BREXIT LIVE: 'If you want help, do not look behind you', May said she was 'HUMILIATED' | Politics | New


SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford launched the furious attack on the Prime Minister, denouncing the little progress made by the European Union in the tight negotiations held at a summit in Brussels last week.

He said: "Prime Minister, some advice – if you are looking for support, do not look behind you.

"The Prime Minister returns to the House today after being humiliated in Brussels.


"While time is running out and there's only a few months left before the UK leaves the EU, while Checkers is shredded, the UK has no plans to go out from the dead end, no plan as we get closer to the edge of the cliff.

"Why, because the prime minister is humiliated and blocked by the extreme Brexiteers of her own party."

Jeremy Corbyn also condemned Theresa May for "returning control" to the EU.

The Labor leader attacked the Prime Minister and his government, calling their "Brexit negotiations with the European Union" a shambolic "failure".

This latest criticism took place after Ms May suggested that she is considering an extension of the transition period beyond December 2020 "for a few months", mainly to solve the problem of the Irish border with Brussels.

Mr. Corbyn raged in the House of Commons: "Every word on Brexit was expected – a mix of failure and illusion.

"The Conservatives have been fighting over an agreement that benefits Britain.

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Brexit News: Theresa May vows that her contract with Brexit is 95% (Image: SKY NEWS)

Instead of regaining control, we give it back. What a total disaster, having absolutely not acted in the public interest

Jeremy Corbyn

"Their negotiations were a complete failure and they are now asking for more time.

"The EU has already agreed to convene a special summit in November to help the Prime Minister, but it has been withdrawn because it will not be ready for the moment.

"How much will it cost in payments to the EU per month for this extension?

"It does not seem like taking control, it's like a government and its leader losing control.

"This government is ultimately incompetent, suffocated by its own failures.

"Having absolutely not acted in the public interest, will the Prime Minister do it now and give way to a government able and willing to do it?"

"Instead of regaining control, we are returning it, what a total disaster, having absolutely not acted in the public interest."

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Brexit Jeremy Corbyn

Brexit News: Jeremy Corbyn attacked "the failure of the war" in the negotiations (Image: TV PARLIAMENT)

Update from 21:30: "The EU will be made for" a German politician calls for a SECOND referendum on Brexit

Germany has asked Remoaners to be called to a second referendum after Brexit can completely destroy the EU.

Speaking as part of the German political debate program, Anne Will, former Secretary of State Sigmar Gabriel, has engaged in negotiations in the stalemate over the Brexit suggested that Prime Minister Theresa May's response to blocked negotiations would be to give Remainers a second vote.

Mr Gabriel pointed to some oddities which, in his view, would have made the Brexit ballot illegitimate, such as British teens too young to vote in the June 2016 referendum – according to him – would almost certainly vote in the House of Commons. a second referendum.

He also said that the fact that the UK is getting an agreement with the EU would undermine the bloc's single market rules.

He evoked fears that Italy would do the same and would require their own departure from Brussels, adding that if the Brexit came to fruition, "the EU will be over for".

Update from 21:00: "The month of May is UNABLE," Farage told the PM and warned against "the tentacles of the EU"

Nigel Farage launched a virulent attack on Theresa May's "submission" during the Brexit negotiations with the EU's "brutality monster".

The Prime Minister is "unable" and "in a position of weakness" in his talks with Brussels, according to the former head of the UKIP, who compared the EU to Glenn Close's unscrupulous stalker in Fatal Attraction.

Mr Farage claimed to have been aware of an account of an EU meeting which was "depreciating" Ms May's Checkers' plans on taxes.

The document shows that Michel Barnier's negotiating team for the EU wants to stifle British companies by preventing Britain from diverging with Brussels on taxes, according to Farage.

Update from 19:45: The case of May according to which the Brexit is concluded at 95% is a "false representation"

Lord Hain attacked Ms May for her comment that the Brexit agreement with Brussels is 95% concluded, calling it a "false statement".

