Everyone needs to relax about "Immortal Diablo".

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Diablo ImmortalBlizzard

The opening ceremony of the BlizzCon took place yesterday. Sensational and home extensions, news The Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch characters, and one Warcraft 3 remaster. We also had our promise Diablo closing announcement, which was Diablo Immortal, a mobile game that aims to translate a version of the ARPG into the same device that everyone already has.

Even though such an ad never destroyed the house, the way many fans have reacted even to the idea The game was horrible, resulting in some of the most "player" cringeworthy moments I have ever seen. And I saw a lot.

There are some usual online stuff, like endless discussions on Reddit and a YouTube trailer that plunges into the dark (6K / 180K report, wow). But there is also a video doing the trick where during the Diablo Q & A session with developers, a fan (fan) gets up and asks if Diablo Immortal is "an April Fool's joke".

What is this brothel.

Between this and some other hostile live reactions that I saw at BlizzCon, I have to step in and say that everyone needs to calm down and grow up Diablo Immortal. Diablo 3 is my most played game in history (over 2,000 hours, I believe?), so yes, I have an interest in that.

Diablo ImmortalBlizzard

First, Blizzard did her best to say that she was not going to show Diablo 4 to the BlizzCon in advance. They did not name it, but the implication that they know that everyone wants news of the next episode of the series, but that it will come later. So, we really should not have expected that it would close the show (although a title card could have gone a long way). Knowing this, it was obvious that the promised Diablo the ads were probably going to be a D1 / D2 remaster or a mobile title. It was the last, and as such, not really a surprise.

Of course, I am not crazy about the idea, but:

  • I did not think Blizzard could do Diablo to work on console either, and this proved to be fantastic.
  • I do not see anything wrong with at least trying to make a Diablo mobile game, as if it sucks, people can just … do not play it.
  • Once again, we know that Blizzard is working on a real Diablo suite, and it was a separate team building on Diablo Immortal. The fact that this exists does not take anything away from D4.
  • Given the amount of garbage currently on the mobile, if Blizzard can remove this and make it even a little bit addictive and fun than a clbadic Diablo I'm tired of playing my game on the phone for at least some time.

Diablo ImmortalBlizzard

That said, you can certainly make legitimate criticisms about this idea and what has been seen / heard / demonstrated so far:

  • It is not unreasonable for people to be skeptical about mobile redistributed titles, the amount of winnings to win, waiting to wait, and so on. The badumption is that there will be some sort of element like this in Immortaland Blizzard did not explain how the monetization could or would not work in the ad.
  • Even though Blizzard was doing well with a D3 console port, a mobile game is another, and I'm worried about the depth and the potential controls. The first reports of those who got their hands on it are mixed, some say it is fun, others say it was far too simplistic and that key systems such as gears and stocks remain unfinished. Not ideal.
  • Blizzard is badociated with NetEase for this game and Immortal really looks like another NetEase title for mobile, 2017 Crusaders of light. While Immortal It's certainly more than a simple change of skin, it's not really a good look for a concept that arouses the mistrust of the players.
  • It was not the best announcement to close the show on the main stage, as it had to produce at best a somewhat stifled reaction and at worst a hostile reaction. Again, I guess there has not been a lot of such huge news elsewhere.

But even if there are valid questions to ask about Diablo ImmortalMuch of the hatred that I saw about it makes me feel like I'm running away, again, projecting the worst on the culture of the players at a time when I was hoping we would slowly, finally, exceed that immaturity. We are not, I suppose, and trying to be an edgelord and "owning" a developer who is trying to show his work like this is just disgusting, no matter what you think of the concept. This will no doubt be presented as an attempt to "defend a billion dollar company", but I think it was just … to be a normal human being. It is clear that I am also critical of the idea, but igniting the developers in this way, even face, is not "brave", it's mean and petty. And it's even worse than entire segments of the player population now consider the "April Fool's" as a kind of people's hero.

I am certainly skeptical about Diablo Immortalbut me at least hope this turns out to be something worthwhile, and I certainly understand why Blizzard wants to dive deeper into the mobile scene because it would be crazy not to do it. But Diablo has been notoriously difficult to monetize with microtransactions because they do not really fit into a game like this, and since Immortal must probably be supported entirely microtransactions on mobile, it's … disturbing.

