Fire Situation in Temagami Forest – UPDATE 06:59 –


Comments posted:

Jul 14, 2018 @ 06:59

On the evening of July 13, there are 52 active forest fires in the Northeast region. Of these, 21 are not yet under control, while 31 are detained, under control or observed. Fourteen fires were fired

Tomorrow, forecasts predict cloudy areas in areas near the Quebec border that will continue to provide cloud cover for the Temagami fireplaces, Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park and River Valley. . The winds will be light and variable, which will have a minimal impact on the activity of the fire. Although we have recorded precipitation in parts of the Northeast today, they have been scattered in the wild and will provide modest relief over the next two days for fires in Areas of Concern.

Type 2 crews receiving a helicopter briefing before being deployed on the line of fire,

  • Two new fires were reported today. North Bay 93 and Sault Ste. Marie 11 are both 0.1 hectares and both have been supported by FireRanger teams. Cloud cover and scattered showers helped fire personnel make progress on the current fires.
  • North Bay 72 is from Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park and left the park boundary to the northeast. It is currently the largest fire in the Northeast region with 10,775 hectares (this fire has been reconfigured to a more precise size). New crews arrived at base camp today. As a precautionary measure, the protection of values ​​is established in the Township of Speight
  • Timmins 12, which is located approximately 25 km east of Lake Nighthawk, has 77.3 hectares. Today, heavy equipment has progressed well while a helicopter-tanker has helped 6 ground crews
  • The weather has helped fire crews make progress on North Bay 69 today. Which is located southwest of the Temagami marina. Fire crews are located in North Bay 62, a 2,500-hectare fire northeast of River Valley.
  • North Bay 55 is located south of Temagami, east of Highway 11 and covers 25 acres. Fire crews have made good progress on fire today.

Incident Management Teams

Incident Management Teams (IMTs) mobilized in the region to deal with priority fires in three regions:

  • Valley River Cluster [19659008] Lake Temagami Cluster
  • Lady Evelyn's Cluster

Resources from Outside the Province

The following Forest Fire Teams are currently badisting FireRangers and Type 2 Contract Teams :

  • Prince Edward Island provided a crew of 4 people
  • Newfoundland provided a crew of 4 people
  • British Columbia provided 20 teams of 3 people with 2 support staff
  • Northwest Territories provided six 4-person crews with support staff
  • Saskatchewan provided two support staff
  • Alberta provided 15 crews of 4 people, 9 Support staff and the Cident Management Team
  • Minnesota provided 2 support staff

The following equipment is in Ontario, contributing to the wildfire situation:

  • Alberta and Saskatchewan currently supports fire suppression operations in Ontario with tankers. FUME CONCERNS

    • Many Ontario residents report smoke drifts in their communities, smoke conditions are expected to persist until weather conditions change
    • ] AFFES reminds the public that if it sees any flames or smoke, please report it and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
    • If you have questions or concerns about health and smoke, please contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. Information on the Temagami area

      The MNRF was notified by the Temagami Municipality that the mandatory evacuation orders of Temagami Shores, at the southern end of the town of Temagami , at Jess The lake, including the Bell Island on Lake Temagami, has been demoted to an evacuation alert. However, residents can return home, but they must remain alert as they may be asked to leave at any time depending on the fire situation. Other evacuation alerts remain in place.

      Fire in a helicopter after being sent to a fire.

      Travel Restrictions

      The MNRF issued an Emergency Zone Order for parts of the District of North Bay due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater , Lake Temagami and North Bay District. Restrictions include:

      • Please visit as this information is regularly updated
      • For more information about these travel restrictions: 705-475- 5546
      • For the media contact: 705-564-6146
      • For inquiries from members of the public: 705-564-6165
      • For questions about highway closures: Call 5-1 -1


      • To report a forest fire north of the French and Mattawa rivers, dial 310-FIRE (3473 )
      • To report a forest fire south of French River or Mattawa River, dial 911.
      • Follow us on Twitter @ONForestFires or in French @ ONFeuDeForêt
      • For information on day on fires in the province or to check the risk of fire. forest fire in your area, visit

      For guidelines on safe fire management outside / fireprevention

      July 13 , 2018 @ 19:00

      A community information session on the status of fire and emergencies will be held on Tuesday, July 17 at 4 pm. in the Municipal Office Theater (7 Lakeshore Drive). Everyone is welcome.

      July 13, 2018 @ 2:35 pm

      On the morning of July 13, there are 60 active forest fires in the Northeast region. Of these, 22 are not yet under control, while 38 are detained, under control or observed.

      There were seven new starts in the Northeast region yesterday.

      Relative humidity is higher in the area this morning. this effectively reduces fire activity and allows our crews to progress well. Some precipitation falls in parts of the northeast in early afternoon, but we expect scattered and minimal precipitation today. While this may help mitigate the risk of a short-term fire in some localized areas, it is expected to rebound quickly once rainfall has decreased. There is a current risk of thunderstorms for today, which could result in more lightning fires. Since June 29 which was the Friday preceding the Canada Day long weekend, we have recorded more than 165,000 lightning strikes across Ontario. We expect to continue to find several new starts in the coming week

      Recent lightning caught outside the Sudbury Fire Branch by Ken Irvine this week.

      Values ​​protection continues to operate in the Township of Speight today as a precautionary measure. It's in the North Bay 72 fire zone, which originated in Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park and has now left the park boundary to the northeast. This is currently the largest fire in the Northeast region. Teams are working along the river system from Mountain Lake south to Speight today.

      Timmins 12, located about 25 km east of Nighthawk Lake, now covers 77.3 hectares. Four CL415 water bombers and four fire crews were working last night to suppress the fire. Today, heavy equipment is progressing while a helicopter-tanker is helping 6 ground crews.

      Last night, AFFES received a call from the Municipality of Central Frontenac for help at the Peterborough Fire 3. Three Twin Otters and a birddog plane were sent but were not required. A ground crew is badisting municipal firefighters this morning.

      Fire crews make good progress at North Bay 69, which is located southwest of Temagami Marina. Yesterday afternoon, heavy helicopters were working on the fire, putting water in the fire.

      North Bay 55 also benefited from help in the fight against aerial fire in the form of heavy helicopters yesterday. It is located south of Temagami, east of Highway 11 and covers 25 hectares.

      Incident Management Teams

      Incident Management Teams (IMTs) have mobilized in the region and are supporting priority fires in three areas:

      [19659014] River Valley Cluster

    • Lake Temagami Cluster
    • Lady Evelyn Cluster

    Resources From Outside the Province

    The following forest firefighter teams are currently badisting the FireRangers of the … Ontario and Type 2 Contract Teams:

    • Prince Edward Island Provided a Four Person Crew
    • Newfoundland Provided a Four Person Crew
    • British Columbia provided twenty crews of three people
    • Alberta provided fourteen four-person crews, eight support staff and an incident management team of 19

    L & # 39; next equipment is located in O ntario, which helps to solve the problem of forest fires: [196] 59018] CL415 water bombers and T802 Fire Boss amphibious equipment from Alberta and Saskatchewan currently support wrestling operations Ontario Fire Fighters

Firefighters from across Canada are briefed by Ontario's Paul Riopel this morning.


