
Studying the star host of Ross 128B, the researchers determined that the exoplanet is a rocky world at temperate temperatures. This means that it has potentially liquid water on the surface. ( ESO / M. Kornmesser )
Ross 128b, an exoplanet orbiting a small red dwarf star, is one of the closest exoplanets to the Earth. Now, scientists are revealing that he has conditions that make it a perfect world to welcome life.
Potential Existence of Liquid Water on the Surface
Diogo Souto, from the Observatório Nacional in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and his colleagues reported that just as the Earth, the planet is probably a Rocky and temperate world, which means that it can potentially have liquid water on its surface.
For the study published in Astrophysical Journal Letters the researchers examined the chemical. composition of the star host of the planet
Rocky World
In their childhood, the stars are enveloped by a disk of gas and dust that later forms planets. The composition of the star influences the elements of the disk and thus influences the structure and composition of the resulting planets.
The researchers were able to determine that the star is abundant in iron, magnesium, oxygen, aluminum, calcium, carbon, potbadium and titanium
The researchers were also able to estimate the mbad ratio of the layers of Ross 128b core and mantle using the iron and magnesium levels of the planet. Planets with rays 1.7 times larger than those of the Earth tend to have a gaseous envelope, which limits their chances of livability. Planets with smaller radii tend to have rocky surfaces and Ross 128b falls into this category
"Modeling the Ross 128b mbad radius indicates that it lies beneath the rock composition curve pure, suggesting that it contains a mixture of rocks and iron, with the relative amounts of each set by the ratio of Fe / Mg ", the researchers wrote in their study.
Temperate Climate
The researchers also made temperature measurements, which revealed that the planet climate. Souto and his colleagues found that temperatures near the surface of the host star are about 3000 degrees Celsius
They were able to determine the amount of energy received by Ross 128b using the radius of the exoplanet and the orbital distance of the star. "Although Ross 128b is not the twin of Earth, and we still do not know about its potential geological activity, we have been able to reinforce the argument that it is a temperate planet that could potentially have Water on its surface "Souto says:
The results reinforce the idea that Ross 128b is the second closest neighbor to Proxima B.
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