Court hears former girlfriend of convicted killer Nicholas Butcher


The Canadian Press

Added on Friday July 20th, 2018 4:12 am

Last Updated Friday, July 20, 2018 10:05 EDT

HALIFAX – A former girlfriend of a Halifax man convicted of the violent death of Kristin Johnston, a Montreal-born businesswoman and yoga instructor, testifies today at her eligibility hearing for parole.

April after a jury found that he had stabbed the 32-year-old woman to death

The conviction automatically goes to life imprisonment, but a hearing to determine when Butcher may apply for parole is held at the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.

Attorney Carla Ball told Judge Joshua Arnold that the Crown had the intention of calling one or two witnesses who would provide evidence to "highlight the offender's character".

Kathleen Byford-Richardson, his ex-girlfriend, described his relationship with Butcher as "very romantic," but that he began to become riddled with conflict.

She told the court that he became anxious in social situations and controlling his behavior.

Byf ord-Richardson says that she called the Halifax police after Johnston's death, worrying that she had similar behavior at the end of her relationship with him.


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