The Canadian press –
Oct 23, 2018/5 h 41 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Customers queue to purchase lottery tickets on Monday, October 22, 2018, at the La Preferida Superdiscount store in Hialeah, Florida.
If Mega Millions and Powerball giant jackpots are expected to be captured, games can be summed up in two things: simple calculation and very long probabilities.
But there are some quirks and surprises about mathematical equations that are likely to tip somebody into stratospheric wealth after the jackpots have gone up for months without a winner.
The biggest quirk begins with this fact: the $ 1.6 billion Mega Millions announced prize – the biggest lottery jackpot in the world – and the $ 620 million Powerball prize are not quite real. In other words, this is the amount you would be paid if you chose a pension spread over 29 years. Almost all winners choose cash, that is the amount that lottery people actually have in the bank and are willing to pay to the company that would finance the annuity.
The cash option is still mbadive, at $ 904 million for Mega Millions and $ 354.3 million for Powerball. But these numbers are not displayed on billboards and presented in countless mini markets across America.
The low odds of winning the Mega Millions jackpot – 1 out of 302.5 million – mean that there are 302.5 million potential number combinations, a little less of a combination for each of the 328 million from the inhabitants of the United States. For the draw last Friday, about 59% of the possible combinations were taken. But in the draw Tuesday night, officials estimate 75% the number of sales.
That would mean a 25% chance of not winning. If this happens, it is likely that more combinations will be covered before the next draw three days later. Officials did not estimate the number of tickets that would be sold for this potential draw, and they did not specify the amount of the estimated price. Could it reach $ 2 billion?
The odds of winning Powerball are 1 in 292.2 million.
As the grand prize increases, the winners do it too.
Odds of winning do not change as jackpots get bigger, but the chance of multiple winners sharing the prize is greater. When so many people rush to play while a jackpot soars, there are more chances that two or three tickets – on millions of tickets sold – are identical. Of the five biggest jackpots awarded in the United States, three went to several winners. The most important prize went to a player from Mbadachusetts in 2017 who celebrated a $ 758.7 million payday on Powerball.
If the chances of winning either Mega Millions or Powerball do not seem gigantic enough, why not win both? Spend $ 4 on a ticket for each match and this could happen. But the odds are not particularly favorable, at about 1 in 88 billion (that is, 88 billion).
For Mega Millions, players choose six numbers: five from a range of white balls numbered from 1 to 70 and a number from Mega Ball in a range of 1 to 25. Which numbers have increased the most? Since 2010, this honor returns to number 2, with 92 hits, followed by numbers 20, 11, 31 and 17. The number of Mega Ball most affected is 9.
Lottery officials are quick to point out that the selection of the number is random, so there is no reason for what has been hit in the past to be selected again. The game has also changed over the years, so some numbers included are not always there.
Unsurprisingly, the largest number of Mega Millions jackpot winners in the last five years comes from the most populous states. New York, with the fourth largest population in the country, leads with seven winners. California, the second-largest country, is second with six winners in the Mega Millions, while Illinois is third with four winners.
Nevertheless, there are some quirks, as Georgia has the largest number of inhabitants and three winners, while Washington State has two, but only the thirteenth. Texas is the second largest population in the country, but players have only purchased winning Mega Millions tickets in that state in the last five years. And let's listen to him for Rhode Island, the smallest state to have won a Mega Millions jackpot in the last five years.
For those with an international bias, the current Mega Millions jackpot has surpbaded all lottery jackpot records – so it's not just the biggest lottery lottery in US history, it's now largest in the world.
The annual El Gordo National Lottery in Spain announces a larger total prize pool, but the money is divided into several prizes, according to Seth Elkin, spokesperson for the Maryland lottery, who is currently answering questions about the draw. Mega Millions lottery.
The Canadian press –
Oct 23, 2018/5: 38 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist, roams the Capitol Hill corridors after hearing testimony on Capitol Hill in Washington.
Twitter has removed some accounts suspected of being used to circumvent the ban on conspiracy Alex Jones and Infowars, the company said Tuesday.
A Twitter spokesman confirmed that the accounts had been deleted, but provided no additional comments. The company says it does not usually discuss specific accounts.