He added: "Is not this also the case of his request to make everyone believe that the Brexit is finished and dusted when in fact they are only the terms of the divorce?"

"Even if it quickly reaches a spooky deal with Brussels, it's only a prelude to years and years of much tougher negotiations over our future trading relationships."

Update from 19:00: voters will not "forgive" the government if it does not propose a meaningful vote on the Brexit agreement

Anna Soubry expressed her concerns despite the badurances of Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab that the government hoped that a motion on the agreement would be subject to amendment.

MEPs will have to vote on any agreement reached between Theresa May and the EU, the opposition parties and some of her own allies warning that they may not support it.

Remainer and Brexiteer MEPs suggested that the voting legislation could be amended to make changes to keep the UK closer to the EU or to move it further away from the EU. does allow it to agree.

The Conservative member said: "I agree with former Conservative Attorney General Dominic Grieve to badert that it is a question of trust and that the Secretary of State has the He had to stand up and say that as the former Minister of Justice who led this bill in the House, he did not do it. understand the consequences.

"It's not only a matter of confidence in Parliament and on the benches on this side, and Mr. Raab knows that many members are worried about all this and trust the government so that we could vote significantly, but it is also among the people of this country.

"And if they think that there is a breach of trust, they will not forgive this government."

Update from 18h20: Members unite behind May after the "violent comments" of the rank of Brexit

Theresa May was urged to remove the bad from her party to a member of parliament who had used "violent language" to describe a possible coup d'etat to overthrow her.

Members voted in support of Ms. May to condemn these remarks. Former Brexit Minister Steve Baker called for disciplinary action.

He said: "The person or persons who directed abusive language on Ms. May were completely dishonored.

"I really hope that they will be discovered and hopefully it will pull them off the bad."

Update from 5:50 pm PM warned: "If you are looking for help, do not look behind you"

SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford warned Theresa May by suggesting that the support of her own MPs was dwindling.

He said the prime minister was "completely humiliated" after not having made significant progress on a Brexit deal at a summit with European leaders in Brussels last week.

Mr. Blackford said: "Prime Minister, some advice – if you are looking for support, do not look behind you.

"The Prime Minister is returning to the House today in Brussels completely humiliated, while time is running out and there are only a few months left before the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, with the dismemberment of Checkers, the UK does not intend to break the stalemate plan as we get closer to the edge of the cliff

"Why, because the prime minister is humiliated and blocked by the extreme Brexiteers of her own party."

Brexit Ian Blackford

Brexit News: Blackford warned May "If you're looking for support, do not look behind you" (Image: TV PARLIAMENT)

17:30 update: May closes calls for a second referendum

Theresa May fervently repressed calls for a second referendum on Brexit, insisting that there already existed a vote of the people and that they should not be told to think about new.

Responding to more and more calls for a second referendum, she said, "We have given people a vote on this issue. There was a vote of the people and people voted in larger numbers than before and people voted to leave the European Union.

"Our politicians must hold the vote of the people and not tell them to think again."

17:20 update: May Corbyn accused of wanting to "frustrate Brexit and call a general election"

The prime minister again accused the Labor leader of "playing politics" with Brexit.

She says: "Throughout all this, everything we've seen from the Labor Party, from him, is doing politics with this problem.

"One minute, they want to accept the referendum, the next, they want a second referendum, one minute, they mean free movement ends, next time they say free movement is still on the table.

"He's doing everything he can to thwart Brexit and start a general election."

Update 17:15: "They are asking for more time!" – Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn once again attacked Theresa May and her government over the Brexit negotiations, calling them "chamber failure."

The Labor leader told Parliament: "The Conservative Party has spent the last two years arguing over negotiating a reasonable deal in the public interest.

"Even at this crucial moment, they bicker among themselves."

"Their negotiations on Brexit have been a litany of missed deadlines, of failed Chambolics and they are now asking for more time.

"Instead of regaining control, they give our word and pay for the privilege.

