EU News: Desperate MEP rallies around Macron to support European defense forces | World | New


The Greek MP hailed the proposal to institute Tuesday a defense force at the scale of the European Union, presented by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Mr Macron insisted that Brussels should speed up plans to create an army of the European Union to protect the bloc from threats and no longer depend on NATO for its security.

When asked if she thought the European Union needed her own army, Ms. Kaili responded to Raw Politics: "Of course, yes.

"You know, we are the borders of Europe, so Greece and Italy have suffered the most from the migrant and refugee crisis, the threat that we also have from an ally of NATO, like Turkey, is a problem that we can not solve. " to be together with the rest of Europe ".

Ms Kaili also echoed Mr Macron when she suggested that an EU army would provide additional protection to those Member States threatened by increased hostility from Russia.

She continued: "Of course, for several countries, it is important for the borders close to Russia.

"I think having a European army will make all these problems become European problems because they are too heavy for Europe and for Greece and Italy themselves"

In a shocking interview Tuesday, President Macron said: "I believe in a project of a sovereign Europe, a powerful Europe. We will not protect Europeans if we do not decide to have a real European army.

"Against Russia, which is on our border and has shown that it could be a threat, I want to build a real debate on security with Russia, a country I respect, which is European. defends itself and does not depend only on the United States – and more sovereign. "

With the exception of France and Great Britain, European NATO members rely mainly on the American firepower to protect them since the Second World War.

Macron said Russia's growing animosity was the main cause of concern fueling its demands for a European defense force.

He continued: "Against Russia, which is on our border and has shown that it could pose a threat, I want to build a real debate on security with Russia, a country I respect, which is European.

"We must have a Europe that defends itself and does not depend solely on the United States – but on greater sovereignty."

In response to Mr Macron's remarks, Commission spokeswoman Margaritis Schinas said a new EU project to collaborate in the area of ​​defense procurement and defense the search already exists

Mr Schinas added: "I do not think this defense identity starts with an EU army.

"We'll see that at some point, probably at the end of the process, we may see something that people are already describing as an EU army or pooling resources of the world." EU to make this EU defense identity more visible and meaningful. "

British MEP Nigel Farage, however, angrily accepted the proposal to create a European defense force: "A real European army says Emmanuel Macron, who endorses the words of the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, who has recently said to be used as a convenient excuse to argue against greater European efforts.

"These people really worry me. I think that a European army is very very dangerous. What an insult and concern for those who believe in cooperation with the United States and other NATO members. "

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