Can a big tablet beat a terrible computer?

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With the launch of the iPad Pro, has Apple created a tablet that replaces your laptop or the continued use of iOS is it a drag on the sale in the professional tablet that can cost more than $ 2,000?

Apple CEO Tim Cook (C) speaking at the launch of new products at a launch ceremony at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on October 30, 2018 (VCG / VCG photo via Getty Images)

At the first launch of the iPad in 2010, Apple managed to reach a very small audience while attracting the attention of the media and geekerati. It's curious to see how the world of smartphones has overtaken and surpbaded Apple in terms of sales volume – the demand for more was there – but Android tablets have never managed to get the right mix of pbadion, fanatical support and software.

Thanks to the loyal supporters of Apple, the iPad has quickly established itself, even if its ultimate usefulness has not been solved, beyond the fact that it was a "large phone with a screen for the media consumption ". The tablet family continued to advance, taking advantage of Apple's closed ecosystem and a large network of iPhone developers.

Next, the iPad Pro was launched in 2015, reinforcing the specifications of the tablet and promising to be a device that would work as a creativity tool.

Now, Apple wants the iPad Pro to be considered a "complete computer", suitable for all the tasks that the desktop can handle. And that's where the promise falls, as the first reviews of the 2018 models show.

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, speaks while unveiling new products at a launch event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on October 30, 2018 in New York City (photo by Stephanie Keith / Getty Images)

The idea is simple: the iPad Pro can replace your computer. The problem here is that this definition of a computer belongs to Apple. If you have a requirement that is out of the walled garden of Apple, then you have a very expensive clipboard that reads a bit too many pianos of Abba songs. And it does not take much for the iPad Pro to fail. Take the USB-C port. It may work with monitors and keyboards, but ask it to connect to external storage, hard drives, cameras, flash cards, and you'll wait a long time. Nilay Patel at The Verge:

The only thing that iOS can do with external storage devices is to import photos: if you connect a camera or memory card from a camera, iOS 12 automatically opens the camera. Camera import screen and allows you to import photos into your camera.

That's all. This is the only way for iOS 12 to handle external storage. And to make matters worse, you have to import into the film system. You can not import photos directly into an application such as Lightroom CC. Apple must be in the middle.

The limit is of course iOS. The vision of an Apple computer is one where Apple touches both the user and the workflow. As a developer, you browse the Apple Store and its restrictive policies. As a user, you can only run Apple-authorized applications, no tinkering, no property rights, no hacking around the enclosed garden.

Even if the hardware is present, Apple will decide if the developers will have access to it. The UK government is launching a mobile application that requires pbadports to be scanned via NFC. Android users, no problem. iOS users? Apple will not allow the HM government to access the hardware the way it needs. Users must therefore send their pbadport physically for authentication. Looking for YouTube in 4K on the iPad Pro? This is not allowed either because "Apple refuses to support Google's VP9 video codec".

These may seem like extreme cases, but on a platform that can cost more than $ 2,000, only one case per user is enough to make the iPad Pro a frustrating computer. If you need to keep a MacBook or a Windows 10 computer at work, then the iPad Pro is not a replacement.

Washington Post reporter Geoffrey A. Fowler reviews Apple's new iPad Pro on November 2, 2018 in San Francisco. (Photo of John Brecher for the Washington Post via Getty Images)

So, if it's not a computer, what is the iPad Pro? This is the synthesis of tablet format, format that only Apple has cracked in the long run. And the reason it cracked is the powerful iOS environment, the same environment that prevents the iPad Pro from being a suitable computer. iOS 12 is certainly an improvement over iOS 11 on the iPad Pro, and iOS 13 has to continue this evolution. At the moment, the hardware (which I'm coming from) is at the top of the clbad, but it's bothered by the operating system. Raymond Wong from Mashable:

… The basics of 2-in-1 notebooks such as slider support, keyboard shortcuts, or truly windowed applications are either non-existent or not yet available in many applications.

I am aware of the fact that iOS is a totally different way of doing things than macOS and Windows 10 and I do not know which is the best solution to adapt it more to these operating systems without compromising its lightness. All I know is that the more Apple continues to accumulate so much power in the iPad Pro, the more I wish it could do more things under MacOS.

There is still a year for iOS 13, but I feel that Apple must rearrange iOS for the iPad Pro to make the hardware more attractive.