  • Many Ontario residents report smoke drifts in their communities, smoke conditions expected to continue until weather conditions change.
  • AFFES reminds the public that If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.

Information on the Temagami Area

The Municipality of Temagami advised the MRNF that the mandatory evacuation orders from Temagami Shores, south of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake, Bell Island on Lake Temagami were demoted to an evacuation alert. Residents can return home, but must remain alert because they may be asked to leave at any time depending on the fire situation. Other evacuation warnings

Travel restrictions

The MNRF issued an emergency zone order for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and North Bay District.

Restrictions include:

  • All travel and use of McLaren Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, St. Joseph Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road, Cooke Lake Road, Beauty Lake Road, Roadhouse Road, Mountain Lake Road, Klock Road, Goulard Road from Lower Goose Falls are prohibited, as is the Red Road. Squirrel Lake beyond Barmac Gate. issued by the District of North Bay from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. (See the map at
  • All modes of transportation and access to enclosed parks in the backcountry (Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Obabika, Makobe- Grays River, Solace and Sturgeon River) and all lands described in the area identified on the map of the sequence of execution are prohibited.
  • Any use and occupation of Crown Lands or within 500 meters of the enclosed roads described on the map.

Please visit as this information is updated regularly.

A CL415 bomber burns North Bay 46 earlier this week.

For more information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546

For media inquiries, contact: 705-564-6146

For member inquiries No .: 705-564-6165

For information on highway closures: Call 5-1-1


  • To report a forest fire north of the French and Mattawa rivers, dial 310-FIRE (3473)
  • To report a forest fire south of the French rivers or Mattawa, dial 911.
  • Follow us on Twitter: @ONForestFires or French @ ONForDeForêt
  • For up-to-date information on current province fires or to check for forest fire risk in your area, visit

For guidelines on the safe management of fire at the former Ontario,19659005'[19659005Äù19459009] July 13, 2018 @ 08: 35

We issued an Emergency Zone Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District in due to active fires around La dy Evelyn-Smoothwater, Temagami Lake and North Bay District (NOR # 062)

Restrictions include:

  • All Movements and l & # 39; use of McLaren Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, St. Joseph Road, including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road, Cooke Lake Road, Beauty Lake Road, Klock Road Roadhouse Tower Road, Mountain Lake Road and Goulard Road begin in Lower Goose Falls. The attached Execution Order Card is prohibited unless authorized by a Travel Permit issued by the North Bay District of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MRNF).
  • All modes of transportation and access to Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Obabika River Makobe-Grays River, Solace and Sturgeon River Provincial Parks and all Crown Lands described in the area identified on the map. The enclosed Order of Execution are prohibited, unless issued with a travel permit issued by the District of North Bay.
  • The use of Red Squirrel Lake Road beyond the Barmac Gate, as described on the enclosed Exit Card, is prohibited unless a travel permit issued by the North Bay District of the MRNF. Crown lands or within 500 meters of the enclosed roads described in sections 1, 2 and 3 above, in this area is prohibited.


See restricted areas on this PDF map . (Note: this map is updated regularly and the link to the pdf file will change.)

We issued the Emergency Zone Order to help maintain public safety and allow the authorities to extinguish the fire

effect until further notice. Stay safe!

July 12, 2018 @ 23:45

This map shows the projected trajectory and the intensity of the smoke for tomorrow evening at 10 pm. (Source:

Many people are worried about the quality of the air caused by the many forest fires. If you visit this link at, there will be an animation of the expected effect of forest fire smoke over the next 51 hours. On the website: "This system produces forecasts of hourly concentrations of smoke particles (PM 2.5) from forest fires up to 48 hours in the future. Forecasts are experimental and subject to uncertainties inherent in weather forecasts, fire / emissions detection and smoke predictions.

CDC (Edited):

When wildfires burn in your area, they produce smoke that can reach your community.Fire smoke is a mixture of gas and fines particles from the burning of trees and other plant matter.This smoke can injure the eyes, irritate the respiratory system and aggravate chronic heart and lung diseases.

Who is most at risk of contracting a forest smoke?

  • People with Heart or Pulmonary Diseases Chest pain, lung disease or asthma are at greater risk of wildfire smoke.
  • Older adults are more likely to be affected by smoke. This may be due to their increased risk of heart and lung disease.
  • Children are more likely to be affected affected by health threats related to smoke. The respiratory tract of children is still developing and they breathe more air per kilogram of body weight than adults. In addition, children often spend more time outdoors engaging in activities and playing.

Taking steps to reduce the risk of forest smoke

  • Check local reports of air quality .
  • Consult local visibility guides . Keep indoor air as clean as possible if you are advised to stay indoors. Keep windows and doors closed. Operate an air conditioner, but keep the fresh air inlet closed and the filter clean to prevent outside smoke from getting inside. If you do not have an air conditioner and it's too hot to stay indoors with the windows closed, look for shelter in a designated evacuation center or away from the affected area. .
  • Avoid activities that increase indoor pollution . Burning candles, fireplaces or gas stoves can increase indoor pollution. Vacuuming stirs particles already in your home, contributing to indoor pollution. Smoking pollutes the atmosphere even more
  • Preventing Wildfires . Prepare, build, maintain and extinguish campfires safely. Follow local regulations if you burn garbage or debris. Check with your local fire department to make sure the weather is safe enough to burn.
  • Follow the advice of your doctor or other health care professional about medications and your respiratory management plan. pulmonary diseases. Remember to evacuate if you have trouble breathing. Call your doctor for advice if your symptoms worsen.
  • Do not rely on dust masks to protect them . Paper "comfort" or "dust" masks commonly found in hardware stores are designed to trap large particles such as sawdust. These masks will not protect your lungs from the small particles in forest fire smoke.
  • Evacuate forest fire. Listen to the news to learn about current evacuation orders. Follow local authority instructions regarding when and where to evacuate. Only take essential items with you. Follow the designated escape routes (others can be blocked) and plan for heavy traffic.

July 12, 2018 @ 22:04

Sunset at the Sudbury Fire Management Center, July 2018.

On the evening of July 12, there are 66 fires from active forest in the Northeast region. Of these, 26 are not yet under control, while 40 are detained, under control or observed.

