Democrat Kyrsten Sinema wins US Senate seat in Arizona


PHOENIX – Democrat Kyrsten Sinema on Monday won the US seat in the US Senate of Arizona, in one of the most-watched races in the country, beating Republican Martha McSally in the battle to replace Senator Jeff Flake.

The congressman, who has been sitting for three terms, won after a slow count of votes that lasted nearly a week after the voters' vote on November 6. She became the first US Democratic Senator from Arizona since 1994. Her victory has consolidated Arizona as a pivotal state after years of Republican Domination.

Sinema is presented as a moderate who works from the other side to get things done.

McSally, a former Air Force pilot who kissed President Donald Trump after standing up against him in the 2016 elections, had claimed that Sinema's anti-war demonstrations 15 years ago were "deadly." disqualified and that a demonstration was akin to "treason".

But during her six years in Congress, Sinema built one of the most centrist records in the Democratic caucus and voted for Trump-backed bills more than 60 percent of the time. She supported the legislation increasing the penalties inflicted on people illegally in the country who commit crimes.

McSally's attacks on Sinema date back more than 15 years, while Sinema was a Green Party spokesman and a liberal activist.

McSally supported Trump's tax cuts, border security and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, since she survived a GOP tri-party primary in August. McSally also campaigned on his military record and his support for the armed forces.

Sinema attacked Mr. McSally's efforts to repeal the law of 2000 on the abandonment of the Affordable Care Act, as a sign that it would not protect the Arizona residents with pre-existing medical conditions. McSally argued that she would protect patients, despite her vote on the bill that would have removed many of these protections.

The contest attracted more than $ 90 million in spending, including more than $ 58 million from outside groups, according to reports from the Federal Election Commission. Attack ads from both sides have been blocking the air for months.

Sinema, 42, has a law degree, worked as a social worker, and was a 20-year-old political activist, an independent Green Party candidate for Arizona House. She later became a Democrat and served several terms in the state legislature. Sinema started as a declared liberal, but gained a reputation for compromise among his Republican peers, thus laying the groundwork for center-to-center.

When creating the 9th congressional district after the 2010 census, Sinema had applied for the post of centrist in the Phoenix area and had won the 2012 elections.

McSally, 52, was the first female Air Force pilot to fly in action, flying A-10 attack jets. She was also the first woman to command a squadron of fighters, again in the A-10s.

McSally lost her first run in Arizona's second congressional district in 2012, when she was narrowly defeated by Democratic Rep. Ron Barber, who replaced Rep. Gabby Giffords after being injured during of an attempted murder in 2011. But McSally returned to win the 2014 election, beating Barber closely. She was re-elected in 2016.

Flake was a categorical critic of Trump and announced in 2017 that he would not run for rehearsal, and acknowledged that he could not win a primary group operations in the current political climate. However, his support for the President's initiatives was mixed. He strongly supported last year's tax reduction bill but criticized Trump's positions on free trade.

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