Extreme Rules 2018: 5 Things We Learned From Sunday's WWE Event


Extreme Rules was so incredibly extreme that there was exactly one (1) match using extreme rules on the entire card. And half of that match was spent having a wrestler throw weapons that another wrestler tried to use on them.

There were still things to like about the extreme rules, even though the show focused much more on the rules part of that name than on the extreme. Let's choose five and talk about it, since that's what the title promised to do.

If you want a more detailed summary, you can check out the live blog from last night, which has spent every game on the map.

Braun Strowman lost the battle and won the war with a chokeslam

Kevin Owens made the mistake of pissing every 6 feet, 8 inches and 375 pounds of Braun Strowman a few weeks ago. Since then, he has spent all his time trying to escape the monster among men, and it has not worked very well for him. RAW Commissioner Kurt Angle decided to put the two in a steel cage match, where the breakout would give Owens a win, but would also be nearly impossible given the way Strowman operates .

Let's recap for the pre-game activity this morning in the post-game period for a reason: to explain to you why it was never a question of reaping a win here for Strowman. He wanted Owens to pay for his indiscretions, which meant that winning the match in a cage was not necessarily important: to hurt Owens, that's what mattered.

This is not one of those ideas of "wins and losses that matter" that affect both Bray Wyatt's character progression for years and that Strowman likes destruction and that destroying an opponent can be As important as a win So when Strowman caught Owens at the top of the cage, and considered how much winning the match meant for him, he decided that it meant less for him than throwing Owens to the top of the cage at a table. Announcement below.

thing is, it would turn against him if Owens was the kind of heel, and in the state of mind, to claim loudly and publicly that victory over Strowman – since the knockout feet hit the first floor he won, even though he could not leave the match under his own power while Strowman was able to go away as if nothing had happened. Owens is terrified at the thought of Strowman and never wanted to be part of it with him. It was he who tried to rally everyone at last month's Money in the Bank match against Strowman, because he knew they had to do it, that Strowman was the biggest threat of all the other players in the match. Owens was right too, because even with the organized effort against him, he always ends up winning.

Owens is not going to brag about his W on Strowman. If he's smart – and smart is the kind of Owens heel – he'll never mention it again, because the last thing he needs or wants, is that Strowman yells "I have not finished with you!" In his direction he violently has to others in his way before.

So, Owens gets a victory that he did not win, but in another sense, truer, he won with his blood. Strowman loses the battle, but in the service of winning the war, and also, this war is already over because of the way the battle was ended. I liked all this because he managed to avoid the tropes of the WWE cage matches while leaning heavily on how the characters think and feel.

Jeff Hardy is definitely too hurt to face full matches, is not it?

There have been all sorts of rumors that Jeff Hardy's back is hurting, and it's limiting him to the shows. On Sunday, his US Championship defense against Shinsuke Nakamura included a low shot from the front of the bell and injured his knee once before being pinned and losing the title, so it seems like these rumors are true and Hardy is going to need

Regardless of the reasons why, this match was one of the most intriguing on the map. It was fast, it was unexpected, it presented Nakamura's character trait of absolutely leaning on the beans of a guy. And then you get another surprise in the form of Randy Orton coming up, probably to challenge Nakamura for the US Championship … until he joins the surprise party. from everyone, including Nak's. trying to combine with Nakamura? Does he see a similar mind with a love for the destruction of the testicles through the ring of him? Or does he just know that a simple RKO will not intimidate Nakamura, and that to beat the man, one must speak his language. Which, in the case of Nakamura, is not Japanese, but they are brutal shots at the bullets.

I agree with one or the other of these results: Randy Orton attempting to intimidate Nakamura into a title defense by being better at destroying his life. crotch that he, or Randy Orton and Nakamura joining forces to form a team their attack is an attack against the tails of their opponents

Oh, as if you did not want to see Orton and Nakamura arm with the hammers Bludgeon Brothers in a title opportunity so that they can start taking blows at their bludgies. 19659017] This quarrel of Asuka-Carmella is pretty bad

[deep sigh]

okay, so

I totally agree with Asuka who loses to Carmella. Money in the Bank at Extreme Rules is okay. Asuka should not win every game! What poses me a problem, is that the only two ways that they seem to have for Asuka are a clever, intelligent, unstoppable force, or, as she was on Sunday, a complete dork with a jaw of glbad.