There have been seven new departures in the Northeast today, one of which has been extinguished. Our fire crews managed to extinguish 9 fires in total

The relative humidity will increase throughout the day tomorrow (rain or not), thus effectively reducing fire activity and allowing crews to establish. Rainfall has been observed in the western part of the region, but we expect scattered and minimal precipitation in the priority fire zones. There is a risk of thunderstorms in the next 12 to 24 hours, which could cause more lightning. Since June 29 which was the Friday preceding the Canada Day long weekend, we have recorded more than 165,000 lightning strikes across Ontario. We expect to continue to find several new starts in the coming week.

Asset protection teams are actively working in the Speight and Auld Townships area today, as a precautionary measure.

Timmins 12 is a 25-hectare forest fire located about 25 km east of Nighthawk Lake. Four CL415 water hunters and four fire crews attempt to suppress this fire

Incident Management Teams

Incident Management Teams (IMTs) mobilized in the area to in charge of the priority fires in 3 zones:

  • Group of the valley of the river
  • Group of Temagami
  • Group of the Lady Evelyn

Teams from the Province arrive in Sudbury July 12, 2018

Outside Resources

  • Fire Teams from Alberta and British Columbia British arrived in Ontario on Monday, July 9 to help fix the fire problem. Fifteen crews of three people from British Columbia and ten crews of four from Alberta were deployed on July 10th.
  • CL415 bombers and T802 Fire Boss amphibious equipment from Alberta and Saskatchewan currently support fire suppression operations. ] Additional teams arrived from Alberta this morning in the form of five initial attack teams of 4 people and an incident management team of 19 as well as eight support staff.

Nova Scotia provided five crews of four people

  • Prince Edward Island provided a crew of four
  • Newfoundland provided a crew of four
  • British Columbia provided five additional crews 19659009] Northwest Territories provided six four-person crews
  • Saskatchewan provided two support staff

    • Smoke around the Tri -Towns, Elk Lake, Earlton, Kenabeec, Kerns and surrounding areas can be heavy tonight.
    • AFFES reminds the public that if they see flames or smoke, report it and stay away from the area. the interest of public safety.
    • If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.

    Information on the Temagami area

    The Municipality of Temagami informed the MRNF that the mandatory evacuation orders from Temagami Shores, at the southern limit of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake, including Bell Island on Lake Temagami, were demoted to an evacuation alert. However, residents can return home, but they must remain alert as they may be asked to leave at any time depending on the fire situation. Other evacuation alerts remain in place.


    Travel Restrictions

    The MNRF issued an Emergency Zone Order for parts of the District of North Bay due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater , Lake Temagami and North Bay District

    Restrictions include:

    • All travel and use of McLaren Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, Road South Pardo, St. Joseph Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road, Cooke Lake Road, Beauty Lake Road, Roadhouse Road, Mountain Lake Road, Klock Road, Goulard Road from Lower Goose Falls are prohibited, as well as Red Squirrel Lake Road. Permit issued by the North Bay District of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. (See attached map)
    • All modes of transportation and access to closed backcountry parks (Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Obabika, Makobe-Grays River, Solace and Sturgeon Parks) River) and all Crown lands. the map of the Order of Execution is prohibited
    • Any use and occupation of Crown land or within 500 meters of the enclosed roads described on the map.
    • Please visit as this information is updated regularly. ] For information on these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546

      For inquiries from members of the public: 705-564-6165

      For questions about highway closures: Call 5 -1-1


      • To report a forest fire north of the French and Mattawa rivers, dial 310-FIRE (3473)
      • To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
      • Follow us on Twitter: sh@ONForestFires or French @ ONFeuDeForêt
      • For up-to-date information on fires in the province or to check for the risk of forest fire in your area, visit

      For guidelines on forest fire safety in Ontario .ca / fireprevention

      [19659005] July 12, 2018 @ 21:53 pm [196] 59167] Map of fires around Temagami as of Thursday evening July 12, 2018.

    Level 1 emergency declared for Bear Island

    Due to the With a high number of active fires in the area, Temagami First Nation Chief and Council have declared a Level 1 emergency for Bear Island. Residents should be alert for possible escalation. In the event that an evacuation is ordered, residents will receive as much notice as possible through an early evacuation alert.

    The Bear Island Fire Ban remains in effect and applies to all open fires of all sizes. . Bear Island residents are advised to be cautious and do not forget to dispose of the smoking materials in the appropriate containers. This ban will help prevent human-caused forest fires and protect public safety.

    Daily Updates

    Daily fire updates will be posted in the community and Pier Market.

    TFN Web Site

    TFN Facebook

    MNRF Updates

    First aid kits should contain:

    • Spare Clothing Set
    • Candles, including a suitable holder
    • Batteries, for flashlights, radios, etc.
    • Radio portable – avec portée / réception adéquate
    • Lampes de poche – au moins 2 en état de marche
    • Correspondances (imperméable) , briquets
    • Trousse de premiers soins
    • Eau potable fraîche pour tous à la maison
    • Couvertures
    • Articles alimentaires non périssables

    12 juil. 2018 @ 21:42

    Ajournement annuel traditionnel du pow-wow de la Première Nation de Temagami

    11 juillet 2018, 16 h 30

    Publié par le directeur exécutif,

    BEAR ISLAND, ON (11 juillet , 2018) · Le chef et le conseil de la Première nation de Temagami ont décidé que le pow-wow annuel de TFN, qui devait se tenir les 14 et 15 juillet 2018 a été reporté jusqu'à nouvel ordre en raison des conditions de feu sur n'Daki ​​Menan. Le Pow-Wow est reporté en raison de l'état d'urgence dans la municipalité de Temagami.

    La Première Nation de Temagami reconnaît la détresse et les difficultés que la situation actuelle cause aux résidents de Temagami et de sa région et ne veut pas ajouter d'autres complications. »

    Le chef intérimaire John Turner a partagé ces paroles:« En ce moment, nous nous tenons avec nos amis et voisins dans la ville de Temagami, sur le lac et tout au long de N'Daki ​​Menan (notre patrie).

    Je voudrais dire, au nom du chef et du conseil, que nous sommes vraiment désolés que cet événement significatif et culturel ait dû être reporté. Nous reconnaissons que beaucoup dans notre communauté, et d'autres communautés, ont travaillé dur pour se préparer, et attendent avec impatience ce pow-wow. "

    Nos pensées et nos prières accompagnent les familles touchées par ces circonstances malheureuses. [19659005]

    12 juillet 2018 @ 21:38


    Avis de la communauté (au 12 juillet 2018)

    1. An Implementation L'ordonnance (10) concernant les restrictions de voyage est en vigueur dans la région de Temagami. Le ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF) de l'Ontario limite l'accès aux zones en raison des risques d'incendie créés par l'augmentation des incendies.
    2. Le MRNF a limité les déplacements décrits sur la carte 10-2018-02 pour badurer la sécurité publique est l'augmentation de l'activité de feu. La zone hachurée (ombrée) sur la carte détaille la zone interdite
    3. Il y a actuellement un grand nombre de feux qui brûlent dans la municipalité de Temagami.
    4. La municipalité de Temagami a déclaré une situation d'urgence. Bien que vous ne puissiez pas voir ou sentir ces feux, ils brûlent activement.
    5. La sécurité publique est absolument primordiale. Ces conditions changent fréquemment. Consultez le site Web quotidien à l'adresse: pour obtenir les renseignements les plus à jour.
    6. Pour toute question concernant les restrictions d'accès à l'Ordre de mise en œuvre et la carte actuelle, composez le 705 475-5546. Pour toute demande liée à un incendie, veuillez contacter l'agent des incendies au: 705-564-61 65.
    7. Le groupe de contrôle communautaire se réunit quotidiennement et fournira des mises à jour dès qu'elles seront disponibles.

