Darrelle Revis retired on Wednesday. Five thoughts on one of the best to have ever played the half corner position.
1) Revis was the biggest throw of all time. Yeah, yeah, I know. How dare I dirty Broadway Joe! Believe me, I do not do that. I love this man. There is no doubt that Joe Namath is the most important player of all time (19459008). He put the franchise on the map and was the driving force behind Gang Green's solitary (and lonely) Lombardi Trophy. Namath – for better or for worse – remains the face of the Jets over 40 years after launching his last pbad for them. But Revis is, pound-for-pound, the most complete player, singularly dominant to wear a Jets uniform. His apex – which lasted from 2008 to 2011 – was the cornerback played at its highest level since Deion Sanders. In 2009 – the season when he should have won the honors of the defensive player of the year, but not him – he posted the best score ever obtained by a corner half since the ProFootballFocus badysis site. com started to follow the job in 2006. Revis has cleared »Andre Johnson, HOU: Seven targets, 4 catches, 35 yards
» Randy Moss, NE: 7 targets, 4 catches, 24 yards
] »Steve Smith, CAR: 6 targets, 1 take, 5 yards
Terrell Owens, BUF: 8 targets, 3 catches, 13 yards
Randy Moss, NE: 11 targets, 5 catches, 34 yards, 1 TD
"Terrell Owens, BUF: 9 targets, 3 catches, 31 yards
" Roddy White, ATL: 10 targets, 4 catches, 33 yards
"Reggie Wayne, IND: 7 targets, 3 catches" Chad Johnson , CIN: 4 targets, 0 catches, 0 yards
»Chad Johnson, CIN: 6 targets, 2 catches, 28 yards
» Wayne Reggie, IND: 5 targets, 3 catches, 55 yards [1 9659004] Revised been the equalizer of Rex Ryan Jets teams who achieved the AFC title in 2009 and 2010. Sometimes it seems that fans of the Jets can not have beautiful things; to have Revis was like being the poor child who one day shows up at school with new sparkling Jordans. Most football fans have badumed that Jets fans have stolen it. He made a playoff team with Mark Sanchez at the Super Bowl quarterback position and offered a whole fanbase a dose of adrenaline in the days of Brady and Belichick.

2) The Hall of Fame should not pose any problem identifying information. Revis ended his career with 29 interceptions, a relatively modest total that would be the lowest ever recorded for a player registered in Canton. But judging the merits of Revis (or any corner) on his total interception would be like a baseball fan insisting that you have to be a .300 hitter to go to Cooperstown. In the case of Revis, his total is not inflated for a simple reason: the Quarterbacks were terrified of throwing it. Revis had excellent hands to go with his speed, his instincts and his expert physique; each pbad imposed on him was at best a 50/50 ball
Another problem is the relative brevity of his career. As noted above, Revis was the most dominant defender in the game from 2008 to 2011. He was in the territory of rising stars as a first-round rookie in 2007. He's never been the same player after having torn his ACL in early 2012 campaign, but he picked up a Super Bowl ring in the back half of his career (more on that in a bit).
With Revis, everything is about the transcendent nature of his greatness. This is the territory inhabited by Jim Brown and Gale Sayers, two Hall of Fame Hall of Fame members who have not played gambling beyond the age of 30 (Sayers has left the match due to injury). Revis, who played his last wink at the age of 32, deserves similar treatment from Hall voters
3) Revis is already in the Hall of Fame nickname . Has a nickname ever captured more brilliantly the brilliance of a player than Revis Island? Revis took half of the offside football field for the opposing attack, turning it into his own private station. When Revis lost a step in the years that followed, the nickname Revis Island could easily be used as a weapon for evil, but everything is in the game, as they say. At its best, Rex Ryan could take the best offensive game of an opponent's opponent in the pbading game, hand him a fruity drink with an umbrella and tell him, "See you later in four hours." , my friend. An obligatory leave of the relevance of pro football.
4) Revis was a legendary competitor … in the field and at the bargaining table. In 11 years, Revis signed contracts worth a total of $ 291 million. According to Spotrac.com, its actual cash earnings total more than $ 124 million. He is the only advocate to take more than $ 100 million. Reverse 2010 Jets holdout included an unsuccessful five-hour meeting at Roscoe's Diner in Roscoe, New York, which lives in the franchise tradition. There is no better look at the superstar-team world than the Revis-Jets clash documented this year on the "hard knocks". Ryan said when Revis finally got into the fold on the eve of week 1: "It looks like they've had a slap —- player that they just picked up, it happens too."
5) The back half of Revis's career was a roller coaster (and not always a good one). Revis broke his ACL in 2012, and the injury provided an unfortunate but clean line of demarcation for both sides of his career. He's played with the Jets on his contract again after this season, and this time, the Jets have not blinked, pulling the trigger on a blockbuster trade at Bucs. Revis lasted just one year in Tampa (a strange and unforgettable stopover) before a one – year mercenary period with the Patriots that resulted in a Super Bowl title. Being a fan of the Jets watching Revis win a title with Bill Belichick, it was like being the poor boy who arrives with the Jordans, then clashing with the evil star jock, who hits you in the belly and steals your shoes.)
The Jets brought Revis back with a mbadive contract before the 2015 season, but that was a bad investment. The game of Revis punctured by the second year of the case, his level of effort dropped significantly (this remains particularly depressing, given the famous competitiveness of his early years) he was accused for his role in a Pittsburgh street battle. t stick) and the Jets have eaten $ 6 million to get away from the partnership before the 2017 season. Revis is hooked on the Chiefs at the end of last season. It was Michael Jordan who was leaving the Wizards to sign a 10-day contract with Jazz.
This will not be the version of Revis I will remember. It will be the man at his peak, deflating the oversized egos of star receivers and playing one of the most difficult positions of the sport to an almost perfect level. Revis left, but Revis Island will remain in the National Register of Historic Places (Football League)
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