It's here that Ontario voters would meet this week as a result of the horrific shooting on the Danforth in Toronto, waiting for their governments to work together in their interest common.

At the end of his press conference on the cabinet shuffle at Rideau Hall, Justin Trudeau offered a reflection on irregular border workers and job seekers. ;asylum. The Conservatives play a very dangerous game of the politics of fear, pitting Canadians against each other, "he said. "We need strong and rebaduring voices to counter this and demonstrate that the safety of Canadians is something we will never back away from."
Then he repeated, word for word, in French.
It was an extraordinarily partisan, probably unknown, statement that a prime minister was giving at the Governor General's residence.
Trudeau, surrounded by two grenadier guards, used the Governor General's residence as a backdrop. Trudeau's comments were the culmination of Liberal attacks that did not target the Conservatives and Andrew Scheer in Ottawa, but on
Prime Minister Doug Ford, rightly, chose rather unusually discretion as the best part of valor
. He said at the closing of the conference of prime ministers in New Brunswick two days later. "I'm not going to do politics with that."
But make no mistake, Ford and the Ontario Conservatives have been the target of a concerted liberal retreat on their position that the Financing the domiciliation and hosting of thousands of refugees
The federal Minister of Immigration, Ahmed Hussen, went so far as to say that the critical comments of the provincial minister, Lisa MacLeod, were "Non-Canadian".
Hussen walking on his own fascinating account As a Somali refugee who arrived in Canada as a teenager in the 1990s, he continued his law studies and became a lawyer specializing in law. immigration, after serving in Dalton McGuinty's prime minister's office at Queen's Park. He should have called MacLeod, in the immortal words of John Diefenbaker, his "Canadian compatriot," with whom he had not agreed, rather than insulting him as a non-Canadian. From Cape Breton where she grew up to the east of Ontario that she represents, no one is questioning her Canadian credentials.
Then Trudeau's principal secretary, Gerald Butts, jumped on Twitter and said, "That's enough. Resist this fear that divides asylum seekers. Let's not allow the alt-right to do here what they do elsewhere. "The alt-right."
Butts, like Katie Telford, chief of staff of the Prime Minister's Office, and most of the Trudeau Trust worked at Queen's Park at the McGuinty's era from 2003 to 2013. And for them, Ford is an irresistible target, against which they can campaign in Ontario much easier than against the most spongy Scheer.
But maybe they forget the rule of balances controls, which is not in the Constitution, but Ontario voters have incorporated it into the ballot box for decades
. Simply, when the government is red in Ottawa, it is usually blue at Queen's Park or vice versa
You can look at this: under John Robarts and Lester B. Pearson in the 1960s, Bill Davis and Pierre Trudeau in the 1970s, David Peterson and Brian Mulroney in the 1980s even Mike Harris and Jean Chrétien in the In the 1990s, and after all the differences between McGuinty and Stephen Harper after 2006, they understood that Ottawa and Queen's Park had to make common cause in the economy.
It is here that Ontario voters would meet again this week following the awful Danforth shooting in Toronto, waiting for their governments to work together in their hometown. common interest. The last thing these voters are looking for is provocative messages on Twitter, and they would be in the mood to punish any elected official or high official who would be so stupid.
No, they would expect what they saw late. Monday afternoon: Ford sits with Bill Blair, the new federal Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, at Toronto Mayor John Tory's office. With all these shootings, on the part of the crowd, but also seemingly from a lone gunman in this tragic event, it's just to ask if it's safe to bring your kids to dinner in Toronto .
This is not a secret for anyone. stand up to each other, as Toronto Metropolitan Police Chief and during his harsh comments on Ford's late brother, then Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, about his addictions and his use of cocaine. In fact, the appointment of Mr. Blair to these federal ministerial positions in Ontario last week was interpreted as a slap in the face of Ford.
But it's different. The people of Toronto and Ontario will demand that Ottawa and Queen's Park rise above the partisan fray and do something about it. Bring Toronto the Good
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