Column: Making plans by the sun and the moon


Sometimes on particularly hot summer evenings like the ones we had recently, I like to sit in my garden, watch the moon, listen to the creatures of the night and hope that , perhaps, a cool breeze

These evenings, when my mind is free to mislead, I often plan my next fishing trip as well. In contemplating the place, the time and the why of such trips, I invariably take into consideration what are called solunar tables.

The word "solunar" comes from the ground (sun) and lunar (moon). The basis of the solunar tables comes from the concept that the sun and the moon act on the tides and the tide, and that the rise and fall of the tides are caused by the force or attraction exerted by the moon.

Those who look at Solar Tables with a yellowing eye, there are many fishermen, myself included, who really believe that they are on something. I will do my best to explain the idea / theory behind the tables

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Credit all the whole The theory of solunar tables is attributed to an individual named John Alden Knight, author of The Modern Angler: Including the solunar theory, 1936. The word "solunar" comes from the ground (sun) and lunar (moon) . Initially, Knight compared 33 factors that seemed to influence fish behavior and made them more active. Among them, he examined three others: the sunrise and sunset, the moon phase and the tides. Of those he developed the Solunar tables. To back up his theory, Knight systematically compared the timing of catching 200 catches and found that over 90% of them had been made during a new moon (though one of them was not visible). This is the moment when the influence of solunar periods is the strongest. Due to the interaction of many solar and lunar cycles, not two days, months or years are ever the same. June has a greater combined solunar influence than any other month. During the full moon, the sun and the moon are almost one in front of the other and during the day, one or the other is almost always on the horizon

while, during a new moon, the two celestial bodies traveling across the sky with their combined forces and influences. If one willingly admits that the sun and the moon affect the tides in the oceans and seas, one should not believe in a leap of faith to exert a similar influence on the inland waterways. Another more scientific study conducted by a group of Northwestern University professors in Illinois in the mid-1950s said, "It has been known for many years that many organisms living in the intertidal areas of the oceans have tidal frequency cycles. "

The study goes on to say," it has been firmly established that the frequencies of these cycles are characteristically definable from hour to hour and from day to day … It has also become more and more obvious that all animals and plants have average solar and lunar fluctuations.

So, what do these statements mean?

Well, for simplicity, it seems that scientists agree that the many creatures on this planet, including fish in tidal waters and non-tide, are performed by the sun and moon at specific times of the day.Sununar tables were developed from this relationship.

Indeed, each day was divided into four periods: two the morning and two in the afternoon.There are two types of periods, one known as the major period and the other called minor period.The major period usually lasts about two hours and the minor lasts one hour to an hour and a half.Every day has two major periods and two minor periods which, indeed, when it is periods of active feeding for the fish could easily be compared to our hours lunch and dinner. The trick is to know when these periods will occur on a given day, and then, plan your fishing trips accordingly.

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