Died in custody in August 2017 – investigation


The Winnipeg police will not be charged with the death of a man in custody following a third-party investigation.

The Manitoba police watchdog was investigating the death of a 44-year-old man who was reportedly forcibly arrested on August 9, 2017.

The independent investigation unit said that everything began when the police suspected the man to carry a gun in a sports bag.

An officer told IU that after the police pursued him on foot, the suspect approached his waist and kicked and punched him in the face.

A semi-automatic rifle was found in the suspect's bag, according to the statement issued by IUI.

After being arrested, the man complained of painful sores or even broken ribs. Police told the IAU that the man had then kicked and attempted to hit an officer. Another officer intervened and hit the man's abdomen.

The United States Unit stated that the man had been taken to the hospital but the medical records showed no signs of injury and he was released on 10 August.

Later in the morning, a medical entrance to the hospital showed that the man had a fractured rib, but it was not entered until the man left the hospital with the police, he said. UII.

The investigation revealed no evidence that the police were aware of the injury when they left the hospital to take the suspect to the medical wing of the Winnipeg Detention Center.

The man allegedly died in medical distress on 11 August and was reportedly taken to the hospital where he had been operated. He died on August 13th.

The UIA said autopsy revealed the cause of death as a complication of blunt torso trauma.

The prosecution services in Manitoba informed the USI that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction and that no charges would be allowed against any of the officers in the USI. cause.

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