You have to build a feud like this, where Carmella is not equal to Asuka and uses James Ellsworth to make up for that difference, so everyone wants to see Carmella lose because She is a terrible person who bends and breaks the rules to defeat her opponent, who would otherwise win. It's a basic wrestling story! Asuka should deserve to win, but not win, by building tension for the moment she will overcome Ellsworth, Carmella and all the other programs that she has put in place to prevent Asuka from winning the victory of the SmackDown Women's Championship. ] WWE.com

Instead, Asuka stares at Ellsworth for an entire minute at Money in the Bank, instead of reacting in one way or another with violence or being too surprised to counter a rollup or a back attack. Carmella. It just made Asuka look like a dork who does not understand how clothes work. Then, at Extreme Rules, we have Asuka – who, once again, has shown herself to be cunning, intelligent and focused so as to help her defeat all her opponents for a sufficient length of time to go beyond her. unbeaten series of Goldberg. behind her and attack her. She beat Ellsworth for too long, then came down for the account because she went head-first into the shark cage to which Ellsworth was hanging.

This is not a good writing! He forgets Asuka 's story and the kind of wrestler that she is, and does it just like every other babyface in the WWE: a complete moron. I still want to see Carmella lose, but I want to see her lose because I want this quarrel to be over: not because Asuka deserves to hand her hand to Carmella's face with her fist. It's also lazy and uninspired that the Strowman-Owens match was thoughtful, and it's disappointing to see all the talent of Asuka, Carmella, and even Ellsworth happen.

Roman Reigns vs. Bobby Lashley was fine, apart from the implications

Roman Reigns vs. Bobby Lashley was a pretty typical match between power and WWE style, which meant that it was perfectly usable, and sometimes even good! The problem here is that there was not really a successful way to win a match: if Reigns won, it would allow him to face Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam, which has already taken place this year at WrestleMania 34 and Saudi Arabian Prince Books WWE For a night only a few weeks later. Nobody wants that, not even if the result is that Braun Strowman shows up and destroys both and becomes the Universal Champion himself.

The alternative is to get Bobby Lashley's win, which means that Bobby Lashley will probably be the one to defeat Brock Lesnar and win the World Championship, which he …? Really? A cardboard cutout of Bobby Lashley and the current Bobby Lashley has the same level of charisma, and despite the visual display of the muscles, both are struggling to elevate their opponents. That's the guy, on one of the most talented lists that the WWE has ever put together, who can challenge and possibly beat Brock Lesnar?

Anyway, I predicted in April the literal day when Lashley showed that it was going to be the way things were going to go down, and it's a prediction I'm proud of just because # & ## She proves that I am not cynical, I am just insightful. Eating at Arby's

Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler was rather awesome

I loved how they built Seth Rollins against Dolph Ziggler in their 30-minute Iron Man match. For a 30 minute match, you have to tell stories in the stories, and they did it in the main event of the evening.

Rollins is clearly the best of both – he quickly took a 2-0 lead in the Iron Man match, due to his ability to fight Ziggler's wrestling ability. Then, Drew McIntyre started to defeat Rollins while Ziggler was found on the ground and recovered, and even though he gave the Rollins a 3-0 lead due to the disqualification, he also dropped significantly, allowing Ziggler things back up with ease on a Rollins now very tired and tired.

Ziggler then played the defense for most of the rest of the match, just trying to hang on long enough to avoid taking Rollins back in the lead. He succeeded in the end because the clock went out just before Rollins took the fifth and final fall that would have allowed him to win the intercontinental championship. Ziggler won overtime with the help of another McIntyre attack, this one out of sight of the referee, and Ziggler was able to retain.

We have a clear story here: Rollins is amazing and is clearly the best wrestler, the most deserving wrestler, between him and Ziggler. He is obsolete, however, as McIntyre is a giant muscle mbad ready to kill on behalf of Dolph. Ziggler is an opportunistic donkey who still has the IC belt, and at one point Rollins will find a way to handle both McIntyre and Ziggler, and he'll feel incredible when he recovers the Ziggler title snatched him

Now do you see why the thing of Asuka makes me so upset? You do not need to make your faces look like dorks, WWE!

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