Forest fire concerns develop with strong winds, high heat in British Columbia. provide


It took a little longer than in recent years, but the forest fire season seems to have arrived in BC

The BC Wildfire Service reported five new fires on Thursday, the largest of which near Kamloops in size in a few hours.

Fire in balloons east of Kamloops up to 200 hectares

After a wet start of the season, the fire danger rating in the province began to drop in most areas and increase in parts of northern British Columbia.

This situation is likely to worsen over the next few days, with hot and dry weather forecasts for much of the province, according to Global BC weather forecaster Kristi Gordon.

"The danger of fire has been greatly aggravated There has been no rain or heat in the last 24 hours," said Gordon. "[On Wednesday] This same map shows mostly blue, or "very low" in southern British Columbia.

Temperatures are expected to reach 34 degrees by next Tuesday in central Okanagan. [19659002Shestatedthattheweathercouldcausesignificantheadachesforfirefightersresultinginhighwindsofupto70kilometersanddryflashes

a special weather report due to the winds, which should be be the strongest in the Okanagan, Shuswap, Boundary, Arrow Lakes and Nicola regions

Strongest winds are expected after pbading the front during Friday night

WATCH: Firefighting Teams and Firefighters Kamloops weavers fight forest fires

The BC Wildfire Service says its teams are keeping a close eye on the weather and getting ready for what could be a busy weekend. Our resources are listening to this information and they will be used during the weekend to respond to anything that could happen throughout the province, especially in the southern part where there is a lot of heat, "he said. Clear. Allen

Allen says that there are currently 51 forest fires burning across the province.

It's less than a third of the 181 that were active last summer, and that means the crews should not be in a hurry for resources.

However, with rising temperatures, Allen warned the public to be extremely cautious about any source of fire.

"We urge people to pay attention to any kind of flames. if it is in the backcountry, it will not divert our resources to human-made fires, "she said

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