Bid preparation costs for the 2026 Winter Olympics in Calgary will be at least $ 5.1 million more than anticipated.
But this increase will have no impact on property taxes. The money will be used to cover the cost of backfilling the city staff working on Olympic issues, as well as hiring consultants and executing a program of engagement of the city. this fall.
Coun. Evan Woolley, who chairs the City's Olympic Games Evaluation Committee, says the costs will not affect the $ 30 million already set aside for Olympic bid preparation work
. Normally … this work would have been moved internally through the staff, "he said." In our efforts to be open and transparent, we specify very precisely the kind of time that staff must devote to the due diligence of this work, and what are those costs. "

A chart describing how money will be increased be spent that was presented to members of the city's finance committee. (Dave Dormer / CBC)
Despite this, Councilor Peter Demong says that he is concerned about the extra costs.
"I'm never happy to spend money" he said, "I am impressed that we are very transparent: they are city workers, and in many cases many different governments do not even mention that this money is being spent. to say that's what we actually cost internally, so we make it as public as possible.
The money will be spent over the next 16 months. to a decision of the International Olympic Committee on the organizers of the 2026 Winter Olympic Games, to be held in September 2019.
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