Leave this concern aside and examine the material. Being a tablet, the screen has a key role to play. By removing the physical home button and following the example of the iPhone XS, XS Plus and the iPhone XR, the Apple design team has put the iPad Pro in accordance with the latest user interface for iPhone. This reinforces Apple's biometric recognition and gesture control methods as a "future".

However, he did not take the opportunity to switch to an OLED screen. The latest iPad Pro adhere to the LCD – although the newspeak calls this liquid retina to distract from the attention of older technology (and do not get me started in this print to be a point screen to point … because I've always believed that one point is well on the edge). Nevertheless, the screen is a key part of the package. David Phelan for The Independent:

Not only does this remove the Home button located at the bottom of the screen, but it squeaks the screen up to the edges, like on the iPhone XS. Except that there is no notch on this screen. The larger proportions of a tablet compared to a phone means that the TrueDepth sensor and camera needed for Face ID can be used in the slightly wider bezel that spins evenly around the edge. . Compared to the iPhone XS, this scope is noticeably wider, but proportionally, it still seems narrow.

In fact, a better comparison is that of the iPhone XR because, like this phone, this tablet is equipped with an LCD screen and not an OLED screen. This makes you believe that this screen has a perfectly curved edge, instead of the rectangular screens found on previous iPads. It's a subtle change, but it makes a big difference.

A big part of the iPad Pro package is the Apple pencil. Additional purchase (further increasing the average revenue per user), it enhances the reputation of the iPad Pro as a creative tool. Many issues related to the first Apple pencil have been solved, such as the problem of the removable cap for loading is no longer necessary – mainly because the cap is no longer needed, thanks to the use of magnetic coupling and charging . Jon Gruber of Daring Fireball:

When rumors announced that the new iPad Pro would switch from lighting to USB-C, Apple has speculated a lot about the need to create a new pen with USB-C. It's so much better. For your enjoyment, when you connect the pen to your iPad for the first time, iOS displays a pencil on the screen and indicates the exact size of the pen. It's adorable. With the original pencil, Apple did not provide a specific answer as to where you were supposed to keep it when it was not in your hand. The magnetic connection responds to this. It's strong enough that I do not hesitate to keep the Pencil connected magnetically when I put the iPad in a backpack.

The other updated device is the Apple Keyboard Cover. That's how the devices should work, turn on the connection, and leave. That's the case, but there are some problems, especially having only two angles that can be used between the keyboard and the screen. Jeffrey Van Camp for Wired:

It magnetically attaches to the back of the tablet with a click just as nice and works perfectly. You now have the choice between two angles. The keys are naturally spaced and allow you to move enough (depth) and click on it so that it does not take the time to adjust them from my MacBook Pro. My only complaints? It would be nice to have even more angles, and the larger iPad may seem a little unstable if you use it on your lap. Since the camera is located on the left side, it is difficult to frame yourself properly for a video chat.

The iPad Pro 2018 tablets have ridiculous power, but if you have a very powerful platform, you need a way to use it effectively. What is the place where the iPad Pro falls flat in the current ecosystem. Yes, the keyboard and pencil have great keys, and the built-in PIM software and media players look great on a bigger screen … but you do not need the power of Pro if that's all that you want in a tablet. head to the ordinary iPad. Gareth Beavis from TechRadar:

This iPad is a source of power and if you are able to use it in the spirit in which it was created and operate it, you will probably get a lot of joy with your new tablet.

But you spend a lot of money to get that power. Therefore, unless your job requires you to use a powerful and powerful device at any time (or that you plan to embark on a creative career or a serious hobby). then you are going to waste your money on this new tablet.

People attend the launch of new Apple products at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on October 30, 2018 in New York (photo of VCG / VCG via Getty Images)

The iPad Pro has the power, but it needs more direction, software and more support. If Apple sells this as a computer, it must allow users to think outside the box – and as I donate $ 5 in the box – it must have the confidence to allow iPad users Pro to "think differently" to Tim Cook and his collaborators. team.

Set the iPad Pro for free, and it could flourish in millions of ways. Keep it in the garden and you will always have a bloom, but it is the same bloom that we have seen many times. The potential is there, you can look at the numbers, but can you use it? For some, the answer is yes, but for many, the real answer is that they have to wait to see if support for third-party and third-party applications will be improved.

