers was rejected by her chief negotiator
David Davis, Brexit Secretary, He wrote that how the customs should work after the divorce is impractical, according to a person familiar with the situation, confirming an earlier report in the telegraph.
His move comes just two days before May brings his ministers together to try to force an agreement on what kind of business relationship the United Kingdom will look for the European Union after the divorce. She informed the ministers of some details of her plan, but she kept the complete document from them. Some officials do not expect to see him until the day before.
The issue is whether the UK government can devise a coherent and unified position that negotiators can then present to their EU counterparts. The details that have emerged so far indicate that May is looking to maintain closer ties with the block that she had originally planned. While Environment Minister Michael Gove, a key Brexit activist, said he was not expecting a resignation from cabinet ministers, pro-Brexit lawmakers are outraged by what he says. They consider it a betrayal of their project
May to make an agreement with the block that protects their interests. Jaguar Land Rover added his voice to the refrain Wednesday, saying that a bad deal over Brexit would jeopardize investment and jobs.
All that Mai can produce must be a plan that the EU does not reject immediately, as time is running out. reach an agreement before the day of release in March. May meets German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Thursday as she seeks support in European capitals. The EU has so far rejected its proposals on trade and customs.
Read more:
The European Union asks the United Kingdom to produce a "realistic" Brexit plan or a failure
The new customs compromise aimed to bridge the gap between May Conservative Party ministers, who want a clear split with the EU and their colleagues who say: businesses need to maintain the closest ties possible.
The United Kingdom would levy customs duties on goods crossing the border destined for the EU. The use of technology and the accreditation of companies through "trust traffics" will minimize bureaucracy for businesses – such as the need to claim if they have too high rates – said a British official on condition of anonymity
. Called "customs facilitated agreement", it is a mix of the two British options that split the cabinet in May and have caused stalemate in the negotiations since. The EU did not like one or the other of the previous suggestions.
The plan also aims to avoid customs controls over the politically sensitive Ireland-U.K.
In theory, the United Kingdom will be free to conclude its own trade agreements and to determine an independent tariff regime. Gaining the freedom to enter into independent trade agreements and establish a pricing policy is a key goal for Brexit activists.
It's not just Davis who is worried. Her pro-Brexit colleagues in May want her to explain more clearly how the new customs proposal for the future British customs regime will work, as some fear that she may keep the country chained to the tariff regime of the United Kingdom. EU forever, according to people who know
The Conservative European Conservative MEP met Wednesday with the British police chief to express his concerns that he was going to betray his vision of A clear break with the EU. Jacob Rees-Mogg, the head of the ERG, said on Wednesday that he would not accept his plan as he ties the UK to the tariff and regulatory regime of the company. EU.
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