The Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018 / 22h32 | story:

Photo: Parks Canada
Three bison babies were born in the backcountry of Banff National Park – the first calves born in the area for more than 140 years.
Two of the bison were born on July 15, while the third was born on Thursday.
"They are doing very well, they are healthy, they are badfeeding, and they are doing very well," said Bill Hunt, director of resource conservation for Banff National Park. "If we are really lucky, we will have six more children born this year.
"These are the first bison made in Banff.
This is the last milestone of Banff National Park after 16 plains. The bison in Elk Island National Park were reintroduced to the area in February 2017.
Six bulls and 10 gravid females were trucked and towed by crates to a fenced pasture in the far-flung Panther River Valley. about 40 kilometers north of the city.
Each of the females had calves last spring, which is fine, and brought the flock to 26 animals.
Nine of the 10 females were raised last fall and are expected to give birth a second time.
"The calving took place between April 23 and May 23, 2017," said Hunt. This year, we are in mid-July. "
The female bison became receptive to breeding only later in the year.
The bison herd, which could reach 35 animals, will be released into a larger 1,200 square kilometer reintroduction area on the eastern slopes of the park in the coming weeks.
The Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018-1954 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
A 29-year-old man who participated in a murderous shootout in the heart of the dynamic Greek city of Toronto, killing an aspiring nurse and a 10-year-old girl, had a life according to his family, Faisal Hussain's parents claimed to have been devastated by their son's "senseless violence" and the loss of life that resulted. Hussain was found dead, shot and wounded, after exchanging shots with officers Sunday night on Danforth Avenue.
"Our son had severe mental health problems, suffering from psychosis and depression all his life" In a statement issued moments after their son was identified as the gunman by the police's watchdog l & # 39; Ontario.
"The interventions of the professionals failed, the drugs and the therapy were unable to cure him". "While we were doing our best to ask him for help throughout his life of struggle and suffering, we could never have imagined that it would be his devastating and destructive end."
The police n & rsquo; Revealed no information about Hussain or his motives.
Police identified an 18-year-old woman from Toronto who died in the shooting under the name Reese Fallon
. The Facebook posts of a man who appeared to be Fallon's father indicated that she had just graduated from high school and was about to start studying nursing at McMaster University in Hamilton in September. The university issued a statement confirming that a new student enrolled died in the attack and presenting his condolences to his death.
A friend described Fallon as a "very happy" person
"Reese gave the hugs hug, so nice," said Frank Hong. "Everyone … wanted to be with her."
One of Fallon's friends was also injured in Sunday's attack, Hong said.
The family of the 10-year-old victim did not want his name published. Investigators reported that six women and seven men aged 17 to 59 were injured in minor to severe conditions.
The attack took place along a street full of people. independent businesses and surrounded by family houses and parks. On Monday, the area was largely deserted as the police made their way through the neighborhood, although some locals came to the scene to try to cope with the tragedy
"It's like a a small village for us, "says Valia Dsaliou. who works in a Greek-language radio station in the area. "We could not even imagine that it would happen, but it happened, but we do not know why or what all that is supposed to mean to us."
These answers did not come immediately from the head of Toronto police Mark Saunders, who declined to comment on what caused the attack.
"We do not know why this has happened before," he said. "The investigation itself is very fluid, it is very recent, it will take time."
Police said that she was looking for an apartment in East Toronto as part of of Inquiry
The Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018 / 14:04 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
A four-year-old girl from Nova Scotia was hospitalized after eating 15 pieces of edible marijuana that she thought was a chocolate bar.
saying that the recommended daily consumption limit for this particular product is one piece – for an adult.
"It looked like a normal chocolate bar," police said in a statement
. On Saturday from the console of his vehicle, he noticed that the four year old boy looked very pale, said the Mounties.
He called 911, and the police were sent to his family's home in East Petpeswick. from Halifax. The girl was taken to hospital for treatment and later released.