    Municipalité de la déclaration de Temagami

    Mise à jour sur la situation actuelle des incendies – 12 juillet, 2018 à 20h17 du maire Lorie Hunter

    La municipalité de Temagami est actuellement sous le coup d'une interdiction de feu. Le ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF) a émis une ordonnance de zone d'incendie restreinte pour la région.

    En raison du risque extrême d'incendie, de plusieurs périodes récentes d'éclairs intenses et du grand nombre de feux de forêt, le MRNF a mis en Zone de feu restreinte dans certaines zones de Northeas en Ontario, tel qu'indiqué sur la carte interactive des incendies à Il est interdit de brûler à l'air libre, y compris les feux de camp, dans les limites d'une zone d'accès restreint. Les cuisinières à gaz portatives peuvent être utilisées pour la cuisson et la chaleur MAIS doit être manipulé avec une extrême prudence. Tous les permis de brûlure sont suspendus. Suivez l'aviation, les feux de forêt et les services d'urgence sur Twitter @ONforestfires.

    Il y a 19 feux actifs qui brûlent dans la municipalité de Temagami; Cependant, ce nombre pourrait rapidement changer. Les ordres d'évacuation obligatoires de Temagami Shores, à l'extrémité sud de la ville de Temagami, jusqu'au lac Jessie, y compris l'île Bell sur le lac Temagami, ont été rétrogradés à une alerte d'évacuation. Residents may return home, however, must remain on alert as they can be asked to leave again at any time based on the fire situation. Other Evacuation Alerts remain in place.

    All Provincial parks, including Finlayson Point and Marten River Provincial Park, remain closed and all interior and backcountry travel is restricted.

    The MNRF is advising the public that travel restrictions have been implemented in McLaren’s Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, and St. Joseph’s Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road, Red Squirrel Lake Road beyond the Jack Pine Road intersection and all access into Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park in the North Bay District.

    Access to these areas is restricted and roadblocks will be set-up to notify the public of the closure. Travel restrictions are in place and permits are required to travel through this area. Within the area, no Crown land camping, no day trips, no hiking, no ATVs and no access to private or commercial camps or cottages are permitted.

    These measures are meant to protect the public and ensure public safety while allowing fire personnel to safely fight forest fires in the identified area. Public safety is paramount as these conditions can change frequently.

    Check the website daily at: for the most up to date, accurate information on fire situations. For road closures and restricted access areas, please visit: . For information about travel restrictions: 705-475-5546.

    Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available. The Regional Information Officer can be contacted at: 705-564-6156.

    Jul 12, 2018 @ 21:22

    The City of North Bay is supporting the evacuation of the Keewaydin Canoe Camp located in Temagami, Ontario.

    Mayor Al McDonald was contacted by representatives of the Keewaydin Canoe Camp requesting badistance with the evacuation of approximately 100 campers ranging in age from 10-13 years old. As a result of this request, the Emergency Management Team was engaged and quickly coordinated the logistics for accomodations and meals. Several community partners and agencies are also involved in the effort.

    “The City has an Emergency Management Plan in place for circumstances just like this” said Al McDonald, Mayor of the City of North Bay. “We are pleased to offer our badistance to the Camp and to help ensure the safety of the young campers as they make their way home.”


    Fire Chief Whiteley stated that “We were able to pull together resources through the support of the Canadian Red Cross, Nipissing University, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit and the Gathering Place to join the efforts of the mmebers of the City’s Emergency Management Team to meet the necessary needs to accommodate the campers that come from many parts of Canada and the United States.”


    All campers have arrived and the team is working on meeting their needs. An update will be provided later in the afternoon after registration of all campers has been completed.

    Jul 12, 2018 @ 20:51

    Due to an extreme fire hazard & recent periods of heavy lightning in parts of the Northeast Region, MNRF will expand the current Restricted Fire Zone to include areas outlined in the map below as of 12:01 a.m. tonight (July 13).


    Jul 12, 2018 @ 14:22

    Forest Fire Situation Update
    Northeast Fire Region
    July 12, 2018
    Time of Report 13:30


    We are receiving a very high volume of media calls seeking information about the fire situation in the Northeast. At this time, we will be providing media with two updates daily about the fire situation. One late morning, and one in the evening. Below is an update for this morning.

    On the morning of July 12, there are 66 active forest fires in the Northeast region. Of these, 26 are not yet under control, while 40 are either being held, under control or being observed.

    There were 18 new starts in the northeast yesterday and we have already received several initial reports that are being investigated by detection aircraft this morning.

    Once again, no precipitation was recorded in the region overnight last night, and since June 29th which was the Friday before the Canada Day long weekend, we have recorded over 165,000 lightning strikes across the Ontario.

    The current forecast once again predicts the possibility of thunderstorms this afternoon into the evening in the Northeast region. We expect to continue to find several new starts as a result over the coming week.

    Three CL415’s were working on North Bay 72 this last evening. This fire originated in Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park and has now spread northeast outside the park boundary. FireRangers have been setting up sprinklers in the area of Speight Township and Auld Township as a precaution. 3 fire crews were on the ground last night performing values protection and 6 crews are out this morning continuing to make progress. Sprinklers have been set up this morning on Skull Lake, Mendelson Lake (Speight Township) and are currently working around Big Spring Lake and Indian Lake (Auld Township).

    Good progress was made on North Bay 69 yesterday, fire crews and heavy helicopters were effective in reducing fire activity for this fire which is the closest to the Temagami community.

    (Twitter follower Trish Jordan provided this photo of a CL415 scooping from Lake Temagami on July 8, preparing to drop water on North Bay 69)

    (Three CL415 waterbombers work together to suppress fire North Bay 69 near Temagami on July 8, photo provided by Twitter follower Trish Jordan)

    Crews from British Columbia were badigned to North Bay 55 yesterday and have been working to suppress this fire. Air attack was dispatched to this fire later in the day to aid with firefighting activities.

