Facebook expands dating feature in Thailand and Canada


As an extension of its plan to use popular dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble, Facebook has announced the expansion of its dating features test to two new countries: Canada and Thailand.

It is well known that Facebook has developed a dating app using the huge amount of user data that the platform can potentially access. The data is evidenced by the fact that the California-based company had about 2.27 billion active users during the third quarter of 2018, reveals a study by Statista.

The Facebook Dating service test was launched for the first time in Colombia in September, according to a report by the Economics Times. The feature included the integration of users with groups and events on the social network platform, with the aim of encouraging people to progress towards real interactions in the virtual territory.

And, quoting a report from The Verge, the ET article says that there is a new feature on board this time around. The feature is called "Second Look" and allows users to reconsider an earlier decision. Mapping can also be suspended in case they do not search anymore.

Facebook hopes to expand its user base with the new dating feature. The test feature is now available to users aged 18 and over, free of charge and without advertising or premium features, the report adds.

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