Environment Canada says rain and wind in the Maritimes will persist until Sunday


FREDERICTON – According to Canada's national forecaster, strong winds and rain in the Maritimes are expected to persist until tomorrow.

Environment Canada says that almost all of New Brunswick will have wind gusts of up to 100 km / h until Sunday, when they will decrease all day.

In addition, some areas of the province may expect to receive 5 to 15 millimeters of rain before the end of the evening.

Much of Nova Scotia is also under wind and rain warning, with winds of similar strength gusting along the Fundy Coast and northern Cape Breton until tomorrow morning.

Rain warnings have also been issued for the southern part of the province, with an additional 5 to 15 millimeters of rain and a potential thunderclap in tonight's forecast.

All of Prince Edward Island is subject to a wind warning, with southwesterly strong winds of up to 100 km / h along the coast developing tonight then gradually decreasing Sunday.

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