Canada's retaliatory rights over more than 60 US imports come into effect Sunday – National



The Canadian Press

WATCH: Canada has announced its final list of $ 16.6 billion in tariffs on US goods entering the country. But, as reported by Mike Le Couteur, many worry that President Donald Trump is threatening to hit the auto industry next

It's Canada Day, a party and Canadian celebrations, but this year the festivities overshadowed by concerns over the escalating trade war with the United States.

Punitive levies on dozens of US products in retaliation for US steel and aluminum rights in Canada will hit today and affect things like ketchup, coffee and even cards. to play – more than 60 consumer goods totaling $ 16.6 billion.

Layoffs in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. According to the company

legislators from Pennsylvania, Ohio and other states where many products come from companies have expressed concerns about the impact on the business. employment

. A few weeks ago, government officials worked hard on the list of products subject to tariffs, which would have had a minimal impact on Canadians.

Trump's auto tariffs could impact Canadian consumers

announced the layoff of 40 workers at its Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, in response to US tariffs

President Donald Trump defended his government's pricing policy by referring it to a game that the United States will win

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