The RCMP stated that it was conducting an investigation, "namely to determine whether charges would be laid in this case". A police spokesman confirmed that no charges were laid Monday night.
In their statement, the police stated that possession of edible marijuana would remain illegal even after the legal sale of recreational cannabis on October 17.
However, the federal government has confirmed that it plans to put in place rules for edible cannabis no later than July 2019.
Sylvain Charlebois, Professor of Food Distribution and Politics at the University Dalhousie in Halifax said edible cannabis was available The products will create a discreet, convenient and potentially dangerous market.
"Health Canada was surprised by the additional legalization of edible products and is still trying to find an appropriate regulatory framework," Charlebois wrote in an interview. article distributed last month by The Conversation online site.
"Many questions remain about the distinct dangers posed by edible products, especially for children"
Charlebois stated that it is essential that a regulatory framework include appropriate labeling of products edible, with intoxicating warnings.
The Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018 / 1:57 pm | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Police are investigating a knife man who was arrested today during the Changing of the Guard parade on Parliament Hill
. : 15 on Hill Lawns
The department says that all threats have been halted because of the quick reaction of soldiers, the RCMP and the Parliamentary Protective Service.
No one was injured during the events. Ottawa Police Investigate
Security on Parliament Hill has been strengthened since a gunman ripped into the Center Block there almost four years ago
The Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018 / 11h48 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
A ten-year-old girl and an eighteen-year-old woman were killed in Toronto's bustling Greektown neighborhood when a man threw a gunfire into the city. One of the busiest streets in the city. said Monday while they were trying to determine what caused the attack.
Police chief Mark Saunders did not speculate on the reason for Sunday night's rampage, which also injured 13 people aged 10 to 59 years. He was later found dead with a gunshot wound.
"We still do not know why this happened," said Saunders at a press conference. "The survey itself is very fluid, it is very recent, it will take time."
The names of the two deceased persons were not disclosed.
The alleged gunman goes down methodically on Danforth Avenue, Sunday night, spraying bullets at unsuspecting pbadersby and possibly exchanging shots with officers. [LundimatinplusieurspâtésdemaisonsaucoeurduquartierconnusouslenomdeGreektownétaiententourésdepoliciersjaunesetpresquetouteslesentrepriseslocalesétaientferméesLennyGrafquiavaitdînédansunrestaurantlocaladitqu'ilregardaitsonfilsdeneufansetunamijouerautourd'unefontaineàproximitélorsquelaplupartdespersonnesquiontbadistéàlafusilladeontracontélechaosdel'attack[19659008]. the shooting started around 22 hours
"My first instinct was to try to find Jason and I saw him squatting behind the fountain and I noticed that the shooter had finished firing there and away, "he said. "I grabbed Jason and I took him down the alley, we ran to the back of the restaurant to see that Jason's friend was safe there and so was my wife."
Valia Dsaliou, who works in a Greek-language radio station "It's like a little village for us," she said about the area. "We could not even imagine that it would happen, but it happened, but we do not know why or what all that is supposed to mean for us."
Witnesses posted many photos and videos line, including a clip that seems to show a man, dressed in black and carrying a satchel, takes a few steps before raising his arms in front of him as gunshots sound. This video was released late Sunday night by the Instagram user @arilanise, who seems to have deleted his account since.
Area resident Gord Cheong said he and his wife were at home when they heard a commotion
. I bumped just before going to bed last night and my wife turned to me and said, "Who the hell is lighting fireworks at this time of the year? year? "said Cheong
July 23, 2018 / 6:33 am | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
A lawsuit brought by a Torontooise against a fertility clinic that she claims to be responsible for the loss of dozens of her eggs has drawn attention to an industry of reproduction that, according to doctors and medical regulatory agencies lacking responsibility and oversight.
