Donald Trump reduces his threat of closure of the US government on the border wall – National


U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Monday to close the federal government on his demands for a border wall and other changes in immigration policy, but said that he would not be able to do anything. he remained open to discussions with Congress on the subject. I always leave room for negotiation. " Trump said at a press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the White House, adding that he did not draw a" red line "in

Cover of Donald Trump and his promised frontier wall on

Trump: the United States is currently spending $ 1.6 billion on the border wall

Congress must adopt a spending law before the end of September to avoid a government closure. Trump reiterated Monday his demand that immigration reforms, including $ 25 billion for the construction of a wall at the American border with Mexico, be included in any spending program.

many, Trump said:

The notion of government closure was criticized by the chairman of the committee of Appropriations of the Senate, Richard Shelby. 19659002] READ MORE: Donald Trump threatens to "shut down" the government if the Democrats do not vote for the border wall

Addressing reporters on Capitol Hill, Shelby said, "I'm not going to vote." hope the idea of ​​closing He added that the threats of Trump would not help legislators to draft the necessary expenditure bills before September 30, because we are trying to work together .

Beyond building a wall, the administration also wants to get rid of what is called the "chain migration" allowing immigrant parents to come to the country, as well as the visa-lottery program towards which Trump calls an immigration system "based on merit."

The Republican President said Sunday that it would allow the federal government to shut down if the Democrats do not fund its border wall and support the immigration law changes, betting that maintain a hard line [19659005] However, a disruption in the federal government's operations could backfire Trump if voters blame the Republicans, who control Congress, for the interruption of services.

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