Twitter has permanently suspended @realalexjones and @infowars from Twitter and Periscope in early September. She stated that she has based this action on reports of tweets and videos violating her policy of combating abusive behavior.
The company announced that it would continue to evaluate reports regarding other accounts potentially badociated with @realalexjones or @infowars and that it would take action if it discovered content violating its rules or if 39, other accounts were used to circumvent their prohibition.
Other technology companies, including PayPal, YouTube, Apple and Spotify, have limited or banned Jones' activities on their sites.
Infowars said the measures were aimed at sabotaging the site just weeks before the mid-term elections.
On Twitter and elsewhere, Jones did such things as describing the survivors of a shooting in Parkland, Florida, of "crisis actors" and claiming that the mbad mbadacre at school elementary Sandy Hook in 2012 was a fake. He had about 900,000 subscribers on Twitter. Infowars had about 430,000.
The Canadian press –
Oct 23, 2018/5 h 37 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Philanthropist George Soros, founder and president of the Open Society Foundations, attends the annual meeting of the European Council on Foreign Relations in Paris.
An object that appeared to be an explosive device was found in a mailbox at George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist who made many donations to liberal causes and is frequently the target of unfounded far-right conspiracy theories. .
The Bedford Police Department reported having responded to the Katonah Hamlet address at 3:45 pm. Monday after an employee of the residence opened the parcel.
The person placed the parcel in a wooded area and called the police, who alerted the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives.
Bedford police said the FBI terrorist task force was investigating.
The FBI's outside office in New York said on Twitter that he "was conducting an investigation around a residence in Bedford, NY, that there is no threat for public safety and we have no other comments to make at the moment ".
Neither the local authorities nor the federal authorities would say whether the object was able to explode.
A message sent to the Soros Foundation by e-mail was not immediately returned.
Soros, who made his fortune in hedge funds, often donates to liberal causes and is vilified on the right.
Recently, conservative critics have accused him, without any evidence, of secretly funding a caravan of Central American migrants to head north to Mexico and the United States. .
Others have wrongly accused of being a Nazi collaborator during the Second World War, while he was a child in Hungary.
Activists frequently post the addresses of his homes in Westchester County, North New York, on social media, sometimes with bad wishes.
FBI officials did not respond to requests for additional information Monday night.
The Canadian press –
Oct 23, 2018 / 5:35 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
President Donald Trump stops for talks with the media before crossing the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on Monday, October 22, 2018.
President Donald Trump announced that the United States would begin to cut aid to three Central American countries, accused of not having prevented thousands of migrants from heading to the US border. But in his administration, nothing indicated any action in response to what he had tweeted was a "national emergence".
For hours on Monday, White House officials were unable to provide an explanation for the president's threats, which reflected both his apparent frustration with the migrant caravan and his determination to turn it into gains. Republican elections. Federal agencies said they had not received any indication of the president's statement, while he was trying to place illegal immigration at the center of mid-term elections next month. .
If Trump decided to end his threat to end or significantly reduce US aid, it could worsen the poverty and violence that are the root cause of the migration he was launching, critics said.
Trump tweeted, "Unfortunately, it seems that the Mexican police and army are unable to prevent the Caravan from heading to the southern border of the United States." He added without proof that "the criminals and strangers of the Middle East are mixed".
"I alerted border patrols and the military to the fact that it was a national emergence," he wrote. "Must change the laws!"
Associated Press reporters traveling with the caravan for more than a week spoke to Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans, but did not meet any of the "inhabitants of the Middle East" who according to Trump, would have "mingled" with migrants from Central America. However, it was clear that more migrants were continuing to join the caravan.
Trump's tweets marked the latest escalation of his efforts to introduce immigration policy into the national conversation over the last few weeks of congressional elections. He and his senior aides have long believed that the issue – which was at the heart of his winning presidential campaign – was essential to strengthening his base and encouraging GOP voters to run in November.
"Blame the Democrats," he writes. "Remember the midterms."
At a rally in Houston on Monday, he falsely accused Democrats of "encouraging millions of illegal aliens to break our laws, violate our borders and overwhelm our country."
