Delta Agent wins review after ticket drivers for offenses that did not arrive


VANCOUVER – A police officer in Delta, British Columbia, who has been ticketed for offenses that did not occur, received a review of the suspension and demotion proposed by the Commissioner. police complaints from the province. Byron Ritchie was requesting a public hearing after a hearing of misconduct confirmed 11 allegations of deception under the Police Act in 2016.

Ritchie was seconded that year to the 39 Greater Vancouver Integrated Traffic Safety Unit when a driver complained she was provided with a ticket for not having insurance and not wearing seatbelts.

The complaint commission's investigation documents show that the driver had insurance papers and was wearing a seatbelt.

An investigation ordered by the Complaints Commission revealed 10 similar incidents, but after learning of his demotion and other sentences, Ritchie requested a public hearing, arguing the findings of fact made by the Commissioner. 39 were not supported by the final investigation report.

Stan Lowe, Complaints Commissioner, says: s a public hearing is not required to restore public confidence in the investigation of misconduct, but James Threlfall, judge of the court retired, was appointed to review the file and make a final decision on any discipline

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