"What a disaster! Having absolutely not acted in the public interest, will the Prime Minister act now and give way to an able and willing government? "

Update 17:10: "We will not give in to those who want to stop Brexit with a vote of politicians" – May

Theresa May told the Commons: "The Brexit discussions do not deal with my interests, but with the national interest.

"And the interest of the UK as a whole.Serving our national interest will require that we keep our courage during these final stages of negotiations – the hardest of all.

"It will mean not giving in to those who want to stop Brexit with a vote of politicians.

"Politicians tell people that they were wrong the first time and that they should try again."

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Brexit News: Sajid Javid arrives at Downing Street before Theresa May's speech (Image: GETTY)

Update from 17:00: may concede, there are circumstances in which an extension of the transition period might be preferable

The Prime Minister had previously stated in the House of Commons: "I have not made a commitment to extend the implementation period, I do not want to extend it and I do not think that extending it would be necessary. "

She later admitted that there may be some circumstances in which a "short" extension of the transitional period is a favorable option.

However, Ms. May added that the transition period should be completed well before the end of Parliament in June 2022.

She stated: "There are certain limited circumstances in which one could argue that an extension of the implementation period would be better if we were certain that it was only for a short period of time," he said. she said.

"A short extension of the implementation period would mean a single set of changes for businesses as we move to the future relationship.

"But in such a scenario, we should get out of this implementation period well before the end of the legislature".

Update from 4:15 pm: The government is laughing at the progress of the withdrawal agreement

Theresa May is to speak in front of the Commons and said that 95% of the British Brexit deal was concluded.

Peter Dowd, Secretary General of the Treasury, however, declared in Parliament: "We are told that 95% of the agreement is concluded, as if it were supposed to rebadure us, I could perhaps remind the government that 95% of the Titanic's course has been completed.

"If this government had acted, there would be no question of overtime, the only thing that costs this government, it is this useless government."

16:05 update: The government is NOT planning to use the extension of the transitional period

Treasury Minister John Glen confirmed that a proposal to extend the "few months" transition period beyond December 2020 had been suggested as the United Kingdom and the EU were looking for to break the stalemate in the Brexit negotiations – mainly around the Irish border.

But he said: "This should not be used because we are working to make sure we have a relationship in place by the end of December 2020."

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Brexit News: Nigel Dodds, Deputy Leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, arrives at number 10 (Image: GETTY)

Update from 16:00: the UK will not pay more money to the EU in divorce bill – John Glen

Treasury Minister John Glen has insisted that the government will not seek more money from the EU in addition to what has already been agreed in the agreement on the Brexit divorce.

The former Conservative Cabinet Minister, John Redwood, warned that an extension of the transition period beyond December 2020 could cost an additional £ 20 billion in the UK.

This would add to the estimated £ 39 billion divorce bill already in force.

But in Parliament, Mr. Glen said, "We do not expect this government to pay more money to the EU.

He added: "When the sum of £ 35 to £ 39 billion was approved, three principles were also agreed: the United Kingdom would not make its payments sooner than it would have done otherwise. rather than the forecasts and this would also mean that we would include all the advantages as a Member State. "

Update from 3:50 pm: An extension of the transition period could cost an additional £ 20 in the UK – John Redwood

The former Conservative Cabinet minister, John Redwood, warned that extending the transition period could cost the UK up to £ 20 billion, in addition to the bill on the divorce estimated at 39 billion £ with the EU.

On the maintenance of the EU Customs Union and the withdrawal agreement in the Commons, he said that the UK desperately needed more money for hospitals , schools and Universal Credit, among other services.

Mr. Redwood added, "We need tax cuts to increase people's net wages and allow them to spend more.

"All of this is possible if we do not give 39 billion pounds to the EU, and would be even more so if we did not promise 15 or 20 billion more pounds for a while, never if we will now yield another one. time.

"So, when will this government stand up to the EU, when will it say that it wants a free trade agreement and that it does not see the need to pay it?" and when will he exclude the signing of a withdrawal agreement – what constitutes a surrender document that we can not afford? "

Brexit John Glen

Brexit: John Glen said the government was not trying to pay more in addition to the EU's divorce bill (Image: TV PARLIAMENT)

Paul Withers succeeding live reports by Rebecca Perring.

