Four people are seriously injured after a shootout near Kensington Market Sunday night, according to paramedics.
Toronto Police was called in the area of Augusta Avenue. and College St., just west of Spadina Avenue, at around 10:30 pm for reports of gunshots, Const. David Hopkinson Says:
When emergency services arrived at the scene, four victims were found with gunshot wounds .
Paramedics said that one person had been taken to the trauma center with serious, possibly fatal injuries, while the other three were being transported to the hospital with serious injuries, but not not putting their lives in danger
The shooting comes one day after two men were shot dead on Queen St. W. Police said Sunday that the victims were Jahvante Smart, 21, and Ernest Modekwe, 28, both of Toronto.
Various members of the hip-hop community, as well as music publications, identified the victims as rappers Smoke Dawg and Koba Prime, also known as Kosi.
A woman was also injured during the shooting. should survive.
Speaking to reporters Sunday morning, Mayor John Tory said he was "madly mad" about the wave of gun violence across the city.
"I spoke to Chief (Mark) Saunders this morning and I know Tory said:
He reiterated that Toronto is safe, saying that gangs are" the only ones that pose a threat to security "of the city."
with files of the Star team
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