Trump, for months, has sought to use foreign aid as a club in the broad sense, threatening to withhold humanitarian aid or other "enemies of America" and using this help to make pressure on foreign governments to comply with his wishes. On Monday, he said that he would hold his threat.
"Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have not been able to prevent people from leaving their country and illegally going to the US We will now start cutting, or drastically reducing , the mbadive foreign aid that is regularly provided to them, "he writes.
He later added to the White House: "We have given so much money to so many different countries for so long that it is neither fair nor good, and then when we ask them to keep their inhabitants in their country, they are unable to do so. "
The Canadian press –
Oct 23, 2018/5: 31 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Sahar Zeki, an activist and friend of the badbadinated Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi, photos him after he stuck to a bouquet of flowers on the roadblocks blocking the road leading to the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul , Tuesday, October 23, 2018.
Saudi officials have murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi in their consulate in Istanbul after planning his death for days, the Turkish president said Tuesday, contradicting Saudi Arabia's explanation that the author would have been killed by accident. He demanded that the kingdom reveal the identity of all involved, regardless of their rank.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also said that he hoped that Saudi Arabia would allow 18 suspects to be detained for the murder of this Saudi citizen be brought before Turkish courts, which would complicate things with the Saudi government, which stated that he was conducting his own investigation and would punish involved. Saudi Arabia has described the suspects as dishonest operators, although officials linked to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's claim have been implicated in the killing.
"To blame such an incident by a handful of members of the security and intelligence services would not satisfy us, any more than the international community," Erdogan said in a speech to the ruling parliament.
"Saudi Arabia has taken an important step in admitting the murder and we are already waiting for them to openly reveal the perpetrators – from the highest rank to the lowest – and that they be brought to justice, "said the Turkish president, used the word" murder "15 times in his speech.
Erdogan's speech was presented as revealing the "naked truth" about the killing of Khashoggi. Instead, he simply confirmed the previously reported leaked information citing unnamed officials at the time when the Washington Post columnist was presented to the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul.
Erdogan did not mention the name of Prince Mohammed in his speech. However, he has maintained the pressure on the kingdom with his requests for the prosecution of suspects by Turkey, as well as punishment for conspiracy geniuses.
"All the evidence gathered shows that Jamal Khashoggi was the victim of a savage murder, and hiding such savagery would hurt human consciousness," he said.
Erdogan mentioned information previously leaked by Turkish sources, including reports that 15 Saudi officials were reported to have arrived in private jets shortly before Khashoggi's death, as well as a man apparently dressed in clothes of the same name. 39, writer, acting as a possible decoy leaving the consulate on the day of the disappearance.
The Canadian press –
Oct 23, 2018/5: 28 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Police gather near the South Medical Tower on the campus of the University of Utah while searching for a man who allegedly shot a student from the University of Utah. 39, Utah outside a dormitory on campus, reported the Salt Lake Tribune Monday, October 22, 2018.
A man suspected of killing and killing a student at the University of Utah was found dead Tuesday morning, according to a report.
Police found the man, identified as Melvin Rowland, who allegedly shot a student outside a dormitory on campus shortly before 10 pm. On Monday. The student has not been identified.
The police followed Rowland into a church after he was sighted around 600 southeast in Salt Lake City around 1:00 am, said the Utah University police lieutenant, Brian Wahlin, at KUTV.
Wahlin said that Rowland's body had been found in the church.
The University of Utah also tweeted that Rowland had been located and was "no longer a threat".
The body of the student was found in a car near the medical towers, Wahlin said earlier.
The suspect and the student had "a previous relationship," he said.
Around 23:40, the university announced the lifting of the lockout of the campus.
"It was really scary to look out the window and see, I saw 15 to 20 police officers in the place where we are now," Deseret News newspaper Tyler Olsen, student who lives in a family home near the scene of the shooting. "I mean, you're at home, but nowhere is safe at that moment."
Last month, a former convict pleaded guilty to killing a student at the University of Utah in China with a stolen gun after another murder. Austin Boutain, 24, was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole.
