DLC plans for Battlefield V announced


A roadmap for future planned content, the Royal Battle Mode pushed back to 2019

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EA and DICE have announced the DLC roadmap for Battlefield V this year and beyond.

All future content will fall under the aegis of Tides of War, the live service of Battlefield V. Chapter 1: Opening will arrive between December and January. He will add the map of Panzerstorm, where the German mechanized war machine sinks in Belgium. The first chapter also adds a war story The Last Tiger. The practice range will also be added, as well as the customization of the vehicle.

Chapter 2: Thunderbolts will be published between January and March 2019. They will focus on vehicle warfare and the rapid movement of the infantry. It will also add a Combined Arms cooperation experience. Two other game modes will be added to Battlefield V. An improved Rush and Squad conquest.

Then Chapter 3: Trial by Fire is scheduled for March 2019. It will bring Battle Royale to play with the Firestorm game mode. He also adds a map of Greece.

Battlefield V will be launched on November 20th on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

Battlefield V

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