Yet, I will give him a chance. If it sucks, it sucks, and I'll tell you it sucks. But I will not pretend that a kid was deliberately horrible to the developer who was trying to make it work.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


The opening ceremony of the BlizzCon took place yesterday. Sensational and home extensions, news The Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch characters, and one Warcraft 3 remaster. We also had our promise Diablo closing announcement, which was Diablo Immortal, a mobile game that aims to translate a version of the ARPG into the same device that everyone already has.

Even though such an ad never destroyed the house, the way many fans have reacted even to the idea The game was horrible, resulting in some of the most "player" cringeworthy moments I have ever seen. And I saw a lot.

There are some usual online stuff, like endless discussions on Reddit and a YouTube trailer that plunges into the dark (6K / 180K report, wow). But there is also a video doing the trick where during the Diablo Q & A session with developers, a fan (fan) gets up and asks if Diablo Immortal is "an April Fool's joke".

What is this brothel.

Between this and some other hostile live reactions that I saw at BlizzCon, I have to step in and say that everyone needs to calm down and grow up Diablo Immortal. Diablo 3 is my most played game in history (over 2,000 hours, I believe?), so yes, I have an interest in that.

First, Blizzard did her best to say that she was not going to show Diablo 4 to the BlizzCon in advance. They did not name it, but the implication that they know that everyone wants news of the next episode of the series, but that it will come later. So, we really should not have expected that it would close the show (although a title card could have gone a long way). Knowing this, it was obvious that the promised Diablo the ads were probably going to be a D1 / D2 remaster or a mobile title. It was the last, and as such, not really a surprise.

Of course, I am not crazy about the idea, but:

  • I did not think Blizzard could do Diablo to work on console either, and this proved to be fantastic.
  • I do not see anything wrong with at least trying to make a Diablo mobile game, as if it sucks, people can just … do not play it.
  • Once again, we know that Blizzard is working on a real Diablo suite, and it was a separate team building on Diablo Immortal. The fact that this exists does not take anything away from D4.
  • Given the amount of garbage currently on the mobile, if Blizzard can remove this and make it even a little bit addictive and fun than a clbadic Diablo I'm tired of playing my game on the phone for at least some time.

That said, you can certainly make legitimate criticisms about this idea and what has been seen / heard / demonstrated so far:

  • It is not unreasonable for people to be skeptical about mobile redistributed titles, the amount of winnings to win, waiting to wait, and so on. The badumption is that there will be some sort of element like this in Immortaland Blizzard did not explain how the monetization could or would not work in the ad.
  • Even though Blizzard was doing well with a D3 console port, a mobile game is another, and I'm worried about the depth and the potential controls. The first reports of those who got their hands on it are mixed, some say it is fun, others say it was far too simplistic and that key systems such as gears and stocks remain unfinished. Not ideal.
  • Blizzard is badociated with NetEase for this game and Immortal really looks like another NetEase title for mobile, 2017 Crusaders of light. While Immortal It's certainly more than a simple change of skin, it's not really a good look for a concept that arouses the mistrust of the players.
  • It was not the best announcement to close the show on the main stage, as it had to produce at best a somewhat stifled reaction and at worst a hostile reaction. Again, I guess there has not been a lot of such huge news elsewhere.

But even if there are valid questions to ask about Diablo ImmortalMuch of the hatred that I saw about it makes me feel like I'm running away, again, projecting the worst on the culture of the players at a time when I was hoping we would slowly, finally, exceed that immaturity. We are not, I suppose, and trying to be an edgelord and "owning" a developer who is trying to show his work like this is just disgusting, no matter what you think of the concept. This will no doubt be presented as an attempt to "defend a billion dollar company", but I think it was just … to be a normal human being. It is clear that I am also critical of the idea, but igniting the developers in this way, even face, is not "brave", it's mean and petty. And it's even worse than entire segments of the player population now consider the "April Fool's" as a kind of people's hero.

I am certainly skeptical about Diablo Immortalbut me at least hope this turns out to be something worthwhile, and I certainly understand why Blizzard wants to dive deeper into the mobile scene because it would be crazy not to do it. But Diablo has been notoriously difficult to monetize with microtransactions because they do not really fit into a game like this, and since Immortal must probably be supported entirely microtransactions on mobile, it's … disturbing.

Yet, I will give him a chance. If it sucks, it sucks, and I'll tell you it sucks. But I will not pretend that a kid was deliberately horrible to the developer who was trying to make it work.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.

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