    Incident Management Teams

    Incident Management Teams (IMTs) have mobilized in the region and are taking over priority fires in 3 areas:

    • River Valley Cluster
    • Lake Temagami Cluster
    • Lady Evelyn Cluster

    Resources from Out of Province

    • Fire crews from Alberta and British Columbia arrived in Ontario on Monday July 9 to badist with the fire situation. Fifteen 3 person crews from British Columbia and ten 4 person crews from Alberta have been deployed to priority fires July 10.
    • CL415 water bombers and T802 Fire Boss amphibians equipment from Alberta and Saskatchewan are currently supporting Ontario’s fire suppression operations.
    • Additional personnel have arrived from Alberta this morning in the form of five 4 person initial attack crews and a 19 person Incident Management Team as well as 8 support staff

    Further Out of Province Resources Arriving later today:

    • Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person crews
    • Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person crew
    • Newfoundland has supplied a 4 person crew
    • British-Columbia has supplied five more 3 person crews
    • Northwest Territories has supplied six 4 person crews
    • Saskatchewan has supplied two support staff


    • Significant smoke w as noted in several areas of Northeastern Ontario last night. Variable winds last evening saw smoke blowing into many communities from several active fires in the province. Smoke drifts are possible again today, with winds out of the southsouthwest predominantly across the Northeast Region this afternoon.
    • AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
    • If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.

    (Several fires are causing significant smoke to drift into many communities in Northeastern Ontario over the past few days – North Bay 42 is pictured here)

    Temagami area information

    The MNRF has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores, at the south edge of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake including Bell Island on Lake Temagami have been downgraded to an Evacuation Al ert. Residents may return home however, must remain on alert as they can be asked to leave again at any time based on the fire situation. Other Evacuation Alerts remain in place.

    Travel Restrictions

    MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.

    The restrictions include:

    • All travel and use of McLaren’s Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, St. Joseph’s Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road as outlined on the map.
    • All modes of travel or access into Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park and all Crown lands as outlined on the map attached.
    • Use of the Red Squirrel Lake Road beyond the Barmac Gate as outlined on the map.
    • All use and occupation of Crown land or within 500 metres of the described closed roads on the map.
    • Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.

    For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546 

    For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146

    For inquiries by members of the public contact:705-564-6165



    • To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
    • To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
    • Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
    • For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit

    For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management


    Report prepared by Isabelle Chenard


    Contact Information:
    Shayne McCool
    Fire Information Officer


    You are receiving this update because you opted in. If you no longer wish to receive updates please reply to this email or contact the Fire Information Officer listed above and ask to be removed from the distribution.


    Jul 11, 2018 @ 23:50

    North Bay 72, July 11, 2018. (MNRF)


    North Bay 69, Near Temagami -July 9, 2018, MNRF.

    On the evening of July 11, there are 67 active forest fires in the Northeast region. Of these, 32 are not yet under control, while 39 are either being held, under control or being observed.

    There were 18 new starts in the northeast today, two of which are already out. At the time of this update 16 fires remain active. Thunderstorms once again swept through Northeastern Ontario on July 9th and we expect to continue to find several new starts as a result over the coming week.

    There was no rain at all recorded overnight last night, and since June 29thwhich was the Friday before the Canada Day long weekend, we have recorded over 165,000 lightning strikes across the Ontario.

    Reports of smoke have been noted from areas across the central portion of the northeast. Smoke drift from fires in the Temagami, River Valley and the Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park areas is the main cause badociated with smoke conditions. We are expecting a southwesterly wind tomorrow which is expected to cause smoke drift towards the northeast. We’re predicting existing fires to be active tomorrow before cloud cover moves into the region overnight Friday.

    North Bay 72, with Water Bomber July 11, 2018, MNRF.

    Three CL415’s were working on North bay 72 this evening, which originated in Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park and has now spread northeast outside the park boundary. FireRangers are in Kenbeec/Kerns tonight setting up sprinklers in the community as a precaution. Good progress was made on North Bay 69 today, fire crews and heavy helicopters were effective in reducing fire activity for this fire which is the closest to the Temagami community. Crews from British Columbia were badigned to North Bay 55 today and have been working to suppress this fire. Air attack was dispatched to this fire later in the day to aid with firefighting activities.

    Incident Management Teams

    Incident Management Teams (IMTs) have mobilized in the region and are preparing to take over priority fires in 3 areas:

    • River Valley Cluster
    • Lake Temagami Cluster
    • Lady Evelyn Cluster

    Resources from Out of Province

    • Fire crews from Alberta and British Columbia arrived in Ontario on Monday July 9 to badist with the fire situation. Fifteen 3 person crews from British Columbia and ten 4 person crews from Alberta have been deployed to priority fires last night.
    • CL415 water bombers and T802 Fire Boss amphibians equipment from Alberta and Saskatchewan are currently supporting Ontario’s fire suppression operations.

    Incoming Out of Province Resources Arriving July 12

    • Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person crews
    • Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person crew
    • Newfoundland has supplied a 4 person crew
    • British-Columbia has supplied five more 3 person crews
    • Northwest Territories has supplied six 4 person crews
    • Alberta has sent five 4 person initial attack crews and a 19 person Incident Management Team as well as 8 support staff
    • Saskatchewan has supplied two support staff


    • AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
    • If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.

    Travel Restrictions

    On July 9, the MNRF district imposed travel restrictions along several roads in the Temagami area, information can be found on MNRF’s facebook page, Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services Twitter page and contact information for the North Bay District staff is indicated on our website at There, you can also check our interactive fire map to find out the size, location, status of current forest fires, and remember that there is also a restricted fire zone in effect in many parts of Northeastern Ontario, so campfires and outdoor burning are not permitted at this time. You can check the boundaries of the restricted fire zone on our map as well.

    For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546

    For inquiries by members of the public contact:705-564-6165

    Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.


    Jul 11, 2018 @ 22:05

    Municipality of Temagami Statement

    Current Fire Situation Update – July 11, 2018 at 8:30 p.m. from Mayor Lorie Hunter.

    The Municipality of Temagami is currently under a fire ban. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) have issued a restricted fire zone order for the area.

    Due to the extreme fire hazard, several recent periods of heavy lightning and the large number of wildfires burning, the MNRF has implemented a Restricted Fire Zone in some areas of Northeastern Ontario as outlined on the interactive fire map at No open burning, including campfires, is permitted within the boundaries of a Restricted Fire Zone. Portable gas stoves may be used for cooking and warmth BUT must be handled with extreme caution. All burning permits are suspended. Follow Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services on Twitter @ONforestfires.

    There are 19 active fires burning in the Municipality of Temagami; however, this number could rapidly change. The Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores, at the south edge of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake including Bell Island on Lake Temagami have been downgraded to an Evacuation Alert. Residents may return home however, must remain on alert as they can be asked to leave again at anytime based on the fire situation.

    Other Evacuation Alerts remain in place.

    All Provincial parks, including Finlayson Point and Marten River Provincial Park, remain closed and all interior and back country travel is restricted.

