Cavalia horses from the Odysseo show were presented to Montrealers on Thursday during a walk / trot on the red carpet
Cavalia is a large Canadian company specializing in live shows mixing equestrian shows, theater, acrobatics and staging.
Since 2003, the event has unfolded in front of over 8 million viewers in more than 70 destinations, including North America, Europe, Asia , Australia and the Middle East
. In the background, the show returns to St. Catherine Street this summer, just at the foot of the Jacques Cartier Bridge.

Photo: Dominick Gravel / Cavalia

Photo: Dominick Gravel / Cavalia

Photo: Dominick Gravel / Cavalia
Arriving From a 10 vacation to Sutton, Quebec under the supervision of their dedicated team, the 70 horses received a heroic welcome before the first equestrian evening of July 25th.
The beautiful animals have officially made their home in their new temporary stable tent next to Odysseo's Big Top White Tent.

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