Ford government ends cooperation with Ottawa on resettlement of asylum seekers


Prime Minister Doug Ford's Progressive Conservative Prime Minister blamed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for creating a "mess", but he pulled out of Ontario's cooperation in helping Ottawa with the plaintiffs From the asylum

to Queen's Park, the rookie prime minister does not understand the complexities of the migrant crisis that is currently weighing on housing resources in Toronto.

"The Prime Minister did not seem so aware of his international obligations to the United Nations Convention on Refugees. as he could have been, "Prime Minister told reporters Thursday

" So I spent some time explaining how the asylum application system works and how our system is supposed to work, "said Trudeau.I rebadured the prime minister – or I tried to rebadure the prime minister – that the asylum seeker stream is distinct from the industry. Immigration, "he said.

" Canada has always had a separation the procedure for badessing refugees and determining whether they are actually fleeing violence, persecution and terror, or so they are just economic migrants, how much they would be sent home. "

As first revealed the Star, Ontario's Minister of Child Services, Services and social services, Lisa MacLeod, informed the federal Minister of Immigration, Ahmed Hussen , that the province was pulling out of the crisis triggered by President Donald Trump's policies on migrants. Thousands of asylum seekers have invaded Canada from the United States. The influx has put a strain on federal, provincial and municipal facilities to help these unexpected newcomers.

MacLeod said Thursday that Trudeau had made a "choice" by hosting illegal border workers and that the province should not have to

"It's him who tweeted that everyone was welcome here and because of that, thousands of people have crossed the border illegally and this has put a lot of our public resources to the test, The Minister said: [TRADUCTION] "he wants to welcome them," he said. is fine, but he should make sure that he pays for them and that he compensates the municipalities as well as … the provincial government, "said Ms. MacLeod, who added

L & rsquo; The stalemate could spell the end of the Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement signed by former Liberal Prime Minister Kathleen Wynne last November

. illegal border crossings into Canada, and the federal government continues to bring people from on the other side of the border between the United States and Quebec in Ontario, said his office Thursday. said Simon Jefferies, the prime minister's press secretary

. "This has resulted in a housing crisis and threats to the services on which Ontario families depend, a waste that was the result of the 100% federal government, and the federal government should pay 100% of the bills," said Jefferies.

"The Ontario government offers a wide range of supports to newcomers to our province, will continue to move forward."

John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, said that "thousands of asylum seekers and asylum seekers are in the Toronto shelter system" and "this can not continue and must be resolved."

"This includes 800 people, many of whom are children, who will need shelter after August 9, when we will no longer be able to use two university dormitories. "

" The City of Toronto has made it clear that we need 39, help to cope with a number without precedent of asylum seekers and asylum seekers, "said Mr. Maxim Labrecque, spokesman for Quebec Immigration Minister David Heurtel. Discussions are continuing with the special task force on the resettlement of asylum seekers who arrive in Quebec but do not want to settle there.

Labrecque did not comment on the government's withdrawal from Ontario. The provincial government considers delays in the processing of asylum applications to be a major problem.

"Quebec maintains the services it offers to asylum seekers, but it must also do so in accordance with its requirements. real capacity, which has already been achieved, "he said.

The issue of migrants was not the only bone of contention at the Trudeau-Ford Summit

while the prime minister, who was sworn in on Friday, had tweeted that he had had a "first successful official meeting" with Trudeau.Ontario's decision to waive its cap-and-trade alliance. The issue with Quebec and California

paves the way for Trudeau's imposition of a national carbon price on Ontario, which was exempt from the federal program.

Ford has set aside $ 30 million for a court challenge to the Prime Minister's proposal, which would come into force next year.

"Obviously, it's better to work with the provinces" Trudeau, who said that he reminded the newly elected prime minister that he also had a great "mandate" from the voters.

With the files of Jennifer Pagliaro and Alex Ballingall

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