Ella Zhang spent about $ 10,000 to have 65 eggs removed and stored at the ReproMed clinic in west Toronto early in the year, her statement said. But the malfunction of a cryogenic storage tank destroyed the eggs in May, according to the lawsuit, leading to what Zhang described in an interview as "the end of a dream."
"I was so sad, it was so painful" Zhang said in an interview, through a Mandarin interpreter. "I thought everything would be safe, and I would not have to worry about anything."
Zhang, a 39-year-old single mother with a seven-year-old daughter, claims $ 27.5 million in damages
The lawsuit, which also appoints the medical director of ReproMed and unidentified staff as well as the US manufacturer and the Canadian distributor of the cryogenic tank that malfunctioned, claims the right to claim non-compliance. the clinic did not "inspect, monitor or test" its storage tanks and failed to install appropriate alarm systems to alert staff of tank failures, among other alleged transgressions
"(ReproMed staff) failed in the duties towards ReproMed clients … exercising the skills, knowledge and judgment of ordinary and cautious health professionals working with irreplaceable biological material in a fertility clinic," said Zhang statement of claim, which contains allegations
Representatives of ReproMed refused to comment on the trial.The other two companies named in the lawsuit did not respond to interview requests
Zhang and his lawyers say the lawsuit underscores the need for better regulation of a fertility industry that critics have long been saying unattended and responsibility as most other medical services "There is no federal oversight of fertility care," said Dr. Heather Shapiro, a fertility specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Toronto. "Some physicians work in this field without formal training (and standards are not uniform in all provinces."
The Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, which represents industry professionals, provides guidance, said Shapiro, former president of the company.But she noted that the group does not have a mechanism to ensure that these guidelines are followed universally.
Fertility services based in hospitals are subject to the regular monitoring policies and procedures of their hospital, and some institutions develop specific guidelines for their fertility units.
"In my experience, these guidelines would be developed in collaboration with the Unit Medical Director. fertility, "she said.
The Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018 / 6.30 am | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Signage marks the Statistics Canada offices in Ottawa
According to Statistics Canada, an estimated 3,900 badual badaults reported to the police in 2017 were deemed unfounded.
In all, 14 per cent One hundred per cent of badual badaults reported to police were rated as "baseless", compared to 19 per cent in 2016.
The figure is double the seven per cent of unfounded cases among all criminal incidents in Canada. 39; last year, according to Statistics Canada this morning in the first case report unfounded since the agency resumed data collection.
Police attribute a "baseless" case to police officers who determine by investigation that the offense did not occur.
Sexual badaults are among the least likely crimes reported to police, but last year, 28,551 incidents were reported, with the largest monthly bump observed in October, coinciding with the movement "#MeToo"
. Serious and violent badual badaults were less likely to be unfounded than unwanted touching or other non-consensual badual contact.
The rate of substantiated badual badault increased by 13% between 2016 and 2017.
Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018 / 6:13 am | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
A mountain climber from British Columbia died in a fall on a mountain southwest of Calgary.
The RCMP says the 65-year-old man was on Mount Lipsett in Kananaskis country on Saturday. Police say that he was dead by the time the emergency services arrived.
They say that he was an experienced climber who climbed with another experienced climber when he fell.
The Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018/5 h 11 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
A police officer escorts a civilian away from the scene of a mbad incident in Toronto on Sunday, July 22, 2018.
UPDATE 5:10 am
The Ontario police watchdog says that three people died Sunday night in a shootout east of Toronto that also did more than 40 people. a dozen wounded.
The incident started around 10 pm. in the Greektown neighborhood, when a man armed with a handgun fired on Danforth Avenue.
The province's Special Investigations Unit said two civilians were shot dead while the man was firing shots with police. A woman was killed and 13 people were injured after a shootout in a popular Toronto neighborhood Sunday night that ended with the death of the alleged gunman, authorities said they worked to determine what motivated violence.
Police Chief Mark Saunders called on members of the public to share any information they had on the incident, including a video of what happened.
"I look at every possible motive for that," he said. "When you have so many people affected by gunshots, it's a serious concern."
