Daily Horoscope of Sunday, July 22, 2018


Moon Alert
Avoid racing or major decisions from 5am to 6:30 am EDT today (2am to 3:30 am PDT). The Moon is in Sagittarius

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Travel related to work will please you today. It's a nice day at work because you get along well with your colleagues and that they will support you. Whatever task you set yourself, it will generate money or opportunities for you in the future.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
It's a fun and fun day! You are in a good mood and happy to be alive! Romance is blessed with sporting events and activities with children. Accept all the invitations to socialize and party because that's what you want to do.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
It's a wonderful day to explore real estate opportunities. It's also the perfect day to entertain at home because all your relationships with family members will be warm and friendly. Act on decorating ideas because today you can make your home more comfortable and more attractive. Invite the gang!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You can earn money through your words today. That is why, today, it bodes well for those of you in the fields of sales, marketing, teaching, gaming, writing and publishing. Good day for short trips, tours and conversations with others. Your positive attitude will create positive things around you. (Life works like this.)

Leo (July 23-August 22)
It's a beautiful day for financial transactions. You can increase your income and explore employment opportunities. Because your cash flow is amplified, you could shop for big ticket items. You sing: "We are in the money, come on darling, let's go, let's go and send it!"

Virgin (23 August-22 September)
Today , the beautiful Venus is in your sign dancing with luck, Jupiter money bags. That's why you feel happy and optimistic! It's also why you feel generous to others and, in turn, the world is generous to you. Accept invitations to socialize. Be friendly with everyone. Your charm will attract you luck!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You will enjoy loneliness in a beautiful setting today. Take every opportunity for a moment of peace in complete privacy. What you want is a chance to regenerate and restore you in a pleasant way, preferably with a hot and cold running room service.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
It's a popular day! Enjoy socializing with creative and artistic people. Friendships are so hot that a friend may become a lover? You might meet someone who is different or from another culture. You feel positive and enthusiastic about your future goals.

Sagittarius (22 Nov-21 Dec)
It's easy to make a good impression on bosses, parents and VIPs because the stars favor you. Venus, at the top of your painting, dancing with luck, money bags Jupiter makes you look rich and prosperous for others. You will use this influence to help someone if you can.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Travel opportunities may fall on your lap today! Take every opportunity to do something to expand your horizons. You might also have the opportunity to take additional training or learn something new. Meanwhile, romance with someone from different or from another culture could flourish.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Keep your pockets open because the money, favors, and possessions of others can be of use to you today. It's an amazing day to decide how to divide something or share an inheritance because you're going to laugh at the bank!

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Relationships with partners and close friends are optimistic, hot and sunny today. The people are charming – and so are you. Not only is it a wonderful day to socialize, it is a good day to repair broken fences if you have had a problem with someone. All is well.

If your birthday is today
The actor Willem Dafoe (1955) shares your birthday today. You are cheerful, optimistic and charming. You are also intelligent, brave and relaxed with others. It's time to simplify your life and build a solid foundation. Start channeling your energy in one direction. Physical exercise is paramount. Explore yoga, martial arts or jogging – any physical discipline that grounds you. Hard work and effort pay off this year!

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