Update at 3:03 pm: Politicians have harbaded Theresa May as the battle of Brexit gets harder and harder

At anonymous briefings, the Prime Minister's opponents hinted that she would be "stabbed at the front" and should "bring her own rope" to a meeting with backbench MPs .

Robert Halfon, chair of the House of Commons Education Committee, said the comments gave the Conservatives an "awful" look in the eyes of the public.

The Conservative MP told World At One on BBC Radio 4 that it was "clearly unacceptable" and was "a shame for them, it's a shame for the Conservative Party".

"We can not start whistling the kind of extremist trolls on Twitter and if members want to do that, they should not belong to our party at all," he said.

The chair of the Special Committee on Health, Sarah Wollaston, has questioned the use of this language less than two years after the badbadination of Labor MP Jo Cox.

She said: "Shame on the headless cowards who hide behind anonymity to use such troubling and violent language."

Update from 14:31: A second referendum on the European Union would provide an even larger majority for leave – Secretary of Northern Ireland

Reaffirming her opposition to the so-called popular vote on the final Brexit agreement, Karen Bradley, who voted for the 2016 Remain vote, insisted that it would undermine the democratic process.

Ms Bradley, who was speaking at a meeting of the Anglo-Irish Parliamentary Assembly in London, said that the people had already spoken.

She said, "Personally, I think if I hit, there will be a bigger vote for permission," she said.

"The fact is that people have spoken, we had a vote of the people."

Update from 3:15 pm: May's cabinet was sighted arriving at Downing Street

The Deputy Leader of the Democratic Trade Union Party (DUP), Nigel Dodds, and Interior Minister, Sajid Javid, were photographed entering number 10, before Theresa May's speech at Brexit to 15:30.

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Brexit News: Theresa May arrives at Downing Street (Image: REUTERS)

Update from 1:45 pm: Irish Prime Minister at Brexit Twitter Spit

Leo Varadkar answered a Brexit supporter who cited UK loans to Ireland during the financial crisis

He posted on Twitter: "Happy to do the same for the UK and help them financially in the future if they need it for any reason."

Update of 13:22: the DUPs announced that they would come back with an amendment proposed by the rebel legislators Brexiteer

The amendment will effectively make the EU's support proposal illegal, according to the Daily Telegraph.

A prominent Brexit Minister, Steve Baker, will attempt to block the EU's security plan by annexing amendments to laws pbaded by Parliament that would make the proposal illegal.

Steven Swinford, political editor of the Telegraph, said: "The DUP will support the amendment tabled by Tory Eurosceptics on Wednesday that will make NI support from the EU illegal.

"Another headache for number 10, with 40 conservative MPs already ready to support it."

Update 01:01: Two urgent questions will be asked before May delivers her update on Brexit

Prior to the Prime Minister's declaration on Brexit, John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, asked two urgent questions about certain aspects of the process.

The former Conservative cabinet minister, John Redwood, will ask about the costs badociated with maintaining the EU customs union and withdrawal agreement.

Former Attorney General Dominic Grieve will ask if the "meaningful vote" on any Brexit deal will deal with an editable motion – giving MPs the opportunity to influence the government's approach.

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Brexit News: Dominic Raab warned the EU that she could not "choose" (Image: REUTERS)

Update at 12:38 pm: Secretary of Northern Ireland says there will be no border on the island of Ireland

Speaking at a meeting of the Anglo-Irish Parliamentary Assembly in London, Karen Bradley said: "A suggestion was made last week to the European Council regarding an extension of the period of implementation. implemented as a means of dealing with the border.

"Now we are looking at this, it's the beginning, it's a suggestion that has been put forward by the EU.

"And I want to make it clear that we are committed to all that we have agreed in the joint report and that we will ensure that there is no border on the island of Africa". ;Ireland."

12:22 update: Former Ministers Iain Duncan Smith and Owen Paterson denied that they have damaged Ms. May's life after meeting Michel Barnier in Brussels

Mr. Duncan Smith said, "We present ideas that we consider constructive and we had a constructive discussion.

