during Blizzcon 2018, Bungie announced the free distribution of Destiny 2 on PC here Nov. 18. Just one Battle.net account to download the game. Once you do it, it's up to you to keep and play forever. Note that it is the vanilla version of Destiny 2. It does not come with the many extensions that have arrived since the game's launch last year. Even then, there is a lot to do.
Although this does not include Forsaken, the big update of the second year, Bungie, launched in September, the purchase of Forsaken also offers you all the content of the first year. And if you want a taste of what's happening in Forsaken, you'll be able to try out Gambit, one of Forsaken's major new modes, during a free trial that will take place from November 9th to 11th. Gambit is a mode combining PvE and PvP. You can eliminate computer-controlled enemies or, at times, invade the team of the opposing team and fight them.

Destiny 2 is a shared world first person shooter that is packed with PvE and PvP content that you can use to enhance your character and build a collection of armor and weapons. In our original PvE and PvP content, Kallie Plagge wrote, "Like Destiny, if you do something once, you'll probably do it more often." The difference with Destiny 2 lies in the variety and accessibility of products, which greatly reduces the frustration badociated with grinding. And if the extensions interest you, you can also read our review of Destiny 2: Forsaken.
If you do not want to use Destiny 2, try it now. Just make sure you download it before returning to full price on November 18th.
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