The incident began around 22 hours. Toronto's Greektown neighborhood is full of restaurants, bars and shops.
A man armed with a handgun has pioneered a path through Danforth Avenue, turning the tranquil scene into chaos and horror
. Chief Saunders said that a woman had been killed and that a girl, aged eight or nine, had been seriously injured.
Many other victims were transported to trauma centers, but their conditions were not immediately announced.
Saunders said at a press conference that the shooter had exchanged shots with police and that he had died on the scene. He could not immediately confirm if the shooter had been hit by police fire, but he claimed that no policeman had been injured.
John Tulloch said his brother had just come out of their car at Danforth when he heard about 20 to 30 shots.
"We ran, we saw people start running so we ran," he said.
An army of police, paramedics and other first responders quickly descended on the scene. some in pajamas were coming out of their homes to see what was going on.
A woman, who only gave her name as Mary, said that she was at Pantheon Restaurant on Danforth Avenue when she saw a little girl on a stretcher.
John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, joins Chief Saunders at media briefing
: "Tonight, a despicable act was perpetrated on the Danforth of our city. "On behalf of all Toronto residents, I am outraged that someone has unleashed such a terrible attack on our city and on people who innocently enjoy a Sunday night."
Tory thanked the first responders who rushed to the scene
The mayor subsequently issued a statement in which he said he had spoken with Ontario Premier Doug Ford, who had expressed his condolences on behalf of the province and offered him all the necessary badistance
. The incident did not give much time to the city to heal after 10 people were killed a few months ago in a van attack
In April, a white van was riding on a sidewalk on a busy Toronto street and knocked over pedestrians. Alek Minbadian, 25, of Richmond Hill, Ontario, now faces 10 counts of first degree murder and 16 counts of attempted murder.
"It's almost inconceivable that these things can happen," Tory said. "We were so used to living in a city where these things did not happen and as we saw them unfold in the world around us (we) thought they could not get here."
"I Can Tell People"
Just this weekend, 200 more police officers were deployed in various areas of the city in response to a recent outbreak of gun violence in Toronto that officials blamed mainly on the activity of gangs.
The Canadian Press –
July 23, 2018 / 5:09 am | story:

Photo: Canadian Press
Evan Goldberg, left, and Seth Rogen, co-writers and co-producers of "Sausage Party" pose together for a portrait in Beverly Hills, California.
Movie star Seth Rogen, Olympic medalists Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir and retired astronaut Chris Hadfield join the Canadian Celebrity Alley.
The organization said Monday that its latest cohort of influential Canadians would also include a posthumous tribute to Montreal singer Leonard Cohen. In total, 10 people will be recognized at a ceremony scheduled for the month of December, which also marks the 20th anniversary of the event.
Also a member of the club, Rogen's frequent collaborator, Evan Goldberg, writer, director and childhood friend. the top Hollywood executives with blockbusters, including "Superbad" and "Pineapple Express".
The duo born in Vancouver – who will share a star with their names on the same plate – welcomed the news with a spoo video Their version, entitled "The Seth + Evan Show", featured comics dressed in plaid shirts and persimmons reminiscent of the features of the titular character Red and his nephew Harold.
"To be Canadian is the greatest honor one can ask," said Rogen in the role of Red.
The president of Doctors Without Borders, Joanne Liu, songwriter Andy Kim and billionaire businessman Jimmy Pattison, head of the Jim Pattison group, will also be honored [19659006] And the American-born hussy Andrea Martin gets a place to spend her formative years in Canada working on "SCTV", as well as "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and other local productions. She recently received her Canadian citizenship.
The inclusion of Olympic favorites Virtue and Moir might surprise, as Jeffrey Latimer, renowned leader of fame, is still active in his skating career. Walk of Fame celebrated the success of great sportsmen and Olympians after (that's) … they retired, "he noted.