"Now we will come back to discuss it with the government."

He added that anyone who violently informed the Prime Minister's future "had to put all his weight on the Conservative Party."

"It has nothing to do with our policy, it has nothing to do with this issue," he told reporters in Brussels, adding that the prime minister had "his full support ".

12:02 update: World-renowned scientists warn Theresa May not to allow Brexit to create new barriers to collaboration in Europe

Dozens of Nobel laureates have written to the Prime Minister and President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to express their concerns.

The London-based Francis Crick Institute echoed the message that a tough Brexit could paralyze science across the continent.

Nobel laureate and director Crick, Sir Paul Nurse, one of the signatories of the letter, said the scientists feared that a hard Brexit "seriously damages the search".

The letter to the prime minister, signed by 29 Nobel laureates and six winners of the Fields Medal for Outstanding Mathematicians, indicated that "the creation of new obstacles" to collaboration in the European Union "would hinder progress, to the detriment of all ".

Update on 11:00: Theresa May's spokesperson reacted to the attacks on the Prime Minister this weekend

The official spokesman for the prime minister said: "I do not intend to give an answer to these specific anonymous comments.

"The Prime Minister has always been very clear that we must give the public discourse a tone that is neither dehumanizing nor pejorative.

"Personal vitriol does not belong in our politics."

Updated of 10h52: David Davis slams the alarming flywatch

The former secretary of Brexit said that a no-fly zone between Europe and the UK is simply "improbable" and simply "alarmist".

Mr. Davis wrote: "In addition, the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation will always exist and will need to be enforced, and they will hardly do it.

"European flights would still need our airspace to get to the United States. This should be enough to focus minds on a reasonable result. "

Update at 10:35 am: Transport Minister says he is willing to accept a "short bridge" as support if Brexit negotiations are not completed by next March

"There are two years left to settle the details of what will follow," he said. He added: "I am perfectly happy to consider a short bridge between the end of the implementation period and the start of the future economic partnership, if any.

"I do not think it's necessary, I do not want it, because what he can not do, he absolutely can not do, is we trapping indefinitely in limbo, and the Cabinet is completely united about this. "

Brexit News

Brexit News: Keir Starmer says Labor Party would support second Brexit vote (Image: REUTERS)

Update of 10:01: The pound has strengthened modestly against the dollar after May said that an agreement on Brexit was nearing completion

At 8:15 am (GMT), the pound was 0.1% firmer at $ 1.3081, hitting its two-week low hit Friday.

But against the euro, the pound was flat to slightly weaker at 88.12 pence.

Investec economist Victoria Clarke said: "There is a lot of market talk about the possibility of a motion of no confidence against May, which has increased over the weekend.

"This question is hanging over the pound sterling, which is also waiting for another visit on Brexit, probably from this May address today."

Update from 9.46: Secret meeting of the deputies of the Hardline Brexit with Barnier to derail the Brexit

A group of conservative MPs will hold an in camera meeting with the Brexit EU negotiator, Mr Barnier, in Brussels today.

Members of the Eurosceptic European Research Group will launch their own badault on the Prime Minister's proposal on auditors, explaining to the EU negotiator that the key economic proposals of the plan are impracticable.

Iain Duncan Smith and Owen Paterson will also explain how, in their view, the United Kingdom and the European Union can trade smoothly with Mr Barnier.

Update of 9:57: MEPs seeking a vote of confidence with regard to Theresa May risk seeing Britain leave the EU without an agreement – Chris Grayling, secretary of 39 State of Transport

Brexiteer, who led May's leadership campaign in 2016, called for calm as opponents of the prime minister stepped up their threats to dismiss her if she did not change her focus on Brexit.

Asked about a possible vote of no confidence, Grayling told BBC Radio 4's Today: "It's really a moment of calm and lucidity.

"We have to go to the last negotiation and a vote in Parliament will follow.

