Dubas: Would not be right for Tavares to lose a basic piece – Article


The biggest issue surrounding the Toronto Maple Leafs since John Tavares was signed with a $ 77 million, seven-year deal is whether the team can afford to keep his coins under the salary cap. 19659002] Right winger William Nylander is a free agent with restrictions this summer, while Auston Matthews and Mitch Marner both enter the final year of their contract. 39, entry level. The Maple Leafs still have $ 16 million in cap-tops this season, by CapFriendly, but have already committed $ 47.9 million in salaries for 2019-2020.

Leafs general manager Kyle Dubas said Thursday that the team will be confident the moves needed to keep their best young players, and says that they owe him Tavares to do it.

"There will not be a lot of juggling because, even before we engaged in the process with John, we did not think him" "Be fair to John so he comes and then he will have to suddenly lose the players you are talking about, "Dubas told OverDrive on TSN Radio 1050 Toronto.

"We went through a very rigorous internal process where we went again and again … to make sure that, regardless of the different variables that may be involved in this process, we will be able to keep this core of our team while remaining flexible enough and able to add players too.

"I d We do not think that there will be juggling and this is part of what we felt we had to transmit (to Tavares camp), it is that our cap situation we is very supportive to keep moving forward while being able to adapt We will strive to meet the different needs that we will have as we move forward in the season and the next season.

"We feel very Well on this subject, we are going to be very patient with the RFA. "Clearly, William's contract is over and we will start working with (his agent) Lewis Gross in the next few weeks to be sure that it's safe. he is ready.We will tackle others who are eligible for extensions, but it is my own decision that we must be patient with them and make sure that the players also know in what they engage and what what is our vision for l & 39 team. "

Dubas said the team will likely open extension negotiations with Matthews and Marner before the season, but does not feel in a hurry to have them.

The Maple Leafs made their first surface compensation attempt earlier this week when they traded Matt Martin with the New York Islanders for goaltending Eamon McAdam . 19659010]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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