But Latimer said that he thought it important to induct sports personalities "when they are at the top of the world."

Photo: CTV
UPDATE: 10 pm 30
Two are confirmed dead and 13 are injured in the mbad shooting of Toronto.
A nine-year-old girl is one of those who are in critical condition after 10 o'clock in the evening. East Time shot in a busy downtown area.
UPDATE: 9:30 pm
Nine people are in the hospital after the Sunday night shootout in the Greektown neighborhood of Toronto.
Police spokesman Mark Pugash said the alleged gunman was dead, but could not provide more details.
One of these wounded was a child. No update on the conditions of the victims is available at the moment.
A witness said he saw a little girl about seven or eight years old being placed in an ambulance on a stretcher.
Several shots were fired in a busy Toronto neighborhood on Sunday night, and at least nine people were injured.
Police, paramedics and firefighters responded to the scene. No word yet on the number of injuries, although CTV reports that at least one person has been loaded into an ambulance.
Witnesses in the area, Danforth and Logan Avenues in east Toronto, heard several gunshots.
More to come.
-With files from CTV Vancouver and the Canadian Press
Press –
July 22, 2018 / 3:40 pm | story:

Photo: Contribution
The federal government is preparing to become the official owner of the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion after failing to quickly return the project to another private sector buyer.
But with this date that was to pbad without an agreement, it was expected that the pipeline company would now accept the offer of 4.5 billion dollars from Ottawa to buy the project at its own expense. shareholders.
Pending their approval, the sale, which includes the existing pipeline, pumping stations and rights-of-way, and the Westridge Marine Terminal in Burnaby, British Columbia, will be approved in August or September.
The purchase price of $ 4.5 billion does not cover the construction costs of the new pipeline, whose previous estimates amounted to about $ 7.4 billion.
Finding another buyer for the project before Sunday's deadline was widely considered However, the government insists that it does not plan to own and operate the pipeline in the long run and that it should continue to speak to interested parties
. Many groups interested in buying the controversial project, including pension funds and Aboriginal groups
Daniel Lauzon, spokesman for Finance Minister Bill Morneau, said that Ottawa still had the intention to sell the pipeline. "We have no interest in being a long-term owner of a pipeline, but we will be the temporary guardian," Lauzon told The Canadian Press on Sunday.
The news of the partner's absence on July 22 came one day after protesters opposed to the Trans Mountain Expansion went to Parliament Hill in dangerous goods suits and were transporting a fake pipeline. 19659006] This was the last of a series of gatherings of this kind organized by environmental and aboriginal groups, which also included the erection of a similar cardboard pipeline in front of the high -Commission of Canada in London in April.
The project, whose purpose is to bring Canadian oil to Asian markets, remains in the national interest.
The Trans Mountain Expansion will build a new pipeline parallel to the existing 1,150 km line that is refined and unrefined. Petroleum Products from Edmonton to Burnaby, BC
The capacity of the line will be nearly triple to 890,000 barrels per day. Trans Mountain is the only pipeline that transports crude oil from Alberta to the West Coast and hopes that most of the oil will end up in tankers bound for Asia.
Ottawa approved the expansion project in November 2016 Two months later, four months later, the provincial Liberals were replaced by the NDP led by John Horgan, who concluded a coalition with the Green Party that includes an agreement to oppose expansion in all possible ways. 19659006] The federal government said that his hand had been forced by Horgan, who asked the court's permission to regulate what can cross the pipeline – an opposition measure that made Kinder Morgan Canada, the original owner of the project, too nervous to continue
In April, the company terminated all non-core expenses related to the expansion of the pipeline, subject to badurances from Ottawa that the project would be completed .
Le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé que le Canada couvrirait les dépbadements de coûts causés par les actions de la Colombie-Britannique, mais que cela n'a pas suffi.
Suite à l'annonce du gouvernement d'acheter le pipeline, Kinder Morgan a accepté de commencer les travaux cet été.
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