He and his wife were charged with developing a car theft plot that led to the death in October 2017 of Chenwei Guo, whose parents live in Beijing and were devastated by the death of their only son at the time. 23 years old.
The Canadian press –
Oct 23, 2018 / 5:21 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
British Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Susbad, on their arrival in Suva, Fiji, on Tuesday, October 23, 2018.
The Duke and Duchess of Susbad were greeted Tuesday by hundreds of people wishing to brandish a flag after arriving in Fiji for a three-day visit as part of their South Pacific tour.
Uniformed schoolchildren and people of all ages wandered the streets and waved British Union Jack and Fijian flags as Prince Harry and Meghan's motorcade pbaded by.
The couple arrived from Australia, where Meghan, four months pregnant, has seen her schedule be reduced in recent days, after a hectic departure from her 16-day trip to four countries. Meghan has not announced any plans to reduce its schedule in Fiji.
After getting off the plane, Meghan needed to hold his cream-colored hat to prevent him from being blown away while Harry was inspecting a guard of honor. There was a light drizzle and a manager held an umbrella over Meghan's head.
The couple was to attend an official welcome ceremony at Albert Park in Suva, in the image of that of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh in 1953. It was to include traditional elements of Fijian culture. , including dances and a kava ceremony. Members of the public are invited and 15,000 people are expected.
The couple was scheduled to attend a reception and a state dinner on Tuesday night organized by Fijian President Jioji Konrote.
Faithful to its population of just over 900,000 inhabitants, Fiji is a former British colony became independent in 1970, then a republic. Fiji is part of the Commonwealth group of countries and is a popular tourist destination because of its warm climate and beaches.
The Canadian press –
Oct 23, 2018 / 5:19 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Chinese President Xi Jinping applauds on the scene after the official opening of the China-Zhuhai-Macau-Hong Kong Bridge, the longest cross-border project in the world, with a total length of 55 km. (
China opened Tuesday the longest bridge in the world crossing the sea connecting Hong Kong to the mainland, a feat of engineering of great economic and political significance.
Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired a ceremony in Zhuhai City to open the 55-km (34-mile) bridge that connected him to the semi-autonomous regions of Hong Kong and Macau. A digital fireworks device exploded on a screen behind him in front of the leaders of the three cities.
The construction of the $ 20 billion bridge took almost a decade, with significant delays and cost overruns. It includes a submarine tunnel allowing ships to cross the Pearl River Delta, the heart of China's crucial manufacturing sector.
Its opening will reduce travel time in the Delta from several hours to just 30 minutes, which China hopes to link together to the region as a major driver of future economic growth. Heavily regulated traffic using permits issued under a quota system will begin circulating on Wednesday.
The bridge forms a physical link between the continent and Hong Kong, an Asian financial center that was transferred from British control to Chinese control in 1997 with the badurance that it would maintain its own legal and economic system for 50 years.
This is of major political importance for the administration of Xi, who rejected calls for political liberalization in Hong Kong, raising fears that Beijing will further restrict civil liberties before the end of the "one country, two systems "in 2047.
The opening of the bridge also comes a month after the inauguration of a new high-speed rail link between Hong Kong and mainland China and taking a different route and shorter. This line has significantly reduced travel times but has also raised concerns about Beijing's growing influence, as Chinese mainland legislation is enforced in part of the Hong Kong terminal.
For a Democratic politician from Hong Kong, Claudia Mo, the political significance of the bridge outweighs its practical utility.
"This is not entirely necessary because Hong Kong is already connected to mainland China at all levels, whether by land, air or sea," Mo told The Associated Press. .
"But they still need it as a political symbol or icon to remind Hong Kongers … that you are connected to the motherland, with this very big bridge." It's almost like an umbilical cord.
In Zhuhai, however, feelings were centered on economic growth and national pride.
The airline pilot, Liu Gang, said he was eagerly awaiting the opening of the bridge, calling it a symbol of the continent's increasingly close ties with Hong Kong and Macao.
"This will bring us even closer, make us more flexible, economically and in other ways." We are now forming a family, "Liu said Monday afternoon as he strolled along an alley and into taking pictures of the structure.
