Delta police search for a slippery fugitive "Gypsy & # 39; the ball python – BC


Delta Police is looking for an unusually slippery fugitive: a six foot python named "Gypsy". who escaped last Saturday

Police say they do not know exactly where the snake escaped, only

Delta Police spokesman, Cris Leykauf, said that despite the size of the snake, we do not think it dangerous.

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"This is not a venomous snake, and apparently these are popular pets among snake owners because they have a docile temperament. "

" This snake would primarily eat things like rats, mice, and birds. "

The Conservation Officers Service reported that the snake was missing Delta police Friday, Leykauf says

WATCH: Python Puzzler: Calgarians find the snake curled up under the washing machine

However, the cunning snake is already known to the police.

Leykauf says that officers have a "A man was sleeping outside a Walmart in the Tsawwbaden Commons area, and when the police dealt with the man on that occasion, the man and the snake moved to their mini nearby van and is al get on their way after that, "she said.

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Leykauf says that the exact circumstances of Gypsy 's arrival in a farmer' s field remain unknown.

Gypsy is six feet long, eight inches thick and a dark caramel color. ] Anyone who spots the snake is invited to call 911 with its location

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