Five years after the start of early access, DayZ arrives in beta before the release of version 1.0 this year


The Early Access Early Access Game DayZ is about to exit the program as a full version 1.0. To this end, the development team has launched a beta version of the experimental game server. With some improvements and bug fixes, the game will be available in full by the end of 2018. On the development side, the team released a freeze of features and content to focus instead on cleaning the beta for a full version.

The team details exactly what these next steps will look like in a detailed blog post on DayZ site, offering his fellow developers a Q & A that explores the last months of the game as an Early Access title.

The development team stated that the request to release version 1.0 by the end of the year was critical to their well-being and DayZ. Slippage management features is a problem that many game developers have faced, but the Early Access development model can exacerbate this problem.

In the post, lead producer Eugen Harton then explains that the team could continue in Early Access and continue the trend of adding and polishing in tandem, while ultimately focusing on the goal. DayZ a stable version, 1.0 will be better for the team and the future of the game itself.

"Making a new weapon in a game that hangs or stops shooting every day because of low level changes is not fun for us either," says Harton. "We know that this step is not only important for the game, but also for the team here. Although we have been able to use version 0.64 and continue development as many of you have suggested, we need to start on schedule and be prepared to set priorities. "

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