    The MNRF is advising the public that travel restrictions have been implemented in McLaren’s Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, and St. Joseph’s Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road, Red Squirrel Lake Road beyond the Jack Pine Road intersection and all access into Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park in the North Bay District.

    Access to these areas is restricted and roadblocks will be set-up to notify the public of the closure. Travel restrictions are in place and permits are required to travel through this area. Within the area, no Crown land camping, no day trips, no hiking, no ATVs and no access to private or commercial camps or cottages are permitted.

    These measures are meant to protect the public and ensure public safety while allowing fire personnel to safely fight forest fires in the identified area. Public safety is paramount as these conditions can change frequently.

    Check the website daily at: for the most up to date, accurate information on fire situations. For road closures and restricted access areas, please visit: .

    For information about travel restrictions: 705-475-5546.

    Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available. The Regional Information Officer can be contacted at 705-564-6156.



    Jul 11, 2018 @ 21:48

    Temagami’s CEMC (Community Emergency Measures Coordinator) Brian Koski says that the Mandatory Evacuation Order for the area from Temagami Shores to Jesse Lake, including Bell Island, has now been lifted. Immediately. Those who have had to stay away can return home!



    Jul 11, 2018 @ 20:42

    Basemap ( showing some of the forest fires and the extents burned.


    Residents of the Temagami area and Northeastern Ontario. AFFES would like to remind the public that it is illegal to fly a drone within 9 km of a forest fire. Please help ensure public safety and the safety of fire response personnel and respect the no drone zone.


    Jul 11, 2018 @ 13:09

    Forest Fire Situation Update (Northeast Fire Region)

    July 11, 2018, 12:00 Noon

    This morning, there are 66 active forest fires in Northeast Region. 27 of these fires are not yet under control, while 39 are either being held, under control or being observed.

    There were 15 new starts in the northeast yesterday, 7 of which are already out at the time of this update. Thunderstorms once again swept through Northeastern Ontario on July 9th and we expect to continue to find several new starts as a result over the coming week.

    In fact, we have already received a dozen reports this morning and detection aircraft are investigating.



    (T802 Fire Boss amphibians from Alberta are in Ontario to badist with the forest fire situation)



    There was no rain at all recorded overnight last night, and since June 29th which was the Friday before the Canada Day long weekend, we have recorded over 165,000 lightning strikes across the Ontario.

    We are expecting mainly sunny skies today in Northeastern Ontario, with relatively light northerly winds, so smoke from fires in Northern Ontario will drift to the south again today. Yesterday Ontario residents as far south as cottage country saw smoky conditions as a result of smoke blowing south from moderate northerly winds. We are expecting the fires to be more active today than they have been Monday and Tuesday, so there may be an increase in the amount of smoke, certainly in the North Bay district.

    Yesterday, the MNRF district imposed travel restrictions along several roads in the Temagami area, information can be found on MNRF’s facebook page, Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services Twitter page and contact information for the North Bay District staff is indicated on our website at (it is also below in this article). There you can also check our interactive fire map to find out the size, location, status of current forest fires, and remember that there is also a restricted fire zone in effect in many parts of Northeastern Ontario, so campfires and outdoor burning are not permitted at this time. You can check the boundaries of the restricted fire zone on our map as well.



    Ontario is deploying incident management teams over the coming days to manage priority fires. Details will become available later this week.



    (Sikorsky 61 helicopter bucketing over North Bay 42 on July 8)



    • Fire crews from Alberta and British Columbia have now arrived in Ontario to badist with the fire situation. 15 – 3 person crews from British Columbia and 10 – 4 person crews from Alberta have been deployed to priority fires tonight.
    • CL415 waterbombers and T802 Fire Boss amphibians equipment from Alberta and Saskatchewan are currently supporting Ontario’s fire suppression operations.



    • AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
    • If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.



    Effective as of 5:00 p.m. on July 9, 2018, an Implementation Order was issued by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry restricting access to an area of Temagami where there are public safety hazards as a result of increased fire activity.

    The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is advising the public that travel restrictions have been implemented in McLaren’s Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, and St. Joseph’s Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road, Red Squirrel Lake Road beyond the Jack Pine Road intersection and all access into Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park in the North Bay District.

    Access to these areas is restricted and road blocks will be set-up to notify the public of the closure. Travel restrictions are in place and permits are required to travel through this area. Within the area, no Crown land camping, no day trips, no hiking, no ATVs and no access to private or commercial camps or cottages are permitted.

    This measure is meant to protect the public and ensure public safety while allowing fire personnel to safely fight forest fires in the identified area.

    For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546

    Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.

    (North Bay 42 in the foreground, and North Bay 62 with badociated smoke drift in the background)


    • To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
    • To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
    • Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
    • For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit

    For guidelines on safe outdoor fire


    Jul 11, 2018 @ 08:36

    MNRF Update – July 10, 10:11 p.m.

    On the evening of July 10th, there are 66 active forest fires in Northeast Region. 29 of these fires are not yet under control, while 37 are either being held, under control or being observed.

    There were 15 new starts in the northeast today, 5 of which are already out at the time of this update. Thunderstorms once again swept through Northeastern Ontario yesterday afternoon and we expect to continue to find several new starts as a result over the coming week.

    New fires on the landscape include:

    • North Bay 74, a 1.5 hectare fire located northwest of Driftwood Lake, approximately 3 km south of the Temagami Access Rd.
    • Sault Ste. Marie 10, located within Garden River 14 First Nation, west of Echo Lake, is being held at 0.4 of a hectare.
    • North Bay 75 is located west of the Obabika River. It covers 6 hectares and is not yet under control.
    • North Bay 76 cover 0.1 of a hectare is located southeast of Perch Lake, approximately 15 km southeast of Mattawa.
    • Sudbury 63 covers 0.2 of a hectare is under control.
    • Sudbury 64 is under control at 0.1 of a hectare located on Clapperton Island.
    • Sudbury 65 covers 0.1 of a hectare and is located southwest of St. Charles.
    • Sudbury 66 and 67 are north of Hwy 637 approximately 10 km northwest of Killarney, they are 0.5 and 0.1 of a hectare respectively.
    • North Bay 78 is located just north of Hwy 533 northwest of Mattawa. It is 0.1 of a hectare and is not under control.



    Ontario is planning to deploy incident management teams over the coming days to manage priority fires. Details will become available later this week.



    • Fire crews from Alberta and British Columbia have now arrived in Ontario to badist with the fire situation. 15 – 3 person crews from British Columbia and 10 – 4 person crews from Alberta have been deployed to priority fires tonight.
    • CL415 waterbombers and T802 Fire Boss amphibians equipment from Alberta and Saskatchewan are currently supporting Ontario’s fire suppression operations.



    • Smoke drift was noted in many communities across Northeastern Ontario today, and well into cottage country due to a northerly wind. This smoke was from several fires in Ontario.
    • AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
    • If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.