"The reality is that, if the proposed agreement can not be pbaded by Parliament, we will find ourselves in a situation of non-agreement, so it is in the interest of all, of course. European Union and ourselves, to ensure that we agree, it is something that both parties can accept. "

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Brexit News: Theresa May makes a frantic call to her MPs Sunday night (Image: PA)

Update of 9:24: Raab hinted at concessions to the EU

The secretary of Brexit suggested that the deadline may be three months, but that the move should "solve" the problem of the Irish backstop.

He said: "If there is to be a bridge, I am open to the possibility of using a short extension of the implementation period. Say three months. "

9:16 update: Workers could support second referendum – Keir Starmer

The Brexit Labor Party secretary praised the "People's Vote" rally, where 700,000 people traveled to London to protest for a second vote on the referendum agreement.

He told the BBC's Andrew Marr: "If no agreement is reached or the agreement is rejected, there are other options, including a public vote.

"Et dans ce vote public, aucune option n'est exclue, y compris l'option de rester."

Ses commentaires sont en comparaison directe avec le chef du parti travailliste Jeremy Corbyn, qui a refusé d'appuyer un deuxième vote.

Mise à jour de 9h: Le secrétaire du Brexit, Dominic Raab, a lancé un sévère avertissement à l'UE

Il a averti le bloc de Bruxelles qu'il ne pouvait pas "choisir" l'accord de Checkers avec la Première ministre Theresa May.

M. Raab a insisté sur le fait que le Royaume-Uni devait faire très attention à ne pas nous compromettre dans les dernières étapes des négociations avec l'UE.

S'exprimant lors de l'émission Andrew Marr de la BBC, M. Raab a averti l'Union européenne qu'elle ne serait pas en mesure de "choisir" le modèle controversé du Premier ministre, Checkers.

Mise à jour de 8h54 du matin: Jacob Rees-Mogg avertit May de «changer la stratégie du Brexit maintenant ou au risque de voir le mercredi noir»

The Brexiteer cautioned Theresa May to develop a financial strategy for a Brexit without a transaction or a black Wednesday repeat risk in 1992, which led to the defeat of the Conservative Party after that the British economy was in ruins.

Mr Rees-Mogg insisted that Mrs May should prepare Britain for a possible financial crash if the UK leaves the EU without any agreement or risks losing public confidence in its government.

Update from 8:46 am: Brexit's action plan will seduce Britain into the European single market – shock report

A damning report has accused politicians of being under the illusion that being part of the EU's single market is so vital to the United Kingdom that its principles must be preserved after Brexit.

A vision that Theresa May agreed with the ministers meeting at her Checkers residence in July would see the UK and the EU respect a "common rule book" for merchandise trade.

It really comes down to staying in the single market, leaving Britain constrained to obey rules over which it has no influence, while hindering our ability to enter into new trade agreements around the world. , warned a report of the pro-Brexit Global Britain think tank.

Nouvelles du Brexit

Nouvelles du Brexit: Theresa May et son mari Philip badistent à un service religieux à Maidenhead (Image: PA)

Update of 8:40: The UK could be forced to end the practice of late hour after Brexit

According to a committee of the House of Lords, the EU plans to abolish the annual hour change in April 2019, a month after Brexit.

Update at 8:03: Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab said the exit agreement should be finalized by the end of next month

Mr. Raab stated that he would authorize the introduction of new laws in time for the day of the release.

He suggested that an extension of the transition could last three months, but said that this decision should "solve" the problem of Irish backs.

Labor warned Ms. May that she would not support her plan for Brexit when it reached the Commons.

Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer said that there is a "real lack of confidence" in the fact that Ms. May can bring back "no matter what".

Update at 8:01 am: Theresa Villiers, a senior Brexite specialist, attacks the claims, claiming that Theresa May is entering the "killing zone".

La ministre du Brexit, Suella Braverman, a déclaré que ses collègues étaient "libres de s'exprimer comme bon leur semble" et a refusé à plusieurs reprises de dire qu'elle soutiendrait Mme May lors d'un vote de confiance.

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