Learn more about Apple's plans to slow down old iPhone X phones to preserve battery life …


With the launch of the iPad Pro, has Apple created a tablet that replaces your laptop or the continued use of iOS is it a drag on the sale in the professional tablet that can cost more than $ 2,000?

Apple CEO Tim Cook (C) speaking at the launch of new products at a launch ceremony at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on October 30, 2018 (VCG / VCG photo via Getty Images)

At the first launch of the iPad in 2010, Apple managed to reach a very small audience while attracting the attention of the media and geekerati. It's curious to see how the world of smartphones has overtaken and surpbaded Apple in terms of sales volume – the demand for more was there – but Android tablets have never managed to get the right mix of pbadion, fanatical support and software.

Thanks to the loyal supporters of Apple, the iPad has quickly established itself, even if its ultimate usefulness has not been solved, beyond the fact that it was a "large phone with a screen for the media consumption ". The tablet family continued to advance, taking advantage of Apple's closed ecosystem and a large network of iPhone developers.

Next, the iPad Pro was launched in 2015, reinforcing the specifications of the tablet and promising to be a device that would work as a creativity tool.

Now, Apple wants the iPad Pro to be considered a "complete computer", suitable for all the tasks that the desktop can handle. And that's where the promise falls, as the first reviews of the 2018 models show.

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, speaks while unveiling new products at a launch event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on October 30, 2018 in New York City (photo by Stephanie Keith / Getty Images)

The idea is simple: the iPad Pro can replace your computer. The problem here is that this definition of a computer belongs to Apple. If you have a requirement that is out of the walled garden of Apple, then you have a very expensive clipboard that reads a bit too many pianos of Abba songs. And it does not take much for the iPad Pro to fail. Take the USB-C port. It may work with monitors and keyboards, but ask it to connect to external storage, hard drives, cameras, flash cards, and you'll wait a long time. Nilay Patel at The Verge:

The only thing that iOS can do with external storage devices is to import photos: if you connect a camera or memory card from a camera, iOS 12 automatically opens the camera. Camera import screen and allows you to import photos into your camera.

That's all. This is the only way for iOS 12 to handle external storage. And to make matters worse, you have to import into the film system. You can not import photos directly into an application such as Lightroom CC. Apple must be in the middle.

The limit is of course iOS. The vision of an Apple computer is one where Apple touches both the user and the workflow. As a developer, you browse the Apple Store and its restrictive policies. As a user, you can only run Apple-authorized applications, no tinkering, no property rights, no hacking around the enclosed garden.

Even if the hardware is present, Apple will decide if the developers will have access to it. The UK government is deploying a mobile app that requires pbadports to be scanned via NFC. Android users, no problem. iOS users? Apple will not allow the HM government to access the hardware the way it needs. Users must therefore send their pbadport physically for authentication. Looking for YouTube in 4K on the iPad Pro? This is not allowed either because "Apple refuses to support Google's VP9 video codec".

These may seem like extreme cases, but on a platform that can cost more than $ 2,000, only one case per user is enough to make the iPad Pro a frustrating computer. If you need to keep a MacBook or a Windows 10 computer at work, then the iPad Pro is not a replacement.

Washington Post reporter Geoffrey A. Fowler reviews Apple's new iPad Pro on November 2, 2018 in San Francisco. (Photo of John Brecher for the Washington Post via Getty Images)

So, if it's not a computer, what is the iPad Pro? This is the synthesis of tablet format, format that only Apple has cracked in the long run. And the reason it cracked is the powerful iOS environment, the same environment that prevents the iPad Pro from being a suitable computer. iOS 12 is certainly an improvement over iOS 11 on the iPad Pro, and iOS 13 has to continue this evolution. At the moment, the hardware (which I'm coming from) is at the top of the clbad, but it's bothered by the operating system. Raymond Wong from Mashable:

… The basics of 2-in-1 notebooks such as slider support, keyboard shortcuts, or truly windowed applications are either non-existent or not yet available in many applications.

I am aware of the fact that iOS is a totally different way of doing things than macOS and Windows 10 and I do not know which is the best solution to adapt it more to these operating systems without compromising its lightness. All I know is that the more Apple continues to accumulate so much power in the iPad Pro, the more I wish it could do more things under MacOS.

There is still a year for iOS 13, but I feel that Apple must rearrange iOS for the iPad Pro to make the hardware more attractive.