    Effective as of 5:00 p.m. on July 9, 2018, an Implementation Order was issued by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry restricting access to an area of Temagami as outlined on the map below, where there are public safety hazards as a result of increased fire activity.

    The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is advising the public that travel restrictions have been implemented in McLaren’s Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, and St. Joseph’s Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road, Red Squirrel Lake Road beyond the Jack Pine Road intersection and all access into Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park in the North Bay District.

    Access to these areas is restricted and road blocks will be set-up to notify the public of the closure. Travel restrictions are in place and permits are required to travel through this area. Within the area, no Crown land camping, no day trips, no hiking, no ATVs and no access to private camps or cottages are permitted.

    This measure is meant to protect the public and ensure public safety while allowing fire personnel to safely fight forest fires in the identified area.

    For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5512



    • To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
    • To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
    • Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
    • For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit

    For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management


    Jul 10, 2018 @ 15:36

    Fire crews from Alberta and British Columbia have now arrived in Ontario to badist with the fire situation. 15 – 3 person crews from British Columbia and 10 – 4 person crews from Alberta will be deployed to priority fires tonight.

    CL415 waterbombers and T802 Fire Boss amphibians equipment from Alberta and Saskatchewan are currently supporting Ontario’s fire suppression operations.

    Temagami area residents will note the presence of aerial fire suppression aircraft again today.

    The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is advising the public that travel restrictions have been implemented in McLaren’s Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeannne Road, South Pardo Road, and St. Joseph’s Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road, Red Squirrel Lake Road beyond the Jack Pine Road intersection and all access into Lady Evelyn Provincial Park in the North Bay District (see map below). These travel restrictions will help protect the public and ensure public safety.

    The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has been asking residents of Lake Temagami to tie boats and float planes as close to the shore as possible to allow the maximum space for waterbombers and other aerial fire suppression aircraft to do their job. When water bombers approach a body of water, move close to the shore so they can perform their scoop safely. A water bomber will not scoop from a lake or river if encroaching watercraft pose a safety hazard.

    Area residents should also ensure to keep boat traffic to a minimum today on lake Temagami and always keep an eye out for emergency vehicles in the area.

    –We will continue to update the situation with information as it becomes available.


    Jul 10, 2018 @ 15:23

    Current Fire Situation – July 10, 2018 @ 11:30 am– From Mayor Lorie Hunter

    Emergency Management Committee met at 10:00 am July 10, 2018

    Reports on the fires near Temagami are positive. Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) officials are currently badessing the fire near Temagami and are not in a position to change existing evacuation orders. Therefore Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores at the South edge of the town of Temagami to Jessie Lake, including Finlayson Point Provincial Park, remain in effect.

    The Mandatory Evacuation Order for Marten River Provincial Park remains in effect. Evacuation standby for the Town of Temagami and surrounding area, will remain in effect until further notice.

    The situation will continue to be monitored as the day progresses and officials will continue to review and set up plans in the event the fire activity increases.

    Strathcona Road and the Temagami Fire Tower Road remain closed with no access permitted to the Fire Tower.
    All Provincial Parks in the area are now closed and all interior and backcountry travel is restricted. Visit Ontario Parks at www.ontarioparks.comfor when the restrictions will be lifted.

    If you were staying at Finlayson Point or Marten River Provincial Park please contact the Park directly for information on retrieving your belongings.

    Anyone requiring accommodation as a result of the evacuation should contact the Municipality of Temagami office at 705-569-3421 x 210 and ask for Tammy Lepage during business hours.

    Please contact the Municipality of Temagami Office at 705-569-3421 during business hours if you have any questions or concerns. For after-hours immediate MNRF concerns, please contact 1-888-310-3473 (FIRE).

    Further updates will be provided after the next Emergency Management Committee meeting scheduled for 7:00 pm July 10, 2018.


    Jul 10, 2018 @ 12:26

    Forest Fires Prevention Act – Emergency Areas Order


    WHEREAS subsection 23(1) of the Forest Fires Prevention Act R.S.O. 1990. c. F.24. provides that where, in the opinion of the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. a forest fire emergency exists. He may by order declare any area to be a forest fire emergency area:

    AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 7 of the Ministry of Natural Resources Act. R.S.O. 1990. c. M, 31. the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry has delegated such power and duty under the said subsection 23(1) to the undersigned by authorisation dated the 24th day of May 2012:

    AND WHEREAS the undersigned is of the opinion that is necessary to declare a forest fire emergency area:

    NOW THEREFORE pursuant to section 23(1) of the Forest Fires Prevention Act, R.S.O. 1990. c. F. 24. I HEREBY DECLARE the area described Schedule “A” attached hereto to be a forest fire emergency area. effective 1000 hours on the 9th day 01 July. 2018 until such time as the order is revoked.

    signed Tracy Neil

    AD Minister, Provincial Services Division

    Dated at Milton

    this 9th day of July, 2018

    Editor’s Note: This document restricts all interior and backcountry travel in the Temagami area.

    Mandatory travel restrictions are as follows.

    1) All travel and use of McLaren’s Road, Gibbon’s Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, St. Josephs Road, including George Gordon and Iron Lake Road,

    2) All modes of access and travel into Lady Evelyn Park, and on all crown lands in attached map in the Emergency Area Order, unless permitted by MNR permit.

    3) Use of Red Squirrel Lake road, beyond the Jack Pine Road intersection is prohibited, unless authorized by permit from MNR.

    4) All use and occupation of Crown land within 500 m of the described roads within this area are prohibited.

    Jul 10, 2018 @ 10:20[19659218]Current Fire Situation – July 9, 2018, @ 8:30 pm – From Acting Mayor Dan O’Mara

    Emergency Management Committee met at 7:30 pm July 9, 2018

    Based on reviews by Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Fire Behaviour Analysts, an Incident Management Command Team will be baduming responsibility for the firefighting efforts tomorrow, and a concern that the fire situation can change very quickly, all existing Evacuation Orders and Evacuation Alerts are to remain in place.

    Current conditions around the town of Temagami seem to have stabilized for the moment, however, there are a number of serious fires throughout our area. All Provincial Parks in the area are now closed and all interior and backcountry travel is discouraged/restricted. Please contact Ontario Parks at for more

    If you were staying at Finlayson Point or Marten River Provincial Park please contact the Park directly for information on retrieving your belongings.

    Please contact the Municipality of Temagami Office at 705-569-3421 during office hours if you have any questions or concerns. For after-hours immediate concerns only please contact Dan O’Mara 705-237-8460 or Brian Koski at 705-569-4522.

    Further updates will be provided after the next Emergency Management Committee meeting scheduled for 10:00 am July 10, 2018.

    Jul 9, 2018 @ 19:46

    On July 8, 2018 at approximately 5:45 p.m. members of the Temiskaming Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) badisted the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) by advising residents living between Finlayson Point Provincial Park Road and Jessie Lake to evacuate their homes due to a dangerously close active forest fire near Temagami, Ontario. The MNRF has implemented this mandatory evacuation and there are approximately 20 homes in this area.

