Calgary Police Chief Retiring in January


The Calgary Police Chief announced that he planned to retire in 2019 after 32 years of service.

Roger Chaffin announced Tuesday that his last day would be January 6, 2019.

"When I accepted the post Three years ago, it was in order to provide resilience to long-term through modernization and an advanced model of policing, "said Mr. Chaffin in a statement


The Calgary Police Commission announced that it begin the process of hiring a new leader by creating a commission recruitment committee composed of members of the commission on July 31. [19659002] "Chief Chaffin has put the Calgary Police Service on the road to A modern police service that reflects the values ​​and characteristics of our community, "said Brian Thiessen, Chair of the Calgary Police Commission, and CPS is optimistic about the achievements we will see in the future. over the next few years, we wish him the best for his withdrawal e. "

Mr. Chaffin addressed a number of issues during his three years as Chief, responding to an increase in gun violence, responding to allegations of toxicity and harbadment within the service. . Over the last few months, Mr. Chaffin told CBC News that he was open to decriminalizing small-scale drug possession for users – a position that would have been unthinkable when he joined service in 1986.

Here is Chaffin's statement in its entirety:

"It is with mixed emotions that I announce my retirement as police chief of the police department of Calgary. Considerable deliberation has been made to make this decision, but for personal reasons, I know it's the right time for me to retire after 32 years of service.

The decision is not based on a particular event or issue.

When I accepted the position three years ago, it was intended to provide long-term resilience through modernization and an advanced model of maintaining the health and safety. 39; order. With HR and financial reforms on track, efforts to implement the strategies and recommendations of Justice Wittmann's use of force report and a solid four-year business plan, the service is best placed to prosper.

We know that this important work will continue as we strive to create a service that meets the needs of the community and our members. In the remaining months, I will continue to lead the service knowing that our path is one of opportunity, responsibility, and integrity for many years to come.

I take this opportunity to publicly thank the commission for having the opportunity to lead such an incredible organization and the support they have given me over the years. years. I would also like to thank all the people at CPA who have made this job such a pleasure: being part of the CPS, not just a career, is like being part of a family.

Equally important, I thank the citizens of Calgary. We have been saying for many years that creating a safe and healthy environment in a city the size of Calgary is not just a police problem. It is an issue that can only be solved when we all work together to achieve this common goal. We depend on the community we serve proudly – thank you. "

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