Duchess of Sussex 'struggles to cope and does not answer my calls' says the father


M Markle said, "I had a heart attack, no one cares? I could really die soon. Does she want this to be the last thing we said to each other? "

He said that their pair had never gone so long without speaking, and that he wanted to clear the air and tell him how proud he is." 19659002] Speaking of his seaside home in Rosarito Mexico, the retired lighting director, 73, also apologized, saying, "If I had a message for her, I would be sorry for anything that does I would like to put our differences behind us and get together, I miss you a lot. "

In early May, Thomas Markle made headlines around the world when he discovered that he had been in collusion with a photographer to sell paparazzi photos of his wedding preparations

. He forgave his father and his invitation to the Windsor ceremony was not withdrawn.

But he developed chest pain the day he was to be driven to the airport and went to the Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, ten miles to the US border, where surgeons installed stents to open its obstructed arteries.

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