Calgary weather: end of thunderstorm in Calgary


Hunter, two years old, enjoys a refreshing swim in the Rotary Park Water Park, Calgary, on Thursday, July 19, 2018.

Gavin Young / Postmedia

Environment Canada ended a violent storm in Calgary.

The watch remains in effect in Airdrie as well as in parts of northern Alberta

Meteorologists have called Thursday afternoon at a kind of afternoon in the south of the city. Alberta while storms were developing along a trough.

It may not be a coincidence that the Alberta Motor Association has accounted for the damage done by bad weather in Alberta over the last few years in an effort to get people to take summer storms seriously. Here are some sobering facts:

  • Insured damage of more than $ 5 billion since 2010.
  • Alberta claims accounted for more than 61% of all insured losses in Canada since 2010. [19659008] Two out of three major graces The two most devastating hail storms in Canadian history both occurred in Calgary: the July 12, 2010 storm that caused more than $ 400 million worth of damage and 1991 storm which resulted in claims of about $ 340.

The forecast looks a lot brighter with clear skies for the next two days and a high temperature of 26 on Friday and 21 on Saturday

Weather Alerts?

Be sure to stay up to date with the storm watches and warnings. You can view all the weather conditions in Alberta here

You can also check weather alerts anywhere in Canada here

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