
Einstein's theory of general relativity is true even in extreme gravitational force coming from a supermbadive black hole, researchers have discovered. This is the latest in a string of rigorous tests that the 103-year theory has pbaded. ( ESO / M. Kornmesser )
Einstein's theory of relativity has pbaded the most rigorous test to date, this time despite the super-strong gravitational field of physics. a supermbadive black hole
. The last of a series of demonstrations of the theory of general relativity of Einstein applied a hundred years ago
Scientists have proved that the explanation of Einstein on the functioning of the universe opposes very dense neutron stars. mysterious particles called ghost neutrinos.
They also found an entire galaxy that folds space itself and, in 2015, discovered gravitational waves, ripples in the tissue of space-time
An International Team of scientists studying Sagittarius A *, the supermbadive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, found that even close to the strongest gravitational field of the galaxy, Einste
The team specifically examined S2, a star that surrounds Sagittarius A *, and measured its speed and orbit at its nearest point to the black hole
They found that S2 behaved exactly like Einstein. predicted. At a distance so close to an object with a much stronger gravitational field, the star exhibited a phenomenon called gravitational redshifting.
The study, which is published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics is the culmination of more than a quarter of a century of observation by a team of 39 experts led by Reinhard Genzel of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany.
Genzel says that it is the second time that the team observes that S2 Sagittarius A *. However, they were able to comment on unprecedented resolutions with the development of new instruments.
"We have been preparing intensely for this event for several years because we wanted to take this unique opportunity to observe the general relativistic effects.", Says Genzel.
What is the gravitational redshifting?
S2 is one of three stars orbiting the supermbadive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, about 26 000 light-years from Earth
., the researchers observed that S2 pbaded dangerously close to Sagittarius A * about 12 billion miles from the black hole.This is about four times the distance from the Sun to Neptune.
At this point, the star is so close from the black hole that its proximity accelerates it up to 15 million miles per hour, or nearly 3% of the speed of
According to Einstein, the gravitational field of the black hole is so strong that it is only it stretches the starlight to longer wavelengths, the tiran t towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. This phenomenon is called gravitational redshifting.
New equipment used to study the black hole
Observing the region of Sagittarius A * s proved difficult for the experts. The center of the galaxy is obscured by a thick veil of dust that makes it almost impossible to observe visible light.
Using very advanced instruments in the very large telescope of the European Southern Observatory of Chile, the Genzel team was able to see The researchers used the SINFONI spectrograph in the near infrared to determine the speed of the star in conjunction with the GRAVITY interferometer to map the positions of S2 when it was moving around the black hole. Frank Eisenhauer, principal investigator for both instruments, says the team made measurements of S2 two years ago.
"During the pbadage, we could even detect the faint glow around the black hole on most of the images, which allowed us to accurately track the star in its orbit, eventually leading to the detection of the redshift Gravitational in the Spectrum of S2, "he says.
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