CNN's Don Lemon Calls White Men "Largest Terrorist Threat" in America, Data Backs Up – National


CNN host Don Lemon was surprised by what the driver said on Monday. He said white men were the biggest terrorist threat in the United States.

He doubled two days later, providing data to support his claims.

And there is a lot more where it comes from.

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Lemon was talking with his host counterpart Chris Cuomo about a shootout that killed two people at a Kroger supermarket in Jeffersonstown, Kentucky on the outskirts of Louisville on October 24th.

An eyewitness recounted that one shooter had said, "Whites do not kill whites" during the incident.

"We continue to think that the biggest terrorist threat is something else," said Lemon, highlighting people's concerns about migrant caravans now approaching the US border.

READ MORE: 2 dead after shooting at a Kroger supermarket in Kentucky

Then he said, "We must stop demonizing people and realize that the biggest terrorist threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized right, and we must start acting against them. .

"There is no ban on traveling for them, they have the Muslim ban, there is no ban for whites, so what do we do on this subject?"

The remarks drew fire from many neighborhoods, including Donald Trump Jr., who tweeted the following.

Unbelievable. I thought it was some sort of joke quote out of context but no … it's just Don Lemon who's a jerk. Unfortunately, that is what so many leftists think.


Imagine indignation if you change "white men" with another demographic?

– Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 31, 2018

Far from retiring, however, Lemon reaffirmed his remarks Wednesday.

"Leave the emotion aside and watch the difficult and cold facts," he said.

The remarks are at the 4:30 mark in the video below:

"The evidence is overwhelming," said Lemon.

He cited a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) dated July 2017 showing that there were 225 deaths in US incidents perpetrated by violent extremists in the country between the aftermath of September 11 and the 31st. December 2016.

These figures include 106 people killed by right-wing extremists in 62 incidents and 119 people who were victims of Islamic extremists in 23 incidents.

The Extremist Crimes Database (ECDB) revealed no deaths of extreme leftist extremist groups during the same period.

A map showing attacks in the United States by violent extremists from September 12, 2001 to December 31, 2016, resulting in death.

Office of Government Accountability

The GAO report then noted that the number of deaths in incidents caused by violent extremists in the country during this period ranged from one to 49 per year.

Far-right far-right extremist attacks have, however, outnumbered those of Islamist extremists in the past 10 to 15 years.

While the number of people killed by both groups is similar, more than 40% of deaths attributed to Islamic extremists occurred in the shooting of a disco in Orlando in 2016.

Lemon also cited a study by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) showing that local extremists had killed at least 372 people between 2007 and 2016.

The same study found that right-wing extremists were responsible in 74% of cases, while Islamic extremists were guilty in 24% of cases.

Left-wing extremists? Two percent.

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Lemon could also have quoted a report by Reveal and the Center for Investigate, which indicated that right-wing acts were responsible for several other terrorist incidents than Islamists and leftists.

Finally, Lemon mentioned a study by New America, a non-partisan think-tank, showing that between September 11 and Charlottesville, attacks not carried out by Islamist extremists, 68 had been attributed to extremists in the United States. far right and eight by black or left separatist groups.

"So let me explain that further," said Lemon.

"Their badysis shows that out of eight deadly attacks by right-wing extremists, there is one by leftist extremists.

"These are the facts."

Lemon went on to say that people who are angry by what he said "miss the whole point".

"We do not have to worry about people who are thousands of miles away, the biggest threats are of local origin."

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