FIRST ALERT: Isolated storms tonight, Severe Thunderstorm Watch


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<div id= BIRMINGHAM, AL (WBRC) –

STAY TOMORROW AND TOMORROW: The eve of violent thunderstorms in East Alabama is expected to expire at 1 am. We are seeing isolated downpours and thunderstorms tonight as a front is crossing the area. A strong additional storm has developed over Talladega County and heavy rains have developed in Jefferson County. You may hear rumblings after midnight, especially if you live south of I-20 and east of I-65. I expect a lot of sun for Sunday, with some isolated showers and maybe a storm. The areas at the extreme south and at the opposite end of the zone, to the northeast, will have a better chance of having a shower. The rainy weather will not last long as a more active flow pattern will be in place and it will not be as hot tomorrow, with highs close to 90 degrees. The break in gloom will be more noticeable early Monday morning, with troughs in the 60s.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR NEXT WEEK: A higher level trough will develop Monday in the region and this will dominate the Weather history early next week. So what does this mean for our region? You can expect a mix of clouds and sunshine for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, with scattered thunderstorms and likely showers. Depending on the position of the upper depression, the greatest concentration of rain and storms will be in the east of I-65 for the beginning of the week. From mid-week to the end of the week, we will be in the most typical summer mode with regard to rain cover scattered in the area after lunch time. The Highs will be in the 80s to start the week, with the 90 bbad next weekend.

Make sure to check with me after baseball coverage tonight for a First Alert update on the storms affecting our area tonight. Meteorologist Fred Hunter will have updates on Sunday morning from 5 am

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