Donald Trump's Supreme Court search triggers fierce politics


The commitment of President Donald Trump to choose from a widely circulated list of Supreme Court candidates may have helped win the White House – but he also injected an unprecedented policy into the selection process of the next justice. Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the DC Circuit Court is the preferred choice of White House advisor Don McGahn, according to two Republicans close to the White House. McGahn's support helped Kavanaugh secure a place on Trump's existing Supreme Court list last November, when the president added five names.

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But Kavanaugh is opposed by powerful conservatives, including Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who argued that once on the bench, he will disappoint the right.

And his rise to the president's list gave his detractors plenty of time to prepare a campaign against him. Working on the badumption that his relationship with the White House and his formidable track record on the prestigious DC circuit would make him a favorite, his critics have for months circulated negative details and badessments of his record in an effort that looks more like a political campaign than the appointment of a court.

"There is a lot more open politicization, especially against the candidates by the president's supporters than you've ever seen, and it shows how important this seat is to the Conservatives," Shannen Coffin said. . Legal Advisor to former Vice President Dick Cheney.

The rise of social media and the use of the president to keep the public abad of the process also intensified the process.

The attacks on Kavanaugh have attracted prominent supporters, including Miguel Estrada, who became a martyr to the conservatives after the Democrats filibustered his 2001 nomination to the Circuit Court of Appeals DC "All of these attacks against Brett Kavanaugh are upset, "Estrada told National Review on Wednesday. Travis Lenkner, a former employee of Kavanaugh and Kennedy, said the impartial conservatives wanted to make sure Kavanaugh was shaken.

"Judge Kavanaugh's 12 years of experience on more than 300 opinions on matters of national importance himself.What you see are the efforts of many respected conservatives who do not defend one person over another and who are doing everything to make the trial clear and precise about Judge Kavanaugh, "said Lenkner in an interview.

Kavanaugh has obvious appeal to the president, and the two hit him in an Oval Office interview on Monday, according to two sources familiar with the situation. The judge does not have one, but two degrees from Yale, which made him love the president obsessed with Ivy-League, and he has a broad view of the executive power.

Shaped by his experience in the 1990s alongside former independent attorneys Ken Starr, who investigated former President Bill Clinton, Kavanaugh argued that presidents should be at the helm. sheltered from prosecution and criminal investigations.

Kavanaugh is also a D.C. residing forever with legions of fans in the capital, including many of his former clerics, and a network of powerful and connected friends across the city.

"He is obviously brilliant and a good judge.But for me, for a job like this, the integrity and the spine are the most important qualities.And he has these shovels," said JD Vance, the best-selling author and a former Kavanaugh student. Vance took the Wall Street Journal's editorial page on Monday to do "the Brett Kavanaugh Affair".

But the judge's detractors are working to shed light on other parts of his case, from his links with the George W. Bush administration to a 2011 decision that they believe has allowed the Supreme Court to legalize Obamacare. his friendship and collaboration with a prominent judge disgraced during the #MeToo movement.

Kavanaugh's critics circulated a six-page opposition research document tying him to former 9th Circuit judge Alex Kozinski, who abruptly retired in December after many of his former employees accused him of badual harbadment.

Kavanaugh, who sat on a selection panel for Supreme Court Kennedy clergy alongside Kozinski, was unaware of Kozinski's behavior – although no one publicly came out for this allegation explosive

Kavanaugh worked for Kozinski almost three decades ago. in his time on the bench and before Kozinski is accused of having spoken and behaving inappropriately towards women. "After these allegations were reported in the press last year, I discussed with various former Kozinski clerks – including Judge Kavanaugh, and none of us, including the Judge. Kavanaugh, had had professional relations Kavanaugh refused to comment on this article

Kavanaugh's detractors also draw attention to his links with George W. Bush, whose administration and the For the President, being a "Bushie" means being the sort of Republican country club that his followers love to hate, and accusations of loyalty to the former president have stalled the process of hiring more than a few candidates to the White House

Over the past year, Trump has criticized Kirstjen Nielsen, the former head of the Bush administration who now heads the Department of Homeland Security. , accusing him not enough hard on immigration.

Kavanaugh found the professional and personal success in the Bush administration, which landed him in his current position. After being staff secretary during Bush's first term, Bush appointed him to the DC Circuit Court in 2003. The following year, in 2004, Kavanaugh married Ashley Estes, personal secretary of Long Bush date.

The Conservatives also addressed a 2011 challenge in Obamacare where Kavanaugh ruled that the individual warrant was operating as a tax and invoked a 1867 law preventing individuals from challenging taxes before they be put into effect. (The individual mandate came into force in 2014.) But he also advised that, regardless of its constitutional flaws, "Congress could eliminate such a potential problem."

Right, critics blasted "The Conservatives could argue with each other about what is worse: an unelected judge who expresses an opinion on how a purchase warrant a product could meet constitutional requirements, or that same unelected judge giving instructions to Congress. "Chris Jacobs, former Fellow and Policy Advisor to Bobby Jindal, wrote in The Federalist.

A call with badociates on Monday, Cruz warned that Kavanaugh is the kind of "unreliable" lawyer by which Republicans have been disappointed in the past, and he has worked to improve the prospects of his colleague, Senator Mike Lee. (R-Utah) Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) Also spoke to the President about the merits and demerits of each candidate, including Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh's supporters – and even neutral parties – mobilize in response they consider themselves to be a series of unjustified accusations as well as an unmatched level of mud jets before an appointment.

Ed Whalen, the president of the Center for Ethics and Public Policy, originally stated that he would not comment on the suitors until the president had chose a candidate. Whalen is working closely with Leonard Leo, the executive vice president of the Federalist Society who leads the president's research, and has committed to neutrality, but he began writing a series of blogs Wednesday in defense of Kavanaugh. Judge Kavanaugh has faced a wide range of important and consistent constitutional and statutory issues and has written strong and influential opinions on these issues: the separation of powers, administrative law. national security, second amendment, religious freedom, campaign finance, international law, environmental law, antitrust, criminal law, immigration, and much more "Wrote Whalen. "Kavanaugh's constitutional views are powerfully written and deeply rooted in the text, the story and the structure."

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