Cyber ​​Security Today: October 26, 2018 – Android Voicemail Scam, Bad Apps in the Google Store


Scam on Android voicemail, apps found poorly in the Google Store and better privacy control of Google searches.

Welcome to Cyber ​​Security Today. It's Friday, October 26th. To listen to the podcast, click on the arrow below:

Hackers are increasingly targeting smart phones. According to McAfee, the latest scam is to send an SMS to owners of Android devices to tell them they have received a voice message, but they must click a link to download an application. The application is really a malware that can open a backdoor of the phone or tablet to your personal or professional computer. This problem has existed since at least March, with around 5,000 victims in the United States so far. The best defense: beware of SMS sent by strangers and download only one application you know a lot, and this from a secure website.

As I said before, talking about an app like the Google Play Store does not mean it's safe. The security company Eset said this week it found 29 malicious apps in the store. They claimed to be useful utilities, such as boosters and cleansers, battery managers and even horoscope-themed apps. What they are really doing is stealing your username and bank pbadwords. They could also intercept and redirect text messages to bypbad two-factor authentication or download and install other applications on a compromised device. Eset has informed Google and apps have been removed from the store this month. For a list of apps, visit and search today's podcast for a link to Eset's search. In the meantime, remember that your mobile device is not a place to test games and apps. If you want an app, check the number of downloads, app ratings, and review content before you download apps from Google Play. And pay attention to the permissions you grant to an application when you install it.

Finally, for those who are concerned about the privacy of their searches in Google, the company facilitates the control of the data you leave. Without quitting Search, you can now view and delete your recent search activity and get quick access to the most relevant privacy controls in your Google Account. Previously, to view or manage this data, you had to sign in to your Google Account. Now, on desktop computers when you go to, there is a link to "control your data in Google search". On mobile browsers, go to the three-bar menu icon at the top left and see the link "Your data in the search." "

That's it for cybersecurity today. Subscribe to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or add us to your Alexa Flash Briefing. Thank you for listening.

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