Congress Bills Affecting Cannabis Laws Go to Conference Committees


The main panels of the bicameral Congress that will determine the fate of two proposed large-scale measures on cannabis take shape. The question is whether hemp will finally become legal and whether military veterans will be able to receive medical advice from government doctors.

The House and Senate leaders have begun to name the "conference committees" that will amalgamate each chamber. "respective relevant legislation in singular proposals that may be sent to the office of President Trump.

In both cases, Senate legislation contains the language of cannabis reform while House version is silent on the issue Medical marijuana for military veterans

Last month, the Senate approved a large-scale funding bill that includes a provision allowing military veterans in medical cannabis states to obtain the necessary certifications. of their doctors at the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) The version of the House bill does not contain any such provision, and Republican leaders prevented it from speaking, as it was the case for all amendments to the cannabis reform proposed during the current Congress.

Now a committee the lists of participating members will take pleasure in knowing that Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), who has offered the veteran an amendment on medical cannabis to the Assignments Committee, will be in the room. Member of Parliament Scott Taylor (R-VA), an army veteran who has spoken openly in support of marijuana law reform, will also be in attendance. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI), who has been asking questions about the benefits of medical marijuana in a number of hearings, including those focused on veterans, will do so as well.

A number of ardent opponents of marijuana, as well as other lawmakers who have been skeptical of the reform.

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), who appeared in a television ad opposing the successful measure of medical cannabis vote of his state and sponsored a number of anti-marijuana amendments and texts of law, is a member. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is historically one of the most outspoken opponents of congressional legalization (although she has softened her position this year amid a battle of reelection)

On the House side, Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), who made a number of bizarre statements about marijuana containing fentanyl during recent hearings and media appearances (but who supported changes to marijuana during votes in the House), will be a member of the committee. MP Debbie Wbaderman Schultz (D-FL), who voted against an earlier version of the amendment on veterans' cannabis before moving on to support a later version, is also a trusted person.

Because medical cannabis is included in the Senate bill, to be discussed by the conference committee and to have a chance to be promulgated for the first time

But medical cannabis supporters are not not necessarily optimistic, given the history of the measure. In 2016, the two-chamber bills had slightly different provisions allowing VA's recommendations on medical cannabis, but both were removed from the final enacted legislation.

That said, the advocates are working to squeeze the speakers on the issue. It would be politically disastrous to vote against veterans and their ability to access a substance – which 22% of them currently consume, according to the American Legion – to relieve the symptoms. "Justin Strekal said to Marijuana Moment in an interview

Hemp Legalization

Supporters are much more optimistic about the legalization of hemp this year.

Last month, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to approve a law on large-scale farming known as the Farm Bill, which includes provisions to ultimately remove hemp from the federal definition of The Marijuana Push is owed to Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R -KY), who has often spoken of the economic benefits that industrial hemp can bring to farmers in Kentucky and other states.

On the side of the House, Republican leaders blocked votes on the legalization of hemp in the Farm Bill version of this chamber

As well as for the recommendations on medical cannabis for veterans, the legal status of hemp can be summarized as

There is a reason for the defenders to have hope. It is unlikely that many or one of the Democratic delegates in the House would strongly oppose the inclusion of the Senate's legalization language.

On the Republican side, supporters were pleased to see Congressman James Comer (R-KY) on Wednesday

As Kentucky Commissioner for Agriculture, Comer championed and implemented the program state industrial hemp research program. In Congress, he was the main sponsor of the bills on the legalization of hemp

"The hemp industry has reasons to celebrate – one of our most pbadionate lawyers … been named – it will literally be in the room where this is happening. "The Roundtable on Hemp said in an alert. "As the latest agriculture bill is reconciled, it is comforting to know that Representative Comer will be there to support the Senate language that would definitely legalize hemp."

Among the participants, there are a number of GOP legislators. sponsored a hemp bill that Comer tabled in the House last year, including MP Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), MP Kevin Cramer (R-ND), MP Glenn Thompson (R -PA) and MP Rodney Davis (R-IL).

Comer told the Associated Press in an interview that he will push hard to include the hemp tongue in the final legislation.

"The economic viability of industrial hemp in Kentucky is growing every day," he said. The Senate has not yet appointed speakers on the Farm Bill, but the proposal to legalize hemp enjoys broad support in the House and it is unlikely that Democratic Senators or GOP will attempt to make it. Remove McConnell by seeking to remove his tongue

For Action

The Conference The Veterans Review Committee was supposed to hold its first meeting last week, but this was postponed because of scheduling conflicts. A new date has not yet been set

The current federal funding will expire on September 30th. The Congress is therefore working to pbad the bill on veterans funding and other supply legislation before that date. the legislators will not finish the work in time and will have to adopt a temporary extension of the current provisions, known as a permanent resolution.

The 2014 version of the Farm Bill will expire the same day, so the conference committee is likely that the decision will be made quickly when the Senate will appoint its delegates, although a temporary extension is also possible on this legislation

Whenever committees publish their final conference reports on one or the other bill. on sending legislation to President Trump

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