Four accused in Florida shooting rapper XXXTentacion


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – A Florida grand jury charged four men with first-degree murder and armed robbery in the shooting death of young rap star XXXTentacion

Dedrick Williams, 22; Michael Boatwright, 22; Trayvon Newsome, 20; and Robert Allen, 22, Wednesday, court records showed.

According to a warrant filed in the case of Boatwright, the car driven by XXXTentacion, his real name Jahseh Onfroy, was blocked by a dark-colored SUV. the motorcycle shop Riva Motor Sports last month. Two masked men came out of the SUV with a rifle with the intention of stealing XXXTentacion, which had a Louis Vitton bag containing $ 50,000 in cash, the police said.

A struggle ensued and the 20-year-old rapper was shot several times. or more shooters, who took the bag and fled, the authorities said. The indictment names Boatwright the person who shot down XXXTentacion

Williams was arrested two days after the shooting, and Boatwright was arrested earlier this month on an unrelated drug charge. Authorities continue to search Allen and Newsome

At least one of the suspects, Williams, was seen in the store on surveillance cameras while XXXTentacion was shopping, court records show. An employee of the store said Williams had bought a black neoprene mask and that he had recognized Williams as a repeat customer, according to the warrant.

Williams then told police that he was with others at the motorcycle store but did not know the rapper, according to the archives. Authorities say Williams drove the SUV.

"Williams said that he wanted to tell the truth … Williams said he was afraid to be labeled a keen gold when he went to jail," says the mandate. Williams' girlfriend told them that he had told her that he was involved, but that it was Boatwright and Newsome who had committed the robbery and the badbadination. According to authorities, the police also found cell phone data on Boatwright's phone stating that she was near the motorcycle shop at the time of the murder.

Other evidence includes videos and photos of three of the suspects. XXXTentacion, who wore dreadlocks and facial tattoos and spoke his name "Ex ex-ex-ta-see-YAWN", was a rising platinum star selling songs about prejudice and depression. He also drew criticism of bad behavior and multiple arrests, including accusations that he severely beat and abused his girlfriend.

Messages sent to Boatwright and Williams' lawyers were not immediately returned. It was not clear immediately whether the other two had lawyers.

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