Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Review for Nintendo Switch


Platform: Nintendo Switch
Also Available From: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Support: Digital / Cartridge
Players: 1-2
Online: No

This is Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker for the Wii U. Wait, I want say the Nintendo Switch! Yeah that's a lame dad joke but with so many Wii U library ports that make the "Switch" this year, you could forgive a bit of confusion. But, at least, these are quality games that Nintendo chooses, which means that a lot of great things you could have missed if you did not have Wii U is now available on a cooler system. So if you are like me then you are not complaining of a chance to review some of these gems, and that's just the case with Captain Toad.

If you've never played Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker then I will give you the story. The idea of ​​these small puzzle levels were originally bonus coins on Mario 3D World that were so popular that Nintendo decided to make it a little game! We then have Treasure Tracker where your goal is to explore each level and reach the gold star. Sounds simple, right? Well, I deposit my taxes, but I try to explain this to my kids. There are all sorts of dangers, enemies and puzzles between you and your beloved gold star.

Each level is just as adorable as Toad himself. They are full of great details and intended to be seen from different angles to see what secrets are hidden. You will want to constantly look around because each level has 3 gems to collect and also a special goal that you can try to accomplish. This adds a good amount of replayability, which I do not mind, because finishing a level usually only takes a few minutes and I really enjoy being there.

Moving Toad is great. It feels a bit slow as usual but sometimes you want that level of control, but it is possible to run and it speeds things up. It also seems more accurate with the Switch Joycons that I remember, but I could be imagining things. Overall, the controls are well balanced for the game and as usual it is a good challenge. I think maybe Toad would not weigh if he was selling some of all those treasures he'd be hoarding. You think after collecting all those gems that he was just going to retire. I know I would do it!

Visually, the graphics are simple and cute. I usually love how the portability of the Switch makes the games more accessible but here we almost feel that the levels are too small on the small screen. This game was made to be seen on a big screen and although it 's never been a problem to play on the move, I would say that the distant views in Treasure Tracker are approaching the limits of what' s going on. a game should do on the Switch. It's strange for me since I did not feel that from the Switch library.

Everything else is reported as you remember. I'm sure there are some changes we are not aware of, but a new addition is a two-player mode that was missing on the Wii U. It's similar to the way other solo games manage the cooperation, with the second player being able to move the camera and launch turnips instead of being their own character. We also receive new premises of Super Mario Odyssey. These two additions help to make this game more than just a port, but I would not blame you for holding up if you just buy the game for your Wii U.

[19659009] As you would expect, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is the complete package on the switch. It's a simple port with a couple that does not feel stapled, but as always, the real draw is to have a game on a console with more power and appeal than the Wii U offered. If you are not familiar with Captain Toad, then check it out, but if you had the game on Wii U then you probably have already decided if you are going to migrate the recent ports to the Switch. Anyway you cut it, this is a great game and a definitive port.

Nintendo provided us with a Captain Toad code: Treasure Tracker for review purposes.

Level: B +

Producer: Nintendo
ESRB Rating: Standings Pending
Program: Nintendo Mixer
Genre: action-game-genre

Mint: [19659023] $ 39.88 USD In Stock
Release Date: July 13, 2018.

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