Leave this concern aside and examine the material. Being a tablet, the screen has a key role to play. By removing the physical home button and following the example of the iPhone XS, XS Plus and the iPhone XR, the Apple design team has put the iPad Pro in accordance with the latest user interface for iPhone. This reinforces Apple's biometric recognition and gesture control methods as a "future".

However, he did not take the opportunity to switch to an OLED screen. The latest iPad Pro adhere to the LCD – although the newspeak calls this liquid retina to distract from the attention of older technology (and do not get me started in this print to be a point screen to point … because I've always believed that one point is well on the edge). Nevertheless, the screen is a key part of the package. David Phelan for The Independent:

Not only does this remove the Home button located at the bottom of the screen, but it squeaks the screen up to the edges, like on the iPhone XS. Except that there is no notch on this screen. The larger proportions of a tablet compared to a phone means that the TrueDepth sensor and camera needed for Face ID can be used in the slightly wider bezel that spins evenly around the edge. . Compared to the iPhone XS, this scope is noticeably wider, but proportionally, it still seems narrow.

In fact, a better comparison is that of the iPhone XR because, like this phone, this tablet is equipped with an LCD screen and not an OLED screen. This makes you believe that this screen has a perfectly curved edge, instead of the rectangular screens found on previous iPads. It's a subtle change, but it makes a big difference.

A big part of the iPad Pro package is the Apple pencil. Additional purchase (further increasing the average revenue per user), it enhances the reputation of the iPad Pro as a creative tool. Many issues related to the first Apple pencil have been solved, such as the problem of the removable cap for loading is no longer necessary – mainly because the cap is no longer needed, thanks to the use of magnetic coupling and charging . Jon Gruber of Daring Fireball:

When rumors announced that the new iPad Pro would switch from lighting to USB-C, Apple has speculated a lot about the need to create a new pen with USB-C. It's so much better. For your enjoyment, when you connect the pen to your iPad for the first time, iOS displays a pencil on the screen and indicates the exact size of the pen. It's adorable. With the original pencil, Apple did not provide a precise answer as to where you were supposed to keep it when it was not in your hand. The magnetic connection responds to this. It's strong enough that I do not hesitate to keep the Pencil connected magnetically when I put the iPad in a backpack.

The other updated device is the Apple Keyboard Cover. That's how the devices should work, turn on the connection, and leave. That's the case, but there are some problems, especially having only two angles that can be used between the keyboard and the screen. Jeffrey Van Camp for Wired:

It magnetically attaches to the back of the tablet with a click just as nice and works perfectly. You now have the choice between two angles. The keys are naturally spaced and allow you to move enough (depth) and click on it so that it does not take the time to adjust them from my MacBook Pro. My only complaints? It would be nice to have even more angles, and the larger iPad may seem a little unstable if you use it on your lap. Since the camera is located on the left side, it is difficult to frame yourself properly for a video chat.

The iPad Pro 2018 tablets have ridiculous power, but if you have a very powerful platform, you need a way to use it effectively. What is the place where the iPad Pro falls flat in the current ecosystem. Yes, the keyboard and pencil have great keys, and the built-in PIM software and media players look great on a bigger screen … but you do not need the power of Pro if that's all that you want in a tablet. head to the ordinary iPad. Gareth Beavis from TechRadar:

This iPad is a source of power and if you are able to use it in the spirit in which it was created and operate it, you will probably get a lot of joy with your new tablet.

But you spend a lot of money to get that power. Therefore, unless your job requires you to use a powerful and powerful device at any time (or you plan to embark on a creative career or a serious hobby) then you will waste your money on this new tablet .

People attend the launch of new Apple products at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on October 30, 2018 in New York (photo of VCG / VCG via Getty Images)

The iPad Pro has the power, but it needs more direction, software and more support. If Apple sells this as a computer, it must allow users to think outside the box – and as I donate $ 5 in the box – it must have the confidence to allow iPad users Pro to "think differently" to Tim Cook and his collaborators. team.

Set the iPad Pro for free, and it could flourish in millions of ways. Keep it in the garden and you will always have a bloom, but it is the same bloom that we have seen many times. The potential is there, you can look at the numbers, but can you use it? For some, the answer is yes, but for many, the real answer is that they have to wait to see if support for third-party and third-party applications will be improved.

Learn more about Apple's plans to slow down old iPhone X phones to preserve battery life …

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