Nowadays, most of us are aware of all that app developers C & # 39; is why Android and iOS offer extensive controls to block application permissions even after they have been approved. But what about apps that follow you after the uninstall?
A recent report from Bloomberg Businessweek shows that many developers are using a tool called "uninstallation tracking tool". Proposed by companies such as Adjust, AppsFlyer, MoEngage, Localytics and ClaverTap, these companies allow large companies such as T-Mobile, Yelp and Spotify to collect data from people who uninstall their applications, to understand why. Unfortunately, many small developers are also moving into the movement.
Think about it. If you've ever seen ads for an online application after you've uninstalled it, it's a good indication that the app is tracking you down. After all, a lost customer is the ideal customer to advertise to you. Developers know that their product interests you. Perhaps you will be convinced to come back after an update that will fix problems you do not like.
Read also: More than 3,300 Android apps spy on children and track user data without their parents' permission
The fact is that this type of technique abuses a perfectly innocent feature of Android and iOS: push notifications. These are the updates that tell you that a new email or a new cat is waiting for you. In fact, in the background, the developer pings your app to refresh the feed or whatever, which is how a notification gets to you as soon as the message arrives. When this happens, the application responds to the servers.
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But if the application does not respond, it is saved as an uninstalled application and the uninstallation tracking tools record these changes, as well as the unique ad ID of the mobile and the phone. The developer now has a way to identify you as a recently lost user. For the most part, this tool is designed to collect data on what has not worked, without having to bother the user with inquiries as to why he has uninstalled. Instead, these developers simply seem to take on them with updated ads.
This practice goes against the policies of Apple and Google that silent push notifications can not be used to create an advertising database. However, the two companies did not respond to a comment on the report. One can only hope that, if they are not aware of the practice, they will repress it immediately. Again, we still do not know how they would go about enforcing this law.
In the meantime, the only solution is to disable ad customization in your Google settings. This masks your unique advertising ID, so scary applications can not harbad you.
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