    The OPP is focusing on keeping everyone safe. At this time, members of the public are being asked to not stop along the highway to take photos of the fire and/or smoke, and to keep the flow of traffic going.

    Boaters are also being asked to stay off Lake Temagami in order allow the water bombers to land and to collect water on this lake for their fire suppression efforts.

    *If planning travel, consider delaying your trip or avoiding Highway 11 between North Bay and Temiskaming Shores. The emergency management team will be meeting this evening and further updates will be released when they become available.

    Any media personnel having inquiries about the fire, is being asked to contact the MNRF.

    Jul 9, 2018 @ 18:52

    Municipality of Temagami Statement – Current Fire Situation – July 9, 2018 @ 2 pm

    Emergency Management Committee met at 2:00 pm July 9, 2018

    Reports on the Fires near Temagami are positive. Further updates on other major fires in the area will be provided as they become available.

    Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Officials are currently badessing the fire near Temagami and are not in a position to change existing evacuation orders. Therefore Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores at the South edge of the town of Temagami to Jesse Lake remains in effect.

    Evacuation standby for areas around or near the fire zone near the Town of Temagami will remain in effect until further notice, including the Evacuation Orders for Finlayson Point and Marten River Provincial Parks. The situation will continue to be monitored as the day progresses.

    Officials continue to review and set up plans in the event the fire activity increases and an evacuation is needed.
    Highway 11 North is open and the Lake Temagami Access Road is travelable. Strathcona Road remains closed. The Temagami Fire Tower Road remains closed with no access allowed to the Fire Tower.

    Hydro has been restored to Lake Temagami.

    We are advising the public who are planning to use the parks in the Temagami area to check the Ontario Parks website as Provincial and Interior Parks closures are in effect. Go to for more information.

    Anyone requiring accommodation as a result of the evacuation should contact the Municipality of Temagami office at 705-569-3421 and ask for Tammy Lepage during regular office hours.

    Please contact the Municipality of Temagami Office at 705-569-3421 if you have any questions or concerns.

    Further updates will be provided after the next Emergency Management Committee meeting scheduled for 7:30 pm July 9, 2018.

    Jul 9, 2018 @ 14:41

    map –

    A state of emergency has been declared for the community of Temagami. The arena in Temagami North is open for anyone who needs a place to stay. Residents have been told to be ready to evacuate.

    Municipality of Temagami Statement – Current Fire Situation – July 9, 2018 @ 10:30 am

    Emergency Management Committee met at 9:00 am July 9, 2018 Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores at the South edge of the town of Temagami to Jesse Lake remains in effect. Evacuation standby for areas around or near the fire zone near the Town of Temagami will remain in effect until further notice. The situation will continue to be monitored as the day progresses. The Emergency Management Committee will meet again at 2 pm July 9, 2018.

    Reports from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry were positive and crews are on scene at present evaluating and dealing with issues. Assessment Teams will be out and will be update as things progress.

    Highway 11 North is open and the Lake Temagami Access Road is travelable.

    Hydro issues on Lake Temagami should be resolved in the next few hours providing the current conditions remain as they are.

    The Temagami Arena in the Temagami North (Temagami Townsite) is open for those who need a place to go. Accommodation needs should be reported to the Municipality of Temagami office at 705-569-3421 and ask for Tammy Lepage.

    The Municipality will be receiving updates on other fires in the area, especially Fire NB42 near Red Cedar Lake.
    Updates and issues dealing with the two Provincial Parks that were evacuated will be handled by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and they will be issuing their own updates and media releases.

    The Temiskaming Health Unit will be issuing information related to concerns of the smoke and respiratory issues.
    Please contact the Municipality of Temagami Office at 705-569-3421 if you have any questions or concerns. Further updates will be provided after the next meeting scheduled for 2:00 pm this afternoon.

    Jul 8, 2018 @ 22:35

    One of the many supports for those going to help and those being evacuated.

    Municipality of Temagami Statement

    Updated Fire Situation in Temagami at 9 pm July 8, 2018; from Acting Mayor Dan O’Mara.

    Emergency Management Committee met at 8:30 pm.

    Mandatory Evacuation Order from Temagami Shores at the south end of the town to Jesse Lake remains in effect along with evacuation standby for areas around or near fire zone near the Town of Temagami.

    Reports from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry are that fire crews are making progress and will continue working the fire until dark and will resume attack efforts at dawn. There are additional crews and resources on route.

    Other local fire departments have sent resources to the town and will be coordinating efforts with the Temagami Fire Department and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. We have also been contacted by a number of our neighbouring communities who have offered their support.

    The Emergency Management Committee will hold a meeting at 9 a.m. Monday morning to update the situation.

    If you have concerns please call Dan O’Mara 705-237-8460 or Brian Koski at 705-569-4522.

    Jul 8, 2018 @ 20:30

    On July 8, 2018 at approximately 5:45 p.m. members of the Temiskaming Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) badisted the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) by advising residents living between Finlayson Point Provincial Park Road and Jessie Lake to evacuate their homes due to a dangerously close active forest fire near Temagami, Ontario. The MNRF has implemented this mandatory evacuation and there are approximately 20 homes in this area.

    Members of the public have been asked to leave their residence immediately and travel northbound on Highway 11, away from the active fires.

    Residents living in the area between Jessie Lake and the Lake Temagami Access Road have been placed on, “alert” suggesting that they may be asked to evacuate should fire conditions in their area worsen.

    Those residents residing in the Town of Temagami are currently on a voluntary notice to evacuate and are also being asked to travel northbound on Highway 11 if they choose to leave at this time.

    Assisting with the operations is the Temagami Fire Department. There is currently no road closure that will allow residents to travel, however; it is anticipated that fire conditions may worsen and as such Highway 11 may be closed at a later time.

    *If planning travel, avoid Highway 11 between North Bay and Temiskaming Shores.

    Jul 8, 2018 @ 19:59


    Evacuated: Marten River and Finlayson Point Provincial Parks have been evacuated.

    Mandatory Evacuation: ALL residents from Temagami Shores to Jesse Lake are under a mandatory evacuation and are to go north.

    Standby: Residents from Jesse Lake to the Lake Temagami Access Road are on standby notice.

    Alert for Evacuation: Temagami North

    Residents on islands in Lake Temagami are being advised to stay where they are at this time.

    Marten River is evacuating some roads and is on standby evacuation notice. They are to go south.

    The arena in Temagami North is open for people to go there.

    The Emergency Management Team has met and will be meeting again this evening and will give updates on the situation as needed.

    Those who want to leave on their own are asked to proceed north along Highway 11.

    Wawa-news will continue to update as information becomes available.

    Source link