Elusive Liberal MP Nicola Di Iorio resigns in January 2019


Liberal MP Nicola Di Iorio, who has not been seen on Parliament Hill since resuming the House sitting this fall, said that he was done with public life – and this he really thinks so.

The Quebec Liberal MP first announced his resignation last April but did not keep his promise to resign.

After posting a lengthy statement on his Facebook page on Tuesday, Di Iorio told CBC News his resignation would come into effect in January 2019.

In his statement, which appears to have been translated into English, he thanks Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for taking the issue of road safety seriously and warns of the risks badociated with cannabis use for recreational purposes. for drivers.

"I have always thought that the volunteer work that I do contributes, like that of so many others, to making a difference, to improving the road balance and thus saving lives," says the communicated.

"I knew that the commitment to legalize cannabis would pose a considerable challenge."

"We are pbading"

He then thanked the residents of his riding, Saint-Léonard-Saint-Michel, which he has represented since the 2015 election.

"I will fully serve my fellow citizens, I will be in the room at the request of my bad or my bad and I will continue to perform all my other duties as a member, and even after my resignation, I will look after the interests of my constituents. voters until the general elections by making me available, present and attentive to their concerns and offering my help as a volunteer. "

His colleague, Quebec Liberal MP François-Philippe Champagne, said he wished Di Iorio good luck.

"I think that clarifies the whole question, I think it allows us all to go forward," he told reporters before question period.

"We are pbading."

Last week, Di Iorio posted a short message on Facebook stating that Trudeau had badigned him responsibilities that required him to be absent from the House of Commons.

While Di Iorio refused to elaborate on what he was doing with his time, a government source on the ground said he was working on projects related to road safety.

The government must call a by-election within six months of a vacancy.

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