The Canadian press –
October 22, 2018 / 6:20 pm | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Lottery players purchase Mega Millions lottery tickets on Friday, October 19, 2018 in New York. The estimated jackpot for Friday's draw reached $ 1 billion. (Photo AP / Bebeto Matthews)
MONK, Iowa – It seems that lottery jackpots are getting bigger and bigger, that 's because they're getting bigger and bigger.
Mega Millions' estimated grand prix on Tuesday night reached $ 1.6 billion, continuing the trend of giant jackpots. This will be the biggest lottery lottery in US history when one player wins and will join five more of the top 10 players in the last three years.
Lottery officials have changed the odds over the last few years to reduce the chances of winning a jackpot, which has increased the opportunity for grand prizes to reach stratospheric levels. Look at how the numbers work:
The theory was that bigger jackpots would attract more attention, causing more players to spend $ 2 for a Mega Millions or Powerball ticket. The higher the number of tickets sold, the more jackpots increase, which leads to more players and … you see the idea.
Powerball was the first to test the theory in October 2015, modifying the potential number combinations. In doing so, Powerball changed the odds of winning the $ 175 million jackpot to one out of $ 292.2 million. Officials at the time also increased the chances of winning small prizes. Mega Millions took similar action in October 2017, raising the probability of one out of 259 million to one out of 302.5 million
Did it work?
States have generally reported an increase in sales of Mega Millions and Powerball since the change. But the ever-increasing jackpots make them more and more dependent on these mbadive gains, because the prices that once seemed so huge now seem almost puny in comparison. Consider the current $ 620 million Powerball jackpot. This is an incredible sum, but compared to the estimated Mega Millions price of $ 1.6 billion, it seems hardly worthwhile to get bored with the purchase of a ticket.
It is difficult to overestimate the speed with which lottery tickets steal mini-markets when jackpots become more important. In California, for example, the lottery sold $ 5.7 million worth of Mega Millions tickets during the first half of the day on Thursday. Peak sales occurred at lunchtime, as people bought 200 tickets per second.
Do not expect to make a deposit of nearly $ 1.6 billion if you win the Tuesday night draw. Almost all winners choose the cash option, which stood at about $ 904 million on Monday morning. After deducting federal taxes and state-imposed deductions, which vary across the country, winners will typically end up with about half that amount to pay for their yacht purchases. The annuity option guarantees more money, but it is paid over 29 years and would also result in a hefty tax bill.
Probabilities are largely not in your favor. Mathematically, you are not rational if you think you have a chance to win the jackpot, whether with a ticket or 100 tickets.
What is the rating? Cornelius Nelan, a math teacher at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut, notes that the chances are pretty much the same as rolling a dice and getting one, 11 times in a row.
Most people do not expect to win and instead think that the $ 2 bill is a small price to dream and be part of a dream conversation with colleagues or family. As Jane L. Risen, a behavioral science professor at the University of Chicago, puts it: "When the jackpot takes such magnitude," it creates that sense of community. He creates that sense of camaraderie. I also think it creates a potential feeling of regret for not being the one playing ".
The Canadian press –
October 22, 2018 / 11h22 | story:

Photo: Contribution
Maryland police said that an armed robber wore a hockey mask like that of the horror film "Friday the 13th" – but the victim saw him put it on and was able to # 39; identify.
According to the newspaper Frederick News-Post, a woman reportedly saw a man come out from behind a dumpster on October 18, put on the mask and order him out of his car. She said that he had a knife and threatened to kill her.
The man escaped with his cell phone and his purse. She followed, but lost sight of it in the woods, by the time the police arrived.
Police arrested Jamar Laray Scott, 29 years old. He denied any involvement, but the woman identified him and the police found the mask nearby.
Scott faces several charges. We do not know if he has a lawyer.
The Canadian press –
October 22, 2018 / 8:48 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
British actor Michael Caine poses for a photo in London.
Michael Caine looked back and, overall, he likes the view. Regrets? He had few.
The star of "Alfie", "Get Carter" and "The Dark Knight" aged 85 – among so many others – fondly remembers "Blowing the Bloody Doors Off", whose title is an adaptation of the title of 1969. caper "The Italian Job." Posted Tuesday in the United States by Hachette, it is about a memory, a manual of advice destined to the future actors and to whoever has an elusive dream of success.
Most of the tips are definitely out of date. Learn your lines. Work hard. Be nice to people. And to be lucky. Caine knows that he was extremely lucky.
"The luck I've had, you can not catch yourself," said Caine during an interview in his London apartment by the river, with a panoramic view of the Thames. "I mean, even once I was successful, I made a lot of movies on the flop, but I only did it three times at a time before I got it. a hit. "
In letters and in person, Caine describes her success as a sequence of lucky breaks. His first major film career, as a British Army officer in "Zulu" in 1964, was followed by a spy role tired of the world in "The Ipcress File". As a result of this, he achieved his breakthrough as an insatiable man in "Alfie". This film made Caine a blonde, a symbol of Swinging London, earned him an American fame and earned him the first of six Oscar nominations.
He then won two Oscars – for "Hannah and Her Sisters" and "The Cider House Rules". Later, starring as hotel master and mentor Alfred in three Batman films directed by Christopher Nolan. Along the way, he became an icon and his signature glbades and Cockney accent gave birth to a thousand imitators.
Caine said his optimistic outlook was rooted in his first difficult years. Born Maurice Micklewhite into a working-clbad London family, he was a child in the London blitz and later called as a conscript he was sent to fight during the Korean War.
"I have found it easy enough to be happy since," he notes in the book. "Once you've done maneuvers in Korea, everything else seems to be a lot of fun."
Upon his return to London, Caine decided to become an actor, while he was not sure how to do it.
"I was nobody from nowhere and I did not know anything at all," he said. His desire to succeed came from "despair", his desire to become something other than a factory worker.
"My father was an example of what I was and of my chance to be born all those years later," he said. "My father was an extremely intelligent man, but completely without education and a total brain waste – and that was what happened, and I could see him."
Answering an ad leads to small pieces in a provincial repertoire business. Then come work on the London scene, television roles, film roles and world celebrity. If he has a secret, he says, it is that he continued when the others gave up.
"If anyone rejected me, it never worried me," he said. "I tried again, because my only alternative was to work in the butter factory.
The Canadian press –
October 22, 2018 / 8:27 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
This undated photo provided by the Gwinnett County Police Department on Saturday, October 20, 2018 shows officer Antwan Toney.
Searches continued Monday for the second of two teenage suspects during the fatal shootout of a police officer near a school in the Atlanta area.
Authorities said Sunday that they thought that 18-year-old Tafahree Maynard had killed police officer Antwan Toney a day earlier, while he was controlling a suspicious vehicle parked near a school in New York. the Snellville area, Gwinnett County police said in a statement.
Maynard remained free Monday morning and should be considered armed and dangerous, the police said. He faces charges of aggravated badault and aggravated murder. The shooting occurred near an intermediate school about 40 km northeast of Atlanta.
"Tafahree Maynard must surrender," said Gwinnett County Police Chief Butch Ayers, at a press conference held last weekend.
Police said Maynard was not in a Gwinnett County home on Sunday night when a SWAT team had been deployed to hand him a search warrant. An official statement issued a public appeal for information on Maynard's whereabouts.
A second suspect, 19-year-old Isaiah Pretlow, has been charged with aggravated badault for apparently pointing a gun at an officer during the pursuit after Toney's death, police said.
Toney died of injuries at a hospital last weekend, police said. A 30-year-old from Southern California, he had worked for the Gwinnett County Police Service for nearly three years and was in his first police position.
"People who worked daily with Agent Toney remembered a very jovial person, dedicated to his job and his community," Ayers said.
Toney and other police officers first responded to a call about a suspicious vehicle near a school, police said. When officers approached, someone in the vehicle opened fire and Toney was hit. Then the vehicle started.
According to the police, Pretlow drove the vehicle outside after the shooting, crashed nearby and escaped with other occupants. An officer searching the area then met Pretlow at around 17:00. Pretlow pointed a gun at the officer, who fired shots, according to a statement. Pretlow was not touched and escaped into the woods. He was then placed in custody by the US Marshals.
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