Cruise has denied Cavill's big move for Mission: Impossible – Fallout


When you take a movie with Tom Cruise, you do not say no to stunts.

But sometimes he tells you no.

It's here that Henry Cavill was standing before a skydiving sequence for "Mission: Impossible – Fallout." As a newcomer "M: I," Cavill embodies August Walker, a muscular babysitter from the CIA sent by Langley Headquarters to make sure Ethan Hunt (Cruise) does not jostle his last mission.

Cruise, 56, jumps (of course, of course) on a C-17 military transport plane, but Cavill, 35, is found on the ground.

"It's one of the saddest tales of the movie for me," The British actor laughed on the phone, remembering having been informed that his doubled jumped beside Cruise. "The day came and I was begging Tom:" I'm wearing a parachute, I have a blower (drive), surely I can just jump? "And he said, 'Henry, I know exactly how you feel, I understand, you did all the movie's feats up here, but the one I can not let you do, he needs' 39, a specific training, 19659002] After the complexity and danger of the waterfall was explained, Cavill conceded. "The idea of" I'm the guy who killed Tom Cruise ". … after so many years of this franchise, I thought to myself 'OK, fine, I'm going to sit down, Mr Cruise', "he laughs

The two share a disturbing energy on the screen: Hunt prefers to do things his way, with misguided rubber masks and his core team at the IMF (Impossible Mission Force) .The director Walker of Cavill, well , makes the job a little dirtier.

Director Christopher McQuarrie originally said that he was to sell Superman to "MI" producers, who were looking for the character to have an advantage.

"It's what I had in mind from the beginning, "says McQuarrie." But I knew that there would be resistance, people would be reluctant because of Superman and everything that went with it. "

Thanks to "Man of Steel", Cavill was used to saving the world in front of a green screen, but "Fallout" required weeks spent in a helicopter in full swing Icy air above the New Zealand glaciers and